RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 484


Deskriptoren: Mittelalterjüdische Überlieferung

1Buchbeitrag  Savoirs juifs et exégèse chrétienne à l' époque carolingienne : le cas du ms. Barcelona, Arxiu capitular de la Catedral 64 et de son commentaire anonyme sur les Chroniques
Shimahara, Sumi. (2022) - In: From Theodulf to Rashi and Beyond. Texts, Techniques, and Transfer in Western European Exegesis (800-1100) S. 214-236

2Buchbeitrag  The Limits of Literalism in Medieval Karaite Translations of the Hebrew Bible into Arabic
Zawanowska, Marzena. (2022) - In: From Theodulf to Rashi and Beyond. Texts, Techniques, and Transfer in Western European Exegesis (800-1100) S. 368-391

3Monographie  Beyond Late Midrash: 8-9th Century Jewish Palestinian Literature in Its Early Medieval Context
Blachorsky, Joshua. - [New York University] (2022)

4Buchbeitrag  Continuities and Parallels in the Transmission of the Hebrew Bible in the Second Temple Period and in the Middle Ages
Khan, Geoffrey A.. (2022) - In: The Hebrew Bible. A millennium S. 408-437

5Buchbeitrag  Eight New Pages of an 11th-Century Talmud Yerushalmi Megillah and Hagigah from the State Archives of Bologna
Perani, Mauro. (2022) - In: Medieval Hebrew manuscripts reused as book-bindings in Italy S. 214-234

6Artikel  Scientific Perspectives on Psalm 148 in Medieval Jewish Exegesis
Gómez Aranda, Mariano. (2022) - In: Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge Bd. 7 (2022) S. 39-70

7Buchbeitrag  Familia, crédito y Talmud. La vida en el seno de la aljama judía de Valencia a través de dos documentos notariales del siglo XIV
García Marsilla, Juan Vicente. (2022) - In: El reino de Sevilla en la Baja Edad Media. 30 años de investigación S. 281-342

8Buchbeitrag  "Hebraica and Gallica Veritas": The Function of the Hebrew-French Glossaries in 12th Century Jewish and Christian Exegesis
Liss, Hanna. (2022) - In: From Theodulf to Rashi and Beyond. Texts, Techniques, and Transfer in Western European Exegesis (800-1100) S. 119-146

9Buchbeitrag  Morfología verbal de glosas romances aljamiadas (le?azim) en un glosariocomentario bíblico hebreo del s. XIII en la península ibérica
Barco, Javier del. (2022) - In: Traducción bíblica e historia de las lenguas iberorrománicas S. 113-132

10Buchbeitrag  Decoding the Decalogue: Theosophical Re-engraving of the Ten Commandments in Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah
Bas-Asher, Avishai. (2022) - In: Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism S. 156-175

11Artikel  The Art of Thinking and the Reception of the Parva naturalia in a Fifteenth-Century Hebrew Source
Gentili, Hanna. (2022) - In: Revue de synthèse Bd. 143 (2022) S. 321-347

12Artikel  Olivi on the Hebrew Bible and the Jews: Scholastic Texts from Languedoc in the 1290s
Marmursztejn, Elsa. (2022) - In: Speculum Bd. 97 (2022) S. 77-111

13Artikel  Text-Correcting Qere, Scribal Errors, and Textual Variants in Medieval Hebrew Bible Manuscripts
Gordon, Nehemia. (2022) - In: Journal of biblical literature Bd. 141 (2022) S. 317-336

14Sammelwerk  Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism: Studies in Law, Philosophy, Pietism, and Kabbalah
Herman, MarcBrown, Jeremy Phillip [Hrsg.]. - Boston (2022)

15Sammelwerk  Frontiera judaica: gli ebrei nello spazio ligure-provenzale dal Medioevo alla Shoah
Calcagno, Paolo [Bearb.]. Carassale, AlessandroLittardi, Claudio [Hrsg.]. - Saluzzo (2021)

16Artikel  Das spätmittelalterliche Fragment einer hebräischen Bibelhandschrift im Stadt- und Vestischen Archiv Recklinghausen: kodikologische und besitzgeschichtliche Aspekte einer Einbandmakulatur
Kordes, Matthias. (2021) - In: Vestische Zeitschrift Bd. 108 (2020/21) S. 79-94

17Artikel  Descubrimiento de varios fragmentos de una biblia hebrea (Calahorra, s. XIV)
Hernández Sigüenza, Manuel. (2021) - In: Sefarad Bd. 81 (2021) S. 89-106

18Monographie  Impia Judæorum perfidia: la Chiesa e la polemica contro il Talmud dalle origini al XV secolo
Mattogno, Gian Pio. - Genova (2021)

19Monographie  Translating the Hebrew Bible in medieval Iberia: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hunt. 268
Alfonso, Esperanza. - Leiden [u.a.] (2021)

20Artikel  Is a stemma possible for the Hebrew Bible? Towards a genealogy of medieval manuscripts through phylogenetic analysis
Bambaci, L.. (2021) - In: Materia giudaica Bd. 26, 2 (2021) S. 3-30

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 484