RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 57


Deskriptoren: Ganzer, Klaus (1932-)Tugwell, Simon (1943-)

1Buchbeitrag  Beeth [Beith, Bethus], William (supp. fl. 1498), supposed Dominican author
Tugwell, Simon. (2016) - In: Oxford dictionary of national biography

2Monographie  Legenda Sancti Dominici
Petrus <Ferrandi>. Tugwell, Simon [Hrsg.]. - Roma (2015)

3Artikel  The Deposition of Munio of Zamora in 1290/91
Tugwell, Simon. (2013) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 83 (2013) S. 125-295

4Artikel  Scripta quaedam minora de S. Dominico
Tugwell, Simon. (2013) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 83 (2013) S. 5-105

5Artikel  Storming the General Chapter: Bologna 1285
Tugwell, Simon. (2012) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 82 (2012) S. 71-216

6Monographie  Pelagius Parvus and his "Summa": a preliminary enquiry and a sample of texts
Tugwell, Simon. - Roma (2012)

7Artikel  The Vallicelliana 'Chronicle of chapters'
Tugwell, Simon. (2011) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 81 (2011) S. 5-119

8Artikel  Did Dominicans practise affiliation in the thirteenth century?, 2, Hinnebusch and some questions of fact and terminology
Tugwell, Simon. (2010) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 80 (2010) S. 5-131

9Artikel  Did Domenicans practise affiliation in the thirteenth century?: 1: two nineteenth-century arguments
Tugwell, Simon. (2009) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 79 (2009) S. 85-191

10Artikel  Was Paulus Hungarus really Dalmatian?
Tugwell, Simon. (2009) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 79 (2009) S. 5-21

11Monographie  Humberti de Romanis Legendae sancti Dominici: necnon materia praedicabilis pro festis sancti Dominici et testimonia minora de eodem ; adiectis miraculis Rotomagensibus Sancti Dominici et Gregorii IX bulla canonizationis eiusdem
Humbertus <de Romanis>. Tugwell, Simon [Hrsg.]. - Romae (2008)

12Artikel  Petrus Ferrandi and his legenda of St Dominic
Tugwell, Simon. (2007) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 77 (2007) S. 19-100

13Artikel  L'évêque Diègue et la lettre du pape au légat Raoul
Tugwell, Simon. (2007) - In: Mémoire dominicaine Bd. 21 (2007) S. 119-133

14Artikel  Caligae and Other Items of Medieval Religious Dress: A Lexical Study
Tugwell, Simon. (2007) - In: Romance philology Bd. 61, 2 (2007) S. 1-24

15Artikel  Auctor "Summularum", Petrus Hispanus OP Stellensis?
Tugwell, Simon. (2006) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 76 (2006) S. 103-115

16Artikel  Were the Magdalen nuns really turned into Dominicans in 1287?
Tugwell, Simon. (2006) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 76 (2006) S. 39-77

17Artikel  The evolution of dominican structures of government: Terminology, nomenclature and ordo of Dominican provinces.
Tugwell, Simon. (2005) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 75 (2005) S. 29-79

18Buchbeitrag  Schéma chronologique de la vie de Saint Dominique
Tugwell, Simon. (2005) - In: Domenico di Caleruega e la nascita dell'Ordine dei Frati Predicatori S. 1-24

19Buchbeitrag  The legenda of St Dominic in the 'prototype' and other manuscripts
Tugwell, Simon. (2004) - In: Aux origines de la liturgie dominicaine S. 355-364

20Artikel  For whom was Prouille founded?
Tugwell, Simon. (2004) - In: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum Bd. 74 (2004) S. 5-125

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 57