RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,9 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 438


Deskriptoren: Mongolei

1Monographie  The Mongols in the making of Europe, 1220-1500: images and texts
Fielding, Ann T.. - Folkestone (2009)

2Buchbeitrag  Odorik v kontextu mongolských dejin [Odoric in Mongolian history context.]
Šíma, Jirí. (2008) - In: Odorik z Pordenone. Z Benátek do Pekingu a zpet S. 67-73

3Monographie  Missionary or diplomat? William of Rubruck's journey to Mongolia, 1253-1255
Manning, Christopher. - [California State University, Fullerton] (2008)

4Artikel  L'oevre historiographique de Barhebraeus: son apport à l'histoire de la période mongole
Aigle, Denise. (2008) - In: Parole de l'Orient Bd. 33 (2008) S. 25-61

5Monographie  Kingship and ideology in the Islamic and Mongol worlds
Broadbridge, Anne F.. - Cambridge (2008)

6Monographie  Early Christian remains of Inner Mongolia: discovery, reconstruction and appropriation
Halbertsma, Tjalling H. F.. - Leiden (2008)

7Monographie  Genghis Khan: invincible ruler of the Mongol Empire
Kent, Zachary. - Berkeley Heights, NJ (2008)

8Buchbeitrag  Der Mongolensturm und der Fall Konstantinopels aus dominikanischer Sicht. Das Prinzip der produktiven Zerstörung in drei Akten
Schiel, Juliane. (2008) - In: FS Michael Borgolte (2008) S. 123-144

9Monographie  Mongolen
Turnbull, Stephen R.. - Königswinter (2008)

10Monographie  The Uyghur transformation in medieval Inner Asia: From nomadic Turkic tradition to cultured Mongol administrators
Bell, Connor Joseph. - [University of Louisville] (2008)

11Monographie  How the barbarian invasions shaped the modern world: the Vikings, Vandals, Huns, Mongols, Goths, and Tartars who razed the old world and formed the new
Craughwell, Thomas J.. - Beverly, MA (2008)

12Buchbeitrag  800. výroc(í založení nezávislého mongolského státu [800th anniversary of foundation of the Great Mongolian State.]
Chaloupková, Lygžima. (2008) - In: Odorik z Pordenone. Z Benátek do Pekingu a zpet S. 279-286

13Artikel  Between Firdausi and Rashid al-Din: Persian verse chronicle of the Mongol period
Melville, Charles P.. (2007) - In: Studia Islamica Bd. 104/105 (2007) S. 45-66

14Buchbeitrag  A Syriac List of Mongol Rulers
Brock, Sebastian Paul. (2007) - In: FS Jürgen Tubach S. 327-336

15Buchbeitrag  Mongol Provincial Administration: Syria in 1260 as a Case-study
Amitai, Reuven. (2007) - In: Studies Benjamin Z. Kedar S. 117-144

16Sammelwerk  Russia and the Mongols: slavs and the steppe in medieval and early modern Russia
Halperin, Charles J.. Spinei, Victor [Hrsg.]. - Bucuresti (2007)

17Monographie  A tatarjaras: a mongol hoditas es Magyarorszag [The Mongolian invasion of Hungary]
Szabó, János B.. - Budapest (2007)

18Buchbeitrag  Black Sea trade and the Islamic world down the Mongol peroid
Peacock, Andrew C. S.. (2007) - In: The Black Sea. Past, present and future S. 65-72

19Monographie  Arméniens et autres chrétiens d'Orient sous la domination mongole: l'Ilkhanat de Ghâzân, 1295-1304
Luisetto, Frédéric. - Paris (2007)

20Artikel  Muscovite Taxation and the Problem of Mongol Rule in Rus'
Langer, Lawrence N.. (2007) - In: Russian history Bd. 34 (2007) S. 101-130

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 438