RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 5682


Deskriptoren: Semitistik

1Reihe Bibliotheca Semitica
- Madrid (2023 -)

2Monographie  Des juifs, des chrétiens et des livres: manuscrits hébreux médiévaux de la France du nord
Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith. - Paris (2023)

3Buchbeitrag  Avicenna's On Floods (De diluviis) in Latin Translation: Analysis and Critical Edition with an English Translation of the Arabic
Hasse, Dag Nikolaus. (2023) - In: Studies Charles Burnett S. 107-141

4Artikel  The Description of Syntax in Medieval Hebrew Grammars
Wormser, Yehonatan. (2023) - In: Hebrew studies Bd. 64 (2023) S. 173-188

5Sammelwerk  The third lung: new trajectories in Syriac studies: in honor of Sebastian P. Brock
Bitton-Ashkelony, BrouriaHjälm, Miriam L.Kitchen, Robert A. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2023)

6Buchbeitrag  Dialogue Elements in Late Syriac Poetry: The Ways of Transformation
Pritula, Anton. (2023) - In: Studies Sebastian P. Brock (2023) S. 311-324

7Artikel  Un dosier en curso de reactivación: el estudio del árabe dialectal/vernáculo en las fuentes escritas del Occidente islámico premoderno
Meouak, Mohamed. (2023) - In: Al-Qantara Bd. 44 (2023) S. [1-10]

8Buchbeitrag  Jewish exemplars and Hebraist copies of Hebrew manuscripts
Steimann, Ilona. (2023) - In: Personal manuscripts. Copying, drafting, taking notes S. 477-507

9Buchbeitrag  One against Seven. Variations on the Misogynistic Nature of "The Seven Sages" in Different Arabic Manuscript Copies (17th -18th Centuries)
Redwan, Rima. (2023) - In: Die 'Sieben weisen Meister' als globale Erzähltradition S. 49-66

10Buchbeitrag  Tongues on a Golden Mouth: The Transition from Scholia to Florilegia as Evidenced in a Sixth-Century Syriac Chrysostom Manuscript
Moss, Yonathan. (2023) - In: Florilegia Syriaca. Mapping a knowledge-organizing practice in the Syriac world S. 74-131

11Artikel  A Greek-Coptic Miaphysite Litany from Thebes (P.Mon.Epiph. 49)
De Bruyn, Theodore S.. (2023) - In: Vigiliae christianae Bd. 77 (2023) S. 26-46

12Buchbeitrag  User-production of Hebrew manuscripts revisited: the case of manuscript Oxford, Bodleian Library, Huntington 200
Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith. (2023) - In: Personal manuscripts. Copying, drafting, taking notes S. 335-357

13Buchbeitrag  Almanzor, Compostela y las rutas jacobeas en la historiografía árabe medieval
Carballeira Debasa, Ana María. (2023) - In: Almanzor y Carlomagno. El Camino de Santiago ante el islam en la época medieval S. 39-61

14Buchbeitrag  ‘Already Verified'. A Hebrew Herbal between Text and Illustration
Gottlieb, Sivan. (2023) - In: Drugs in the Medieval Mediterranean. Transmission and Circulation of Pharmacological Knowledge S. 204-242

15Sammelwerk  Hebraism in Sixteenth-Century England. Robert and Thomas Wakefield
Carley, James PatrickBurnett, Charles [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2023)

16Monographie  The Linguistic Classification of the Reading Traditions of Biblical Hebrew: A Phyla-and-Waves Model
Kantor, Benjamin-Paul. - Cambridge (2023)

17Artikel  Recent Identifications among the Palimpsests from the Cairo Geniza: A Comprehensive List of Christian Palestinian Aramaic Texts. A Comprehensive List of Christian Palestinian Aramaic Texts
Müller-Kessler, Christa. (2023) - In: Collectanea christiana orientalia Bd. 20 (2023) S. 97-142

18Artikel  Analyse linguistique d'un corpus épistolaire en moyen arabe. Les lettres luso-marocaines conservées aux archives nationales de la Torre do Tombo
Guerrero, Jairo. (2023) - In: Arabica. Journal of arabic and islamic studies Bd. 70 (2023) S. 69-112

19Artikel  Nominal Case in Christian Arabic Translations of the Gospels (9th-15th Centuries CE)
Stokes, Phillip W.. (2023) - In: Arabica. Journal of arabic and islamic studies Bd. 70 (2023) S. 239-322

20Buchbeitrag  Autographic manuscripts of the Arabic-speaking world created for the scribe's own use
Sobieroj, Florian. (2023) - In: Personal manuscripts. Copying, drafting, taking notes S. 411-446

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 5682