RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 42


Deskriptoren: Schütz, Lieselotte (1934-)Miltenova, Anisava L. (1950-)

1Artikel  Slavonic Apocrypha: New Discoveries, New Perusals
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2018) - In: Scrinium. Revue de patrologie Bd. 14 (2018) S. 273-288

2Buchbeitrag  Translations of Monastic Florilegia in Medieval Bulgarian Literature (10th-14th Centuries)
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2017) - In: Medieval Bulgarian art and letters in a Byzantine context S. 437-465

3Buchbeitrag  [Selected bibliography of Prof. Anisava Miltenova.]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2016) - In: FS Anisava L. Miltenova S. 9-30

4Sammelwerk  Vis sapientia: studia in honorem Anisavae Miltenova: novi izvori, interpretacii i podchodi v medievistikata [Vis et sapientia: Studia in honorem Anisavae Miltenova. New sources, interpretations and approaches in the mediaeval studies.]
Anguševa, AdelinaDimitrova, MargaretJovceva, Marija [Hrsg.]. - Sofija (2016)

5Artikel  [Story about the origin of Samodiva]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2016) - In: Bulgaria mediaevalis Bd. 7 (2016) S. 141-151

6Sammelwerk  Srebarnijat vek: novi otkritija: posveštava se na 780 godini ot vazstanovjavaneto na Balgarskata patriaršija (1235 g.), 640 godini ot intronizacijata na Patriarch Evtimij (1375 g.), 600 godini ot intronizacijata za Kievski mitropolit na Grigorij Camblak (1415 g.): sbornik e sastaven ot dokladi na meždunarodnata konferencija, sastojala se na 10 i 11 maj 2015 g. v BAN s blagoslovenieto na balgarskija Patriarch Neofit ; [The silver age: new discoveries]
Miltenova, Anisava L. [Hrsg.]. - Sofija (2016)

7Artikel  [Slavonic apocrypha with bogomil and anti-bogomil elements: new data]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2016) - In: Bulgaria mediaevalis Bd. 7 (2016) S. 445-465

8Artikel  Text and Context: Story about the Handsome Joseph in the Miscellanies with Mixed Content
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2015) - In: Scripta & e-scripta Bd. 14 (2015) S. 231-250

9Artikel  [Once again on the narrative about the origin of Paulicians]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2015) - In: Bulgaria mediaevalis Bd. 6 (2015) S. 233-240

10Buchbeitrag  [The time of Tsar Samuil in the medieval Bulgarian literature]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2015) - In: Evropejskijat jugoiztok prez vtorata polovina na X - nacaloto na XI vek - istorija i kultura S. 631-638

11Artikel  [Eschatological Paratext: The narrative of the prophet Samuel]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2014) - In: Bulgaria mediaevalis Bd. 4/5 (2014) S. 217-228

12Artikel  An Unstudied Compilation with the Name of Andrew the Apostle
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2014) - In: Studia Ceranea Bd. 4 (2014) S. 85-94

13Buchbeitrag  Erotapokriseis in Medieval Slavonic Literature: Exegesis or Catechesis?
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2014) - In: On the fringe of commentary. Metatextuality S. 379-404

14Artikel  Towards the History of Paraenetic Literature: Hilandar MS 382
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2013) - In: Scripta & e-scripta Bd. 12 (2013) S. 139-155

15Sammelwerk  Preotkrivane: suprasalski sbornik, starobalgarski pametnik ot X vek [Rediscovery: Bulgarian Codex Suprasliensis of 10th century]
Miltenova, Anisava L. [Hrsg.]. - Sofija (2012)

16Artikel  Owning the Byzantine Literary Tradition: Balkan Adaptation and Transformation
Miltenova, Anisava L.Stammler, Lilly. (2012) - In: Scripta & e-scripta Bd. 10/11 (2012) S. 247-267

17Monographie  Historical and apocalyptic literature in Byzantium and medieval Bulgaria
Tapkova-Zaimova, VasilkaMiltenova, Anisava L.. - Sofija (2011)

18Buchbeitrag  Slavonic Erotapokriseis: Sources, Transmission, and Morphology of the Genre
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2011) - In: The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic tradition S. 279-302

19Buchbeitrag  Paratextual literature in action: historical apocalypses with the names of Daniel and Isaiah in Byzantine and Old Bulgarian tradition (11th - 13th centuries)
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2010) - In: In the second degree. Paratextual literature S. 267-284

20Buchbeitrag  [Notes sur la littérature bulgare à l'époque de la domination byzantine]
Miltenova, Anisava L.. (2009) - In: Mezdunaroden Naucen Simpozium Vizantija i Slavjanite po Slucaj 20-Godisninata ot Sazdavento S. 199-212

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 42