RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 56


Deskriptoren: MittelalterWright, Roger (1947-)

1Buchbeitrag  Galician Before 1250
Wright, Roger. (2015) - In: Culture and society in medieval Galicia S. 843-861

2Buchbeitrag  La difusion inmediata del documento: lenguaje y lectura en el siglo X
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: Chartes et cartulaires comme instruments de pouvoir S. 117-130

3Buchbeitrag  Plurilinguismo nella Penisola Ibérica (400-1000)
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: Plurilinguismo e diglossia nella tarda antichità e nel Medio Evo S. 149-166

4Buchbeitrag  Las reformas del siglo XII y su vertiente lingüística
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: O século de Xelmírez S. 439-458

5Buchbeitrag  Hispanic Epic and Ballad
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Medieval oral literature S. 411-428

6Buchbeitrag  Linguistic and Ethnic Identities in the Iberian Peninsula (400-1000 A.D.)
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Sprache und Identität im frühen Mittelalter S. 99-108

7Buchbeitrag  Writing and speaking Late Latin
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Scrivere e leggere nell'alto Medioevo S. 273-290

8Buchbeitrag  Romance, latín y otra vez romance en la Península Ibérica en el siglo XII
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: Modelos latinos en la Castilla medieval S. 25-42

9Buchbeitrag  Bilingualism and diglossia in Medieval Iberia (350-1350)
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: A comparative history of literatures in the Iberian peninsula Tl. 1 S. 333-350

10Sammelwerk  Late medieval Spanish studies in honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin
Snow, Joseph ThomasWright, Roger [Hrsg.]. - Liverpool (2009)

11Buchbeitrag  Placenames in Early Medieval Documents: the Case of Cabra
Wright, Roger. (2008) - In: Studies Richard Fletcher S. 65-86

12Buchbeitrag  Isidore of Seville, Saint (ca. 560-636)
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 350-351

13Buchbeitrag  The study of Latin as a foreign language in the Early Middle Ages
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: History of the Language Sciences Tl. 1 S. 501-510

14Buchbeitrag  Language and religion in early medieval Spain
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: Language of religion - language of the people. Medieval Judaism, Christianity and Islam S. 115-126

15Buchbeitrag  Los glosarios de la Península Ibérica
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: IV Congreso Internacional de latim medieval hispânico S. 957-962

16Buchbeitrag  The Language and Composition of the Carmen Campi Doctoris
Wright, Roger. (2005) - In: Poesía Latina Medieval S. 483-494

17Buchbeitrag  La representación escrita del romance en el Reino de León entre 1157 y 1230
Wright, Roger. (2004) - In: Orígenes de las lenguas romances en el reino de León. Siglos IX-XII Tl. 1 S. 273-296

18Buchbeitrag  A Sociophilological Approach to the Earliest Romance Texts: [-t], -/t/ and -t in Castile (1206-08)
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: The Dawn of the Written Vernacular in the Western Europe S. 201-214

19Buchbeitrag  Rhythmic Poetry and the Author's Vernacular
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Poetry in Early Medieval Europe. Manuscripts, language and Music of the Latin Rhythmical Texts S. 343-360

20Buchbeitrag  Linguistic standardization
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Medieval Iberia. An encyclopedia S. 493-494

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 56