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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 100


Deskriptoren: Griffith, Sidney Harrison (1938-)

1Artikel  The Poetics of Scriptural Reasoning: Syriac Mêmrê at Work
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2017) - In: Studia patristica Bd. 78 (2017) S. 5-24

2Buchbeitrag  St. Ephraem the Syrian, the Quran, and the Grapevines of Paradise: An Essay in Comparative Eschatology
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2017) - In: Roads to paradise. Continuity and change S. 781-805

3Buchbeitrag  Use and Interpretation of Scriptural Proof-Texts In Christian-Muslim Apologetic Literature in Arabic
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2017) - In: Exegetical Crossroads. Understanding Scripture S. 73-94

4Buchbeitrag  The Mansur Family and Saint John of Damascus: Christians and Muslims in Umayyad Times
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2016) - In: Christians and Others in the Umayyad State S. 29-52

5Buchbeitrag  Disclosing the mystery: the hermeneutics of typology in Syriac exegesis
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2016) - In: Interpreting scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam S. 46-64

6Buchbeitrag  When Did the Bible Become an Arabic Scripture?
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2016) - In: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims S. 7-23

7Sammelwerk  Christsein in der islamischen Welt: Festschrift für Martin Tamcke zum 60. Geburtstag
Griffith, Sidney HarrisonGrebenstein, Sven [Hrsg.]. - Wiesbaden (2015)

8Buchbeitrag  Griffith The Qur'an's 'Nazarenes' and Other Late Antique Christians: Arabic-Speaking 'Gospel People' in Qur'anic Perspective
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2015) - In: FS Martin Tamcke (Christsein) S. 81-106

9Buchbeitrag  Ibn al-Mahrumh's Notes on Ibn Kammunah's xamination of the Three Religions: the Issue of the Abrogation of Mosaic Law
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2015) - In: Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference S. 40-57

10Buchbeitrag  Isa ibn Zur ah on the Abrogation of Mosaic Law and the Redundancy of the Islamic Shariah
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2013) - In: FS Hubert Kaufhold S. 175-194

11Buchbeitrag  The Bible in Arabic
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2012) - In: The new Cambridge history of the bible. 2. From 600 to 1450 S. 123-142

12Artikel  Melquitas y musulmanes: el Corán, cristología y ortodoxia árabe
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2012) - In: Al-Qantara Bd. 33 (2012) S. 413-443

13Buchbeitrag  Al-Maturidi on the Views of the Christians: Readings in the Kitab at-tawhid
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2011) - In: FS Stephen Gerö S. 635-652

14Buchbeitrag  The First Christian Summa Theoiogiae in Arabic: Christian Kalàm in Ninth-Century Palestine
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2011) - In: Doctrine and Debate in the Eastern Christian World S. 361-378

15Buchbeitrag  Disputes with Muslims in Syriac Cliristian Texts: From Patriarch John (d. 648) to Bar Hebraeus (d. 1286)
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2011) - In: Doctrine and Debate in the Eastern Christian World S. 173-196

16Buchbeitrag  Images, Icons, and die Public Space in Early Islamic Times: Arab Christians and the Program to Claim the Land for Islam
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2011) - In: Shaping the Middle East. Jews, Christians, and Muslims in an age of transition S. 197-210

17Buchbeitrag  The Syriac-speaking churches and the Muslims in the Medinan era of Muhammmad and the four caliphs
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2010) - In: Syriac churches encountering Islam S. 14-46

18Buchbeitrag  The virtue of continence (al- iffah) and the "Perfect Man" (al-insan al-kamil): an islamochristian inquiry in Abbasid religious and philosophical circles
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2010) - In: Gotteserlebnis und Gotteslehre. Christliche und islamische Mystik S. 25-47

19Buchbeitrag  Mar Jacob of Serugh on monks and monasticism: readings in his metrical homilies "On the singles"
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2010) - In: Jacob of Serugh and his times. Studies in sixth-century Syriac Christianity S. 71-89

20Buchbeitrag  Crosses, Icons and the Image of Christ in Edessa: The Place of Iconophobia in the Christian-Muslim Controversies of Early Islamic Times
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. (2009) - In: Essays Peter Brown (2009) S. 63-84

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 100