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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 46


Deskriptoren: Gervers, Michael (1942-)Ilisch, Peter (1947-)

1Artikel  Statistical Approaches to the Diplomatics of Institutional Topography
Tilahun, GelilaGervers, MichaelMitchell, Roderick Alexander. (2016) - In: Archiv für Diplomatik Bd. 62 (2016) S. 351-364

2Buchbeitrag  British Isles, Charters of the
Castle, Kasandra M.Gervers, Michael. (2015) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

3Buchbeitrag  Statistical methods for applying chronology to undated English medieval documents
Tilahun, GelilaGervers, MichaelFeuerverger, Andrey. (2014) - In: Digital diplomatics. The computer as a tool for the diplomatist? S. 211-224

4Artikel  Dating medieval English charters
Tilahun, GelilaFeuerverger, AndreyGervers, Michael. (2012) - In: Annals of applied statistics Bd. 6 (2012) S. 1615-1640

5Buchbeitrag  Pro Amore Dei: Diplomatic Evidence of Social Conflict During the Reign of King John
Gervers, MichaelHamonic, Nicole. (2011) - In: Essays James A. Brundage S. 231-262

6Buchbeitrag  Managing Meta-data in a Research Collection of Medieval Latin Charters
Gervers, MichaelMargolin, Michael. (2009) - In: Digitale Diplomatik. Neue Technologien in der historischen Arbeit mit Urkunden S. 271-282

7Sammelwerk  The exploitation of the landscape of Central and Inner Asia: past, present and future ; papers presented at the Central and Inner Asia Seminar, University of Toronto, May 15-16, 2007
Gervers, MichaelBulag, Uradyn ErdenLong, Gillian [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2008)

8Sammelwerk  Traders and trade routes of Central and Inner Asia: the "Silk Road", then and now ; papers presented at the Central and Inner Asia Seminar, University of Toronto, 13 - 14 May 2005
Gervers, Michaelu.a. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2007)

9Buchbeitrag  Scribes and notaries in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Hospitaller charters from England
Gervers, MichaelHamonic, Nicole. (2007) - In: FS Anthony Luttrell S. 181-192

10Artikel  El proyecto DEEDS: hacia un análisis del contenido de los diplomas privados ingleses de los siglos XII y XIII
Gervers, Michael. (2005) - In: Signo. Revista de historia de la cultura escrita Bd. 15 (2005) S. 7-32

11Sammelwerk  History and society in Central and Inner Asia: papers presented at the Central and Inner Asia Seminar, University of Toronto, 16 - 17 April 2004
Gervers, Michaelu.a. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2005)

12Sammelwerk  Cultural interaction and conflict in Central and Inner Asia: papers presented at the Central and Inner Asian Seminar, University of Toronto, 3 - 4 May 2002 and 23 - 24 May 2003
Gervers, Michaelu.a. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2004)

13Buchbeitrag  The Commandery as an Economic Unit in England
Gervers, Michael. (2002) - In: La commanderie. Institution des ordres militaires dans l'Occident médiéval S. 245-260

14Sammelwerk  Continuity and change in Central and Inner Asia: papers presented at the Central and Inner Asian Seminar, University of Toronto, 24 - 25 March 2000 and 4 - 5 May 2001
Gervers, Michaelu.a. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2002)

15Artikel  The monolithic church of Wuqro Mäsqäl Krestos
Gervers, Michael. (2002) - In: Africana bulletin Bd. 50 (2002) S. 99-114

16Buchbeitrag  Changing forms of Hospitaller address in English private charters of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Gervers, Michael. (2001) - In: The Crusades and the Military Orders S. 395-405

17Sammelwerk  Tolerance and intolerance. Social conflict in the age of crusades
Gervers, MichaelPowell, James Matthew [Hrsg.]. - Syracuse, NY (2001)

18Sammelwerk  Dating undated medieval charters
Gervers, Michael [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2000)

19Buchbeitrag  The DEEDS project and the development of a computerised methodology for dating undated English private charters of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
Gervers, Michael. (2000) - In: Dating undated medieval charters S. 13-35

20Buchbeitrag  Introduction.
Gervers, Michael. (2000) - In: Dating undated medieval charters S. 1-10

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 46