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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 23


Deskriptoren: Savage-Smith, Emilie (20. Jh.)Jamison, Evelyn Mary (1877-1972)

1Sammelwerk  Studies on the History of Medieval Sicily and South Italy
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. Clementi, Dione [Hrsg.]. - Aalen (1992)

2Artikel  L'amministrazione della Contea di Molise nel dodicesimo e tredicesimo secolo
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1991) - In: Samnium Bd. 64 (1991) S. 112-193

3Artikel  Premessa all'edizione del "Catalogus baronum"
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1976) - In: Archivio storico per le province napoletane Bd. 93 (1976) S. 9-23

4Sachtitel  Catalogus Baronum. Bd. 1
Jamison, Evelyn Mary [Hrsg.]. - Roma (1972)

5Artikel  Judex Tarentinus. La carriera del Judex Tarentinus Magne Curie Magister Justiciarius e l'apparire della Regalis Magna Curia sotto Guglielmo I e la reggenza di Margherita di Navarra (1156-1172)
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1971) - In: Rivista storica del Mezzogiorno Bd. 6 (1971) S. 3-35

6Artikel  Additional work on the Catalogus Baronum
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1971) - In: Bullettino dell'Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo Bd. 83 (1971) S. 1-63

7Artikel  Judex Tarentinus. The career of Judex Tarentinus magne curie justiciarius and the emergence of the Sicilian regalis magna curia under William I and the regency of Margaret of Navarre, 1156-1172
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1967) - In: Proceedings of the British Academy Bd. 53 (1967) S. 289-344

8Buchbeitrag  The significance of the earlier medieval documents from S. Maria della Noce and S. Salvatore di Castiglione
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1959) - In: Studi Riccardo Filangieri Tl. 1 S. 51-80

9Monographie  Admiral Eugenius of Sicily, his Life and Work and the Authorship of the epistola ad Petrum and the Historia Hugonis Falcandi Siculi
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. - London (1957)

10Artikel  Bibliography of the writings of Evelyn M. Jamison
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1956) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome Bd. 24 (1956) S. 1-4

11Artikel  Eine Urkunde Celestins III. für S. Crisanto di Filetto
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1956) - In: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken Bd. 36 (1956) S. 321-323

12Buchbeitrag  La carriera del logoteta Riccardo di Taranto e l'ufficio del logoteta Sacri Palatii del Regno Normanno di Sicilia e d'Italia Meridionale
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1953) - In: Atti del II Congresso Storico Pugliese S. 169-191

13Artikel  Documents from the Angevin Registers of Naples: Charles I
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1949) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome Bd. 17 (1949) S. 87ff.

14Artikel  Alliance of England and Sicily in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1943) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 6 (1943) S. 20-32

15Artikel  The Sicilian Norman Kingdom in the mind of Anglo-Norman contemporaries
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1938) - In: Proceedings of the British Academy Bd. 24 (1938) S. 237-285

16Artikel  Notes on Santa Maria della Strada at Matrice, its history and sculpture
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1938) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome Bd. 14 (1938) S. 32-97

17Buchbeitrag  The abbess Bethlem of s. Maria di Porta Somma and the barons of the terra beneventana
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1934) - In: Oxford Essays Herbert Edward Salter S. 33-67

18Monographie  I conti di Molise e di Marsia nei secoli 12. e 13.
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. - Casalbordino (1932)

19Artikel  Note e documenti per la storia dei Conti Normanni di Catanzaro
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1931) - In: Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania Bd. 1 (1931) S. 451-470

20Artikel  The Administration of the County of Molise in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Jamison, Evelyn Mary. (1930) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 45 (1930) S. 1-34

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 23