RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 55


Deskriptoren: Ganzer, Klaus (1932-)Rist, John M. (1936-)

1Artikel  Dionysius' Christianity: Towards Understanding the Preconditions of the post-Reformation Debate
Rist, John M.. (2016) - In: Annali di scienze religiose Bd. 9 (2016) S. 175-192

2Artikel  Il Logos nella Tarda Antichità
Rist, John M.. (2014) - In: Acta philosophica Bd. 23 (2014) S. 43-55

3Monographie  Plato's Moral Realism: The Discovery of the Presuppositions of Ethics
Rist, John M.. - Washington, DC (2012)

4Buchbeitrag  Augustine, Aristotelianism, and Aquinas: three varieties of philosophical adaptation
Rist, John M.. (2007) - In: Aquinas the Augustinian S. 79-99

5Buchbeitrag  On the Original Nature of Christian Philosophy
Rist, John M.. (2007) - In: Essays Armand Maurer S. 13-37

6Buchbeitrag  Agostino è un neoplatonico cristiano?
Rist, John M.. (2006) - In: Neoplatonismo pagano vs neoplatonismo cristiano S. 13-32

7Buchbeitrag  A case of spiritual fornication: casting pears to real swine
Rist, John M.. (2005) - In: Essays Denis O'Brien (2005) S. 243-250

8Buchbeitrag  La filosofia come dialogo: il modello platonico
Rist, John M.. (2005) - In: La filosofia come dialogo. A confronto con Agostino S. 169-185

9Buchbeitrag  Christian theology and secular philosophy
Rist, John M.. (2004) - In: The first Christian theologians. An introduction to theology in the early church S. 105-114

10Buchbeitrag  Faith and reason
Rist, John M.. (2001) - In: The Cambridge companion to Augustine S. 26-39

11Buchbeitrag  Augustine of Hippo
Rist, John M.. (2001) - In: The medieval theologians S. 3-23

12Artikel  On the Platonism of Gregory of Nyssa
Rist, John M.. (2000) - In: Hermathena Bd. 169 (2000) S. 129-152

13Buchbeitrag  Love and Will. Around De Trinitate XV 20,38
Rist, John M.. (2000) - In: Gott und sein Bild. Augustins De trinitate im Spiegel gegenwärtiger Forschung S. 205-218

14Buchbeitrag  Love, knowing and incarnation in Pseudo-Dionysius
Rist, John M.. (1999) - In: Essays John Dillon S. 375-388

15Artikel  Democracy and Religious Values: Augustine on Locke, Lying and Individualism" [The 1997 Saint Augustine Lecture]
Rist, John M.. (1998) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 29, 1 (1998) S. 7-24

16Buchbeitrag  The Indefinite Dyad and Intelligible Matter in Plotinus
Rist, John M.. (1996) - In: Rist, Man, soul and body Tl. XII S. 99-107

17Buchbeitrag  Back to the mysticism of Plotinus: some more specifics
Rist, John M.. (1996) - In: Rist, Man, soul and body Tl. XIV S. 183-197

18Buchbeitrag  Plotinus on matter and evil
Rist, John M.. (1996) - In: Rist, Man, soul and body Tl. XI S. 154-166

19Buchbeitrag  Pseudo-Dionysius, Neoplatonism and the weakness of the soul
Rist, John M.. (1996) - In: Rist, Man, soul and body Tl. XVII S. 135-161

20Buchbeitrag  Is Plotinus' body too etherialized?
Rist, John M.. (1996) - In: Rist, Man, soul and body Tl. XV S. 103-117

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 55