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RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 29


Deskriptoren: Savage-Smith, Emilie (20. Jh.)Locke, John (1632-1704)

1Buchbeitrag  Corporatism, Individualism, and Consent: Locke and Premodern Thought
Tierney, Brian. (2011) - In: Essays James A. Brundage S. 49-72

2Buchbeitrag  Francisco Suárez como gozne entre la filosofía política medieval y John Locke
Baciero Ruiz, Francisco T.. (2010) - In: El pensamiento político en la Edad Media S. 263-274

3Buchbeitrag  Locke on the Intentionality of Sensory Ideas
Schumacher, Ralph. (2008) - In: Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy S. 271-283

4Buchbeitrag  Le present roi du Mogol et le bapteme des siamois. Sur l'identite personelle, du Moyen Âge ä John Locke
Libera, Alain de. (2008) - In: FS Loris Sturlese S. 418-446

5Artikel  Humanism and political Theology from Pico to Locke
Bori, Pier Cesare. (2008) - In: Annali d'italianistica Bd. 26 (2008) S. 77-95

6Buchbeitrag  Dominion of Self and Natural Rights Before Locke and After
Tierney, Brian. (2006) - In: Transformations in medieval and early-modern rights discourse S. 173-206

7Buchbeitrag  Aquinas, Locke, and Lincoln in the American regime
Mathie, William. (2004) - In: St. Thomas Aquinas and the natural law tradition S. 229-236

8Artikel  Vom mittelalterlichen zum modernen Verfassungsdenken: Kontinuität oder Wandel? Nikolaus von Kues, George Lawson und John Locke
Sigmund, Paul Eugene. (2003) - In: Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft Bd. 28 (2003) S. 33-64

9Artikel  El De legibus de Suárez y Locke
Baciero Ruiz, Francisco T.. (2003) - In: Revista española de filosofía medieval Bd. 10 (2003) S. 387-394

10Buchbeitrag  Ockham and Locke on Mental Language
Panaccio, Claude. (2003) - In: The medieval heritage in early modern metaphysics and modal theory, 1400 - 1700 S. 37-52

11Buchbeitrag  Medieval and Modern Constitutionalism: Nicholas of Cusa and John Locke
Sigmund, Paul Eugene. (2000) - In: Cusanus. The legacy of learned ignorance S. 310-329

12Artikel  Herrschaft und Eigentum bei Wilhelm von Ockham und John Locke
Epp, Verena. (1999) - In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Bd. 34, 1 (1999) S. 63-75

13Buchbeitrag  Disputing the Augustinian legacy: John Locke and Jonathan Edwards on Romans 5:12-19
Quinn, Philip L.. (1999) - In: The Augustinian Tradition S. 233-250

14Buchbeitrag  Les sources de la distinction entre société et gouvernement chez Locke
Spitz, Jean-Fabien. (1999) - In: Aspects de la pensée médiévale dans la philosophie politique moderne S. 247-272

15Buchbeitrag  "The human face divine": identity and the portrait from Locke to Chaucer
Patterson, Annabel. (1999) - In: Crossing boundaries S. 155-186

16Artikel  Democracy and Religious Values: Augustine on Locke, Lying and Individualism" [The 1997 Saint Augustine Lecture]
Rist, John M.. (1998) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 29, 1 (1998) S. 7-24

17Buchbeitrag  Locke on universals: the fruit of Ockham's dilemma?
Tweedale, Martin M.. (1998) - In: Meeting of the minds. The relations between medieval and classical modern European philosophy S. 235-244

18Buchbeitrag  The great chain of being in Early Modern philosophy and the medieval background: notes on Ralph Cudworth, John Locke, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Mahoney, Edward P.. (1998) - In: Meeting of the minds. The relations between medieval and classical modern European philosophy S. 245-284

19Artikel  The medieval foundations of John Locke's theory of natural rights: rights of subsistence and the principle of extreme necessity.
Swanson, Scott Gordon. (1997) - In: History of political thought Bd. 18 (1997) S. 399-459

20Buchbeitrag  The historical background to Locke's account of particles ("Essay", III, 7)
Bos, Egbert Peter. (1996) - In: Bos, Studies on the history of logic and semantics S. 53-71

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 29