RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 64


Deskriptoren: Militärwesen, KriegsgeschichteSchein, Sylvia (1947-2004)

1Buchbeitrag  "The Terrible News": The Reaction of Christendom to the Fall of Jerusalem (1187)
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 159-188

2Buchbeitrag  The Conquest - A Divine Act
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 21-34

3Buchbeitrag  The City of the Old and the New Testaments
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 91-108

4Buchbeitrag  Jerusalem - Centre of the World and Scene of the Last Days
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 141-158

5Buchbeitrag  "Inheritance of the Lord": Justifications of Christian Rule in Jerusalem
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 35-48

6Sammelwerk  Gateway to the heavenly city: crusader Jerusalem and the Catholic West (1099-1187)
Schein, Sylvia. - Burlington, VT (2005)

7Buchbeitrag  Conclusion
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 189-194

8Buchbeitrag  Rome, Babylon and Jerusalem: Papal Attitudes to Jerusalem
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 49-62

9Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 1-8

10Buchbeitrag  Jerusalem: Goal of the First Crusade
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 9-20

11Buchbeitrag  Jerusalem in the Believer's Plan of Salvation
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 109-140

12Buchbeitrag  From the "City of the Holy Sepulchre" to the "City of the Humanity of Christ"
Schein, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Schein, Gateway to the heavenly city S. 63-90

13Buchbeitrag  Women in Medieval Colonial Society: The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century
Schein, Sylvia. (2001) - In: Gendering the crusades S. 140-153

14Buchbeitrag  Bernard of Clairvaux's preaching of the third Crusade and orality
Schein, Sylvia. (2001) - In: Oral History of the Middle Ages. The Spoken Word in Context S. 188-195

15Buchbeitrag  Servise de marriage and law enforcement in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem
Schein, Sylvia. (2001) - In: Essays Amnon Linder S. 71-79

16Buchbeitrag  Rulers and ruled: women in the Crusader period
Schein, Sylvia. (1999) - In: Knights of the Holy Land. The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem S. 61-67

17Artikel  Bridget of Sweden, Margery Kempe and Women's Jerusalem Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages
Schein, Sylvia. (1999) - In: Mediterranean historical review Bd. 14, 1 (1999) S. 44-58

18Buchbeitrag  Art. Zengiden
Schein, Sylvia. (1998) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 9 S. Sp. 527-529

19Buchbeitrag  Babylon and Jerusalem: the fall of Acre 1291-1996
Schein, Sylvia. (1998) - In: From Clermont to Jerusalem S. 141-150

20Artikel  The "Female-men of God" and "Men who were women". Female saints and Holy Land pilgrimage during the Byzantine period
Schein, Sylvia. (1998) - In: Hagiographica Bd. 5 (1998) S. 1-36

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 64