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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 15


Deskriptoren: QuelleneditionenPirivatric, Srdjan (1966-)

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2016)

2Buchbeitrag  Personal names in the ruling families of the First Bulgarian Empire in the second half of 10th and early 11th centuries. Some observations on their political implications
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2015) - In: Evropejskijat jugoiztok prez vtorata polovina na X - nacaloto na XI vek - istorija i kultura S. 585-596

3Buchbeitrag  Between Constantinople. Rome and Ochrid. Notes on the Church Organization in Serbian Principalities from 1018 to 1219
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2015) - In: Cyril and Methodius. Byzantium and the World of the Slavs S. 655-666

4Buchbeitrag  Byzantine-Hungarian Relations in 1162-1167 and the Deposition of Serbian Grand Zupan Desa
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2015) - In: Byzanz und das Abendland 3 S. 159-166

5Artikel  [The Byzantine Titles Of Jovan Oliver. A Contribution To The Issues Of Their Origin And Chronology]
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2013) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 50 (2013) S. 713-724

6Buchbeitrag  Emperor's Daughter in Love with a Prisoner: Comparing the Stories of Scylitzes and Anonymus Presbyter Diocleae
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2013) - In: Byzanz und das Abendland. Begegnungen zwischen Ost und West S. 273-284

7Artikel  [Manuel I Komnenos,"Carski San" and "samodržci Oblasti Srpskog Prestola"]
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2011) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 48 (2011) S. 89-118

8Buchbeitrag  A case study in the emergence of Byzantine studies: Serbia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2010) - In: The Byzantine world (2010) S. 481-490

9Artikel  Jedna pretpostavka o poreklu bugarskog cara Konstantina Asena 'Tiha'
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2009) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 46 (2009) S. 313-331

10Buchbeitrag  Ta meta ton Samouel
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2008) - In: Byzantio kai Bulgaroi (1018 - 1185) S. 51-58

11Artikel  Some Notes on the Byzantine-Bulgarian Peace Treaty of 927
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2008) - In: Byzantinoslovaca Bd. 2 (2008) S. 40-48

12Buchbeitrag  The Death of Tsar Stefan Dusan: A Contribution to the Issue
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2007) - In: Byzantium, New Peoples, New Powers. The Byzantino-Slav Contact Zone S. 285-302

13Artikel  Entering of Stefan Dušan into the Empire
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (2007) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 44 (2007) S. 381-409

14Artikel  [Le thème byzantin de Morava et la "Moravie" de Constantin VII Porphyrogénète]
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (1997) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 36 (1997) S. 173-201

15Artikel  [Two Contributions to the Chronology Of the End Of the First Bulgarian Empire]
Pirivatric, Srdjan. (1995) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta Bd. 34 (1995) S. 51-62

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 15