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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 54


Deskriptoren: Kunst- und ArchitekturgeschichteVance, Eugène (1934-)

1Buchbeitrag  Seeing God: Augustine, Sensation, and the Mind's Eye
Vance, Eugène. (2008) - In: Rethinking the medieval senses. Heritage, fascinations, frames S. 13-29

2Buchbeitrag  Three Epic Swords and the Stories They Tell
Vance, Eugène. (2006) - In: Approaches to Teaching the Song of Roland S. 246-252

3Buchbeitrag  Dante in God's Court: The Paradise at the End of the Road
Vance, Eugène. (2005) - In: Rhetoric and the discourses of power in court culture. China, Europe, and Japan S. 285-320

4Buchbeitrag  Rhetoric and Social Mobility: Premodern Court Culture and the Question of "theory".
Vance, Eugène. (2004) - In: Hof und Theorie. Annäherungen an ein historisches Phänomen S. 203-224

5Buchbeitrag  La cour et les codes: "Equitan" de Marie de France et les fictions de la culture Plantagenêt
Vance, Eugène. (2004) - In: Culture politique des Plantagenêt (1154 - 1224) S. 75-88

6Sammelwerk  The Dragon and the Unicorn: The Rhetoric and Discourses of Power in Premodern Court Culture, East and West
Vance, EugèneKnechtges, David R. [Hrsg.]. - Washington, DC (2002)

7Buchbeitrag  Images and the mediation of power: Dante's Paradiso and the Byzantine art of S. Apollinare Nuovo
Vance, Eugène. (1999) - In: The Growth of Authority in the Medieval West S. 332-353

8Artikel  The past as text and the historiography of tomorrow: notes on a recent book
Vance, Eugène. (1998) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 113 (1998) S. 951-979

9Buchbeitrag  Semiotics and power: relics, icons and the Voyage de Charlemagne à Jérusalem et à Constantinople
Vance, Eugène. (1991) - In: The new medievalism S. 226-249

10Buchbeitrag  Pearl: love and the poetics of participation
Vance, Eugène. (1991) - In: Poetics. Theory and Practice in Medieval English Literature S. 131-147

11Monographie  Mervelous Signals. Poetics and sign theory in the Middle Ages
Vance, Eugène. - Lincoln, Nebr. (1989)

12Buchbeitrag  "Erec et Enide" 1165: Chrétien de Troyes, from the County of Champagne, Writes in Verse the Fist Arthurian Romance
Vance, Eugène. (1989) - In: A New History of French Literature S. 41-46

13Artikel  Chaucer's Pardoner: relics, discourse, and frames of propriety
Vance, Eugène. (1989) - In: New literary history Bd. 20 (1989) S. 723-745

14Artikel  Semiotics and power: relics, icons, and the Voyage de Charlemagne à Jérusalem et à Constantinople
Vance, Eugène. (1988) - In: Romanic review Bd. 79 (1988) S. 164-183

15Buchbeitrag  Le temps sans nombre: futurité et prédestination dans la Queste del saint Graal
Vance, Eugène. (1988) - In: Le nombre du temps en hommage à Paul Zumthor S. 273-283

16Artikel  Le Lien conjugal chez Chrétien de Troyes
Vance, Eugène. (1987) - In: Le Trimestre Psychanalytique Bd. 1 (1987) S. 25-33

17Monographie  From Topic to Tale: Logic and Narrativity in the Middle Age
Vance, Eugène. - Minneapolis, MN (1987)

18Artikel  Chrétien's Yvain and the ideologies of change and exchange
Vance, Eugène. (1986) - In: Yale French studies Bd. 70 (1986) S. 42-62

19Buchbeitrag  Greimas, Freud, and the Story of Trouvère Lyric
Vance, Eugène. (1985) - In: Lyric Poetry. Beyond New Criticism S. 93-105

20Artikel  Medievalisms and Models of Textuality
Vance, Eugène. (1985) - In: Diacritics Bd. 15 (1985) S. 55-63

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 54