RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,9 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 837


Deskriptoren: Malta

1Zeitschrift  MCA newsletter
(2016 -)

2Buchbeitrag  Piety and ritual in the Magistral Palace of the Order of St John in Malta
Vella, Theresa. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Tl. 1 S. 187-196

3Buchbeitrag  Crisis and revival: the convent of the Order of Malta during the Catholic Reformation (16th-17th centuries)
Brogini, Anne. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Tl. 1 S. 169-176

4Sammelwerk  At home in art: essays in honour of Mario Buhagiar
Vella, Charlene [Hrsg.]. - Valletta (2016)

5Buchbeitrag  The Hospitallers and the Grand Harbour of Malta: culture and conflict
Buttigieg, Emanuel. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Tl. 1 S. 177-186

6Artikel  Die Malteserordens-Komtureien St. Johannes und St. Martin in Mindelheim: ein Abriss ihrer Geschichte anhand der Quellen des Ordensarchivs auf Malta und des Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchivs
Freller, Thomas. (2016) - In: Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben Bd. 108 (2016) S. 235-265

7Buchbeitrag  Venice, Hospitaller Malta, and fear of the plague: culturally conflicting views
Mallia-Milanes, Victor. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Tl. 1 S. 197-206

8Buchbeitrag  Censoring the Hospitallers: the failed attempt at re-printing Ferdinando de Escafio's Propugnaculum Hierosolymitanum in Malta in 1756
Zammit, William. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Tl. 1 S. 207-215

9Artikel  Medieval Diglossia: The Diversity of the Latin Christian Encounter with Written and Spoken Arabic in the "Crusader" County of Tripoli , with a Hitherto Unpublished Arabic Note from the Principality of Antioch (MS, AOM 3, Valletta: National Library of Malta, no. 51v)
Lewis, Kevin James. (2015) - In: Al-Masaq Bd. 27 (2015) S. 119-152

10Buchbeitrag  Two maritime related confraternities established at Bormla (Cospicua) parish church, Malta
Magro Conti, Emanuel. (2015) - In: Ships, Saints and Sealore. Cultural Heritage and Ethnography of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea S. 31-39

11Buchbeitrag  La Malta catalanoaragonesa: l'exemple de la familia Desguancs
Dalli, Charles. (2015) - In: Els catalans a la Mediterrània medieval. Noves fonts, recerques i perspectives S. 217-228

12Buchbeitrag  I Cavalieri di Malta e la Sicilia: un rapporto plurisecolare
Ligresti, Domenico. Ligresti, Domenico [Bearb.]. (2015) - In: Scritti Domenico Ligresti S. 23-42

13Buchbeitrag  Settlement and cultural evidences of the Knights of Saint John in Puglia: relationship with Rhodes and Malta.
D'Amico, Natalia. (2015) - In: Cultural heritage for the sustainable development of Mediterranean countries S. 69-88

14Buchbeitrag  Miniature sotto cristallo e smalti traslucidi in un misconosciuto altare portatile a Malta
Spiandore, Silvia. (2015) - In: Rabeschi d'oro. Pittura e oreficeria a Venezia in età gotica S. 225-237

15Monographie  Inventory of the Archives of the Order of Malta Microfilmed by HMML (Vol. 1-3)
Vann, Theresa M.. - Collegeville (2015)

16Monographie  Aspects of daily life in late Medieval Malta and Gozo
Wettinger, Godfrey. - Msida (2015)

17Monographie  La croce e il leone: le relazioni tra Venezia e Ordine di Malta (secoli XIV-XVIII)
Robuschi, Luigi. - Milano (2015)

18Buchbeitrag  Hazards at sea: a case-study of two ex-voto paintings from the Church of the Karmelitani Skalzi in Bormia, Malta
Mercieca, Simon. (2015) - In: Ships, Saints and Sealore. Cultural Heritage and Ethnography of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea S. 13-20

19Buchbeitrag  La Orden de Malta en Italia y el Mediterráneo durante la Edad Moderna
Spagnoletti, Angelantonio. (2015) - In: Antemurales de la Fe. Conflictividad confesional en la Monarquía de los Habsburgo, 1516-1714 S. 105-120

20Buchbeitrag  Fortified Settlements of the Order of Malta in Local Illustrated Registers: The Case of the Priory of Lombardy (XVII-XVIII Centuries)
Bellomo, Elena. (2015) - In: Fortified Heritage. Management and Sustainable Development S. 425-444

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 837