RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 5682 |
Deskriptoren: Semitistik
1 | Bibliotheca Semitica |
2 | Des juifs, des chrétiens et des livres: manuscrits hébreux médiévaux de la France du nord Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith. |
3 | Avicenna's On Floods (De diluviis) in Latin Translation: Analysis and Critical Edition with an English Translation of the Arabic Hasse, Dag Nikolaus. |
4 | The Description of Syntax in Medieval Hebrew Grammars Wormser, Yehonatan. |
5 | The third lung: new trajectories in Syriac studies: in honor of Sebastian P. Brock Bitton-Ashkelony, Brouria • Hjälm, Miriam L. • Kitchen, Robert A. [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Dialogue Elements in Late Syriac Poetry: The Ways of Transformation Pritula, Anton. |
8 | Jewish exemplars and Hebraist copies of Hebrew manuscripts Steimann, Ilona. |
11 | A Greek-Coptic Miaphysite Litany from Thebes (P.Mon.Epiph. 49) De Bruyn, Theodore S.. |
15 | Hebraism in Sixteenth-Century England. Robert and Thomas Wakefield Carley, James Patrick • Burnett, Charles [Hrsg.]. |
16 | The Linguistic Classification of the Reading Traditions of Biblical Hebrew: A Phyla-and-Waves Model Kantor, Benjamin-Paul. |
19 | Nominal Case in Christian Arabic Translations of the Gospels (9th-15th Centuries CE) Stokes, Phillip W.. |
20 | Autographic manuscripts of the Arabic-speaking world created for the scribe's own use Sobieroj, Florian. |
RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 5682 |