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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 11


Deskriptoren: Cosack, Erhard (1941-)Harun ar-Rashid (786c-808)

1Buchbeitrag  Charlemagne et Hârûn al-Rashîd: premières rencontres entre monde musulman et Occident chrétien siècle):
Sot, Michel. (2012) - In: L'Islam au carrefour des civilisations médiévales S. 27-42

2Buchbeitrag  Najrân Inc.: the Najrâni exiles in Iraq, Syria and Bahrayn from 'Umar ibn al-Khattâb to Hârûn al-Rashid
Lecker, Michael. (2010) - In: Juifs et chrétiens en Arabie aux Ve et VIe siècles S. 293-?

3Buchbeitrag  Harun Al-Rashid
Turner, John P.. (2006) - In: Medieval Islamic civilization. An encyclopedia S. 314-315

4Monographie  Harun al-Rashid and the world of the Thousand and One Nights
Clot, André. - London (2005)

5Artikel  A fragment of Abu Al-Faraj Harun's "Al-Kitab Al-Mustamil" in Arabic script
Basal, Nasir. (2002) - In: The Jewish quarterly review Bd. 92 (2002) S. 1-20

6Monographie  Reinterpreting Islamic historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the narrative of the Abbasid caliphate
El-Hibri, Tayeb. - Cambridge (1999)

7Buchbeitrag  Harun al-Rashid and the Brewer: Preliminary Remarks on the Adab of the Elite versus Hikayat: The Continuation of Some of the Traditional Literary Models, from the 'Classical' Arabic Heritage, up to the Emergence of Modern Forms
Sadan, Joseph. (1998) - In: Studies in Canonical and Popular Arabic Literature S. 1-22

8Artikel  Toward fresh directions in historical research: an experiment in methodology using the putative "absolutism" of Harun al-Rashid as a test case
Abdallah Nawas, John. (1993) - In: Der Islam. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients Bd. 70 (1993) S. 1-51

9Monographie  Carlo Magno ed Harun al Rashid
Musca, Giosuè. - Bari (1963)

10Artikel  La prise d'Héraclée et les relations entre Harun ar-Rashid et l'empereur Nicéphore Ier
Canard, Marius. (1962) - In: Byzantion Bd. 32 (1962) S. 345-379

11Monographie  Harun al-Rashid and Charles the Great
Buckler, Francis William. - Cambridge, Mass. (1931)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 11