RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 16711 |
Deskriptoren: Germanische Sprachen
2 | Feeling Thinking in the Old English Boethius Lorden, Jennifer A. |
4 | The life course in Old English poetry Soper, Harriet. |
5 | ‘Bi þat watz Gryngolet grayth and gurde with a sadel': Characterizing Gringolet in Old French and Middle English Mills, Marisa. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/924596 |
7 | Christopher St Lawrence, seventh baron of Howth, and the identity of the Old English Fischer, Lenore. |
8 | Gewalt und virtuelle Räume in mittelhochdeutscher Heldenepik: Rezeptionsästhetische Untersuchungen Elsner, Tamara. |
9 | The Old English Noun gebyrþen Revisited Afros, Elena. |
10 | The Old English Pharaoh: A Neglected ubi sunt Poem Rozano-García, Francisco J.. |
11 | Dominating Demons in the Old English Prose Acts of Andrew Cahilly-Bretzin, Glenn M.. |
12 | Beowulf Fluten: Die Archäologie der Sintflut im altenglischen Epos Johnston, Andrew James. |
13 | Politische Versammlungen im angelsächsischen England Kaschke, Sören. |
14 | Reading Lyric i of the Old English Advent Lyrics as Form-of-Life Kramer, Johanna. |
15 | Marie de France and Middle English Romance Rushton, Cory James. |
19 | Of reaflac and rapina: accusations of violence in two Old English lawsuits and the Libellus Æthelwoldi Hanlon, Brittany. |
20 | Alchemy and Exemplary Poetry in Middle English Literature Runstedler, Curtis Thomas. |
RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 16711 |