RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 861


Deskriptoren: Mongolen

1Buchbeitrag  El rapto femenino y el patriarcado en la sociedad medieval mongola a partir de un fragmento de la "Historia secreta de los mongoles" (s. XIII)
De Nicola, Bruno. (2022) - In: Fuentes para el estudio de historia de las mujeres S. 163-164

2Buchbeitrag  Milchkultur mongolischer Nomaden
Jontes, Günther. (2022) - In: Gerichte mit Geschichte. Transkulturelle Quellenstudien zur historischen Kulinarik und Diätik S. 227-238

3Artikel  Privilégiá mesta Krupina - K problematike nejstarších privilégií hostí Krupiny spred mongolského vpádu
Lukác, Miroslav. (2022) - In: Historica. Revue pro historii a príbuzné vedy Bd. 13 (2022) S. 1-24

4Buchbeitrag  The Mongols in Eastern Europe
Hautala, Roman. (2022) - In: The Routledge handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300 S. 547-560

5Buchbeitrag  The Mongols of Middle English Literature
Norako, Leila K.. (2022) - In: Essays Thomas Hahn S. 49-76

6Artikel  ["Disgusting Food, Bad Bread, and Immeasurable Drunkenness": The Meals of the Turks, Mongols and Latins through the Eyes of Late Byzantine Authors]
Okhlupina, Irina Sergeevna. (2022) - In: Anticnaja drevnost i srednie veka Bd. 50 (2022) S. 312-325

7Monographie  Venezia e i Mongoli: commercio e diplomazia sulle vie della seta nel medioevo (secoli 13.-15.)
Di Cosmo, NicolaPubblici, Lorenzo. - Roma (2022)

8Buchbeitrag  From monstrous creatures to neighbouring humans: image of the Mongols in the European book miniatures of the thirteenth-sixteenth centuries
Veselov, Fedor. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 465-486

9Buchbeitrag  A "Rouran perspective" on the northern Chinese frontier during the Northern Wei Period. Some thoughts on the Yihe-nur tombs (Inner Mongolia)
Stark, Sören. (2021) - In: Von den Hunnen zu den Türken - Reiterkrieger in Europa und Zentralasien S. 59-89

10Buchbeitrag  Monumental painting and the role of images in Armenia under the Mongols
Eastmond, Antony. (2021) - In: Art and religion in Medieval Armenia S. 39-51

11Buchbeitrag  A century of the Tatars ' ‘hegemony': the Golden Horde and Bulgarian lands (1241- 1341)
Uzelac, Aleksandar. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 212-231

12Buchbeitrag  East-West Relations and Nomads: A Short Introduction to the Tomb of Shoroon Bumbagar,Bayannuur Soum, Mongolia
Erdenebold, Lkhagvasuren. (2021) - In: From Constantinople to Changan. Byzantine Gold Coins in the World of Late Antiquity S. 241-258

13Buchbeitrag  Introduction: from the Great Western campaign to the decline of the Golden Horde: new tendencies in the study of the Mongol factor in the history of Eastern and East Central Europe
Maiorov, Alexander VyacheslavovichHautala, Roman. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 1-11

14Buchbeitrag  A Lithuanian embassy to the Golden Horde in 1348: the background and consequences
Grinberg, Moshe. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 321-339

15Buchbeitrag  Armenian diasporas between the Golden Horde, Rus', and Poland: long-distance trade and diplomatic services
Osipian, Alexander. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 405-424

16Buchbeitrag  Genoa and Venice in the Golden Horde: politics, trade, and society
Pubblici, Lorenzo. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 425-445

17Buchbeitrag  Between the politics of accommodation and independence: Rus', the Mongols, and the church, 1237- 1350
Langer, Lawrence N.. (2021) - In: The Routledge handbook of the mongols and Central-Eastern Europe S. 487-500

18Artikel  Mamluks, Mongols, and Crusaders: Visual Strategies for Representing the Enemy
Mathews, Karen Rose. (2021) - In: Mamluk studies review Bd. 24 (2021) S. 71-102

19Monographie  De l'autre côté des croisades: l'islam entre croisés et Mongols, XIe-XIIIe siècle
Martínez-Gros, Gabriel. - Paris (2021)

20Monographie  De l'autre côté des croisades: L'Islam entre croisés et Mongols
Martinez Gros, Gabriel. - Paris (2021)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 861