RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 16


Deskriptoren: MittelalterWhittle, Jane C. (20. Jh.)

1Sammelwerk  Servants in Rural Europe: 1400-1900
Whittle, Jane C. [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2017)

2Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Servants in the Economy and Society of Rural Europe
Whittle, Jane C.. (2017) - In: Servants in Rural Europe 1400-1900 S. 1-18

3Buchbeitrag  The Food Economy of Lords, Tenants, and Workers in a Medieval Village: Hunstanton, Norfolk, 1328-48
Whittle, Jane C.. (2015) - In: Essays Bruce M. S. Campbell S. 27-58

4Buchbeitrag  Rural Economies
Whittle, Jane C.. (2013) - In: The Oxford handbook of women and gender in medieval Europe S. 311-326

5Buchbeitrag  Britain, 1000-1750
Whittle, Jane C.Schofield, Philip R.. (2011) - In: Making a living. Family, income and labour S. 47-70

6Artikel  Peasant Politics and Class Consciousness: The Norfolk Rebellions of 1381 and 1549 Compared
Whittle, Jane C.. (2007) - In: Past and Present Bd. 195, Suppl. 2 (2007) S. 233-247

7Buchbeitrag  Servants in rural England c. 1450-1650: hired work as a means of accumulating wealth and skills before marriage
Whittle, Jane C.. (2005) - In: The marital economy in Scandinavia and Britain 1400-1900 S. 89-107

8Artikel  Housewives and Servants in Rural England, 1440-1650: Evidence of Women's Work from Probate Documents
Whittle, Jane C.. (2005) - In: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Ser. 6, Bd. 15 (2005) S. 51-74

9Buchbeitrag  Le travail des femmes dans les menages ruraux anglais, 1450-1650: trois approches alternatives'
Whittle, Jane C.. (2005) - In: Ruralité Francaise et Britannique XIIIe-XXe siècles S. 77-87

10Buchbeitrag  Tenure and landholding in England 1440-1580
Whittle, Jane C.. (2004) - In: Landholding and land transfer in the North Sea area S. 237-249

11Buchbeitrag  England: popular politics and social conflict.
Rigby, Stephen HenryWhittle, Jane C.. (2003) - In: A companion to Britain in the later Middle Ages S. 65-86

12Monographie  The development of agrarian capitalism: land and labour in Norfolk, 1440-1580
Whittle, Jane C.. - Oxford [u.a.] (2000)

13Artikel  'Pays réel or pays légal? Contrasting patterns of land tenure and social structure in eastern Norfolk and western Berkshire, 1450-1600
Whittle, Jane C.Yates, Margaret H.. (2000) - In: The agricultural history review Bd. 48 (2000) S. 1-26

14Artikel  Individualism and the family-land bond: a reassessment of land transfer patterns among the English peasantry. c. 1270-1580.
Whittle, Jane C.. (1998) - In: Past and Present Bd. 160 (1998) S. 25-63

15Artikel  Inheritance, marriage, widowhood and remarriage: a comparative perspective on women and landholding in north-east Norfolk, 1440-1580
Whittle, Jane C.. (1998) - In: Continuity and change Bd. 13 (1998) S. 33-72

16Monographie  The development of agrarian capitalism in England, c.1450-c.1580
Whittle, Jane C.. - [University of Oxford] (1995)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 16