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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 11738


Deskriptoren: PortugalFissore, Gian Giacomo (1940-)

1Buchbeitrag  Portuguese hide exports to Valencia in the context of the West Mediterranean trade, 1465-1500
Sequeira, Joana. (2023) - In: Essays on productions and trade in late medieval Iberia and the Mediterranean 1100-1500 S. 139-170

2Buchbeitrag  Portugal and the Europe: Similarities, Bridges and Potential Avenues to Explore in Future Works on Comparative Fiscal History
Dominguez, Rodrigo da CostaAndrade, Amélia Aurora Aguiar de. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 325-331

3Artikel  La poesía de los primeros Trastámara: la sucesión portuguesa y los primeros romances
Beltrán Pepió, Vicente. (2023) - In: Revista de Cancioneros impresos y manuscritos Bd. 12 (2023) S. 122-129

4Buchbeitrag  A Difficult Transition: Portuguese State Finances Between Later Medieval and Early Modern Times, c. 1415-1530
Dominguez, Rodrigo da Costa. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 91-113

5Buchbeitrag  Portugal in a Broader Perspective: The Later Middle Ages and Some Remarks for a Transition Towards the Early Modern Period
Andrade, Amélia Aurora Aguiar deDominguez, Rodrigo da Costa. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 139-148

6Artikel  Portugal1300: fome, clima e abastecimento em Portugal no final da Idade Média
Cândido da Silva, MarceloSobreira, Victoru.a.. (2023) - In: Medievalista on-line Bd. 33 (2023)

7Artikel  As várias faces das monjas cistercienses em Portugal (1211-1385)
Repas, Luís Miguel. (2023) - In: Medievalista on-line Bd. 33 (2023)

8Buchbeitrag  The Study of Medieval Fiscal History in Portugal: Results and Problems (1951-2020)
Andrade, Amélia Aurora Aguiar de. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 17-43

9Buchbeitrag  Is the Economy an Issue? Kings and Economic Legislation in Medieval Portugal
Vilar, Hermínia Vasconcelos. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 67-89

10Sammelwerk  Portugal in a European Context: Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700
Dominguez, Rodrigo da CostaAndrade, Amélia Aurora Aguiar de [Hrsg.]. - Cham (2023)

11Buchbeitrag  Taxes and Fiscal Institutions in a Maritime Empire, 15th-16th Centuries: A Comparative View of Overseas' Territories Under the Portuguese Crown
Münch Miranda, Susana. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 115-137

12Buchbeitrag  The Collection of Annates in Portugal During the Papacy of Avignon, c. 1316-1377: Just Another Case of Apostolic Tax-Collecting in a Realm at the Back of Beyond?
Farelo, Mário Sérgio da Silva. (2023) - In: Portugal in a European Context. Essays S. 45-66

13Zeitschrift  Ophiussa: Revista do Instituto de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa
(2022 -)

14Artikel  A cultura escrita nos mosteiros femininos cistercienses em Portugal (séculos XIII-XV): balanço e perspetivas
Repas, Luís MiguelBarreira, Catarina Alexandra Martins Fernandes. (2022) - In: Lusitania sacra Bd. 45 (2022) S. 33-51

15Buchbeitrag  The Garment and the Difference: The Attire of Portuguese Jews and New Christians (Conversos) during the Thirteenth to Fifteenth centuries
Mateus, Susana Bastos. (2022) - In: Textiles of medieval Iberia. Cloth and clothing in a multi-cultural context S. 347-364

16Artikel  Narrating codex history: the case study of a psalter-hymnal from Alcobaça Monastery, Portugal
Conceição Casanova, MariaArrojado Rodrigues, SamuelBarreira, Catarina Alexandra Martins FernandesMiguel, CatarinaQuilhó, TeresaTourais, Ana Sofia. (2022) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 14 (2022) S. 127-141

17Buchbeitrag  The Cosmographical Network of Nicholas of Cusa: Humanistic Relations between the Holy Roman Empire and Portugal and the So-called Cusanus Map
Horst, Thomas. (2022) - In: Universum Infinitum. Nicolaus Cusanus and the 15th-century Iberian explorations of the ocean world S. 11-79

18Monographie  O segredo da descoberta portuguesa das Américas: ou as provas irrefutáveis de como Portugal chegou ao novo mundo antes de Cristóvão Colombo
Ferreira, José Gomes. - Alfragide (2022)

19Artikel  Un témoin des liens littéraires entre la cour de Bourgogne et le Portugal: le manuscrit BnF, n. a. fr. 6763
Huchet, Marie-Madeleine. (2022) - In: Romania Bd. 140 (2022) S. 354-377

20Sammelwerk  Cantigas: Galician-Portuguese Troubadour Poems
Zenith, Richard [Hrsg.]. - Princeton, NJ (2022)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 11738