RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 112


Deskriptoren: QuelleneditionenMarkus, Robert Austin (1924-2010)

1Buchbeitrag  The secular in Late Antiquity
Markus, Robert Austin. (2010) - In: Les frontières du profane dans l'Antiquité tardive S. 353-361

2Buchbeitrag  Between Marrou and Brown: Transformations of Late Antique Christianity
Markus, Robert Austin. (2009) - In: Essays Peter Brown (2009) S. 1-14

3Buchbeitrag  Epilogue
Markus, Robert AustinSotinel, Claire. (2007) - In: The crisis of the Oikoumene S. 265-278

4Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Markus, Robert AustinSotinel, Claire. (2007) - In: The crisis of the Oikoumene S. 1-14

5Buchbeitrag  S. Augustine's Views on the "Just War"
Markus, Robert Austin. (2007) - In: Warfare in the Dark Ages Tl. XI S. 1-13

6Buchbeitrag  Donatismo e ri-battesimo
Markus, Robert Austin. (2007) - In: Agostino e il Donatismo. Settimana agostiniana pavese S. 13-22

7Buchbeitrag  Church reform and society in late antiquity
Markus, Robert Austin. (2005) - In: Reforming the Church before modernity. Patterns, problems, and approaches S. 3-19

8Buchbeitrag  Gregory and Bede: the making of the Western apocalyptic tradition
Markus, Robert Austin. (2004) - In: Gregorio Magno nel XIV centenario della morte. Convegno S. 247-255

9Buchbeitrag  Social and historical setting
Markus, Robert Austin. (2004) - In: The Cambridge history of early Christian literature S. 399-413

10Buchbeitrag  Haec non longe sunt: Gregory the Great on the Antichrist and the End
Markus, Robert Austin. (2003) - In: Studi Salvatore Pricoco S. 255-264

11Buchbeitrag  Africa and the orbis terrarum: the theological problem
Markus, Robert Austin. (2003) - In: Augustinus Afer S. 321-327

12Buchbeitrag  The papacy, mission and the gentes
Markus, Robert Austin. (2002) - In: Integration und Herrschaft S. 37-42

13Buchbeitrag  Gregory the Great's pagans
Markus, Robert Austin. (2001) - In: Studies Henry Mayr-Harting S. 23-34

14Buchbeitrag  Living within sight of the end
Markus, Robert Austin. (2001) - In: Time in the Medieval World S. 23-34

15Buchbeitrag  Augustinian theology and political action
Markus, Robert Austin. (2001) - In: L'adorabile vescovo di Ippona. Atti S. 97-110

16Buchbeitrag  The Source and the Stream: A Note on an Image of Rome and Africa
Markus, Robert Austin. (2000) - In: Mélanges Yvette Duval S. 103-106

17Buchbeitrag  Tempora christiana' revisited
Markus, Robert Austin. (2000) - In: Essays Gerald Bonner S. 201-213

18Buchbeitrag  Curriculum vitae and bibliography of Robert Austin Markus, PhD, FBA, Professor Emeritus of Medieval History in the University of Nottingham
Markus, Robert Austin. Klingshirn, William E.Vessey, Mark [Bearb.]. (1999) - In: Essays R. A. Markus S. XV-XXV

19Buchbeitrag  History
Markus, Robert Austin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 432-434

20Buchbeitrag  Donatus, Donatism
Markus, Robert Austin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 284-287

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 112