RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 36


Deskriptoren: ReligiositätTechnikgeschichte

1Artikel  The Selenite and Lead Curse Tablets from Amathous, Cyprus and the Transmission of Magical Technology
Wilburn, Andrew T.. (2021) - In: Religion in the Roman empire Bd. 7 (2021) S. 43-70

2Artikel  Diseño, tecnología y significado: sobre un tipo de carpintería de relicarios en la Alta Edad Media
García de Castro Valdés, César. (2021) - In: Codex aquilarensis Bd. 37 (2021) S. 233-248

3Sammelwerk  L' età di Pandolfo Petrucci: cultura e tecnologia a Siena nel Rinascimento: studi in memoria di Giuseppe Chironi
- Siena (2017)

4Artikel  Magic, Technology and New Categories of Knowledge in the Central Middle Ages
Escobar-Vargas, Carolina. (2015) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 41 (2015) S. 53-66

5Artikel  "My Body Free to God": Pilgrimage as a Technology of Self in the Book of Margery Kempe
Belcher, Kimberly Hope. (2015) - In: Spiritus Bd. 15 (2015) S. 155-171

6Buchbeitrag  La Dame du Lac et l'automate: quand la technologie remplace la magie
Berthelot, Anne. (2015) - In: Engins et machines. L'imaginaire mécanique dans les textes médiévaux S. 193-207

7Sammelwerk  Die Sprache des Materials: die Technologie der Kölner Tafelmalerei vom "Meister der heiligen Veronika" bis Stefan Lochner
- Berlin [u.a.] (2013)

8Artikel  Wessel Gansfort. John Mombaer. and Medieval Technologies of the Self: Affective Meditation in a Fifteenth-Century Emotional Community
Ritchey, Sara. (2013) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 38 (2013) S. 153-174

9Buchbeitrag  Early medieval Rus' relief decorated reliquary-crosses from the State Historical Museum in Moscow:insights from chemical content and technological analysis
Astashova, NataliaSaracheva, Tatiana. (2012) - In: Rome, Constantinople and Newly converted Europe. Archeological and Historical Evidence Tl. 2 S. 445-458

10Sammelwerk  Materia Cimitile: memoria di segno, misura di storia: atti della XX settimana della cultura scientifica e tecnologica del MIUR, Parco ..., Cimitile, 18-23 ottobre 2010.
Jacazzi, DanilaCarillo, SaverioPetillo, Pasquale [Hrsg.]. - Napoli (2011)

11Buchbeitrag  Remembering Elites. Early Medieval Stone Crosses as Commemorative Technologies
Williams, Howard. (2011) - In: Det 61. Internationale Sachsensymposion 2010, Haderslev S. 13-32

12Buchbeitrag  Early Medieval Stone Crosses as Commemorative Technologies
Williams, Howard. (2011) - In: Det 61. Internationale Sachsensymposion 2010, Haderslev S. 13-32

13Sammelwerk  Scripto Transitus Domini. L'Archivio Storico Diocesano di Taranto tra memoria, tradizione e nuove tecnologie
Castelli, F. [Hrsg.]. - Pontedera (2011)

14Artikel  Memorizzare in campo aperto: neumi, canto gregoriano, tropi liturgici e tecnologia della memoria
Locanto, Massimiliano. (2010) - In: Doctor Virtualis Bd. 10 (2010) S. 219-262

15Artikel  From my Notebooks: Medicine, Mechanics and Magic from Moses ben Judah Galeano's Taalumot Hokmah
Langermann, Yitzhak Tzvi. (2009) - In: Aleph Bd. 9 (2009) S. 353-377

16Monographie  Suspended endings: the mechanics of medieval continuation in the Perceval Continuations
Tether, Leah Roseann. - [University of Durham] (2009)

17Buchbeitrag  Kroka-Refs saga as science fiction: Technology, magic and the materialist hero
Willson, Kendra Jean. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 2 S. 1064-1070

18Buchbeitrag  The reliquary of Breisach from 1496: history, technology and conservation
Magin, ClaudiaGulbins, Gisela. (2006) - In: Medieval reliquary shrines and precious metalwork S. 87-92

19Buchbeitrag  Textilne-technologicky rozbor tkanin z relikvii = Analyse des tissus des reliques au point de vue de la technologie textile
Otavská, Vendulka. (2006) - In: Z Noyonu do Prahy. Kult svatého Eligia ve stredovekých Cechách S. 259-294

20Buchbeitrag  Astrologi und Mechanici im Umkreis Ottheinrichs.
Oestmann, Günther. (2005) - In: Von Kaisers Gnaden. 500 Jahre Pfalz-Neuburg S. 256-260

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 36