RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 21240


Deskriptoren: Skandinavien

1Monographie  Towns and trade in viking-age Scandinavia
Kalmring, Sven. - Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] (2024)

2Artikel  Swedish Medieval Castles: Their Strategic Importance and Function
Ekdahl, Sven. (2024) - In: The journal of medieval military history Bd. 22 (2024) S. 72-82

3Zeitschrift  Kleio: Historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajien liiton jäsenlehti
(2023 -)

4Zeitschrift  Muuriankkuri
(2023 -)

5Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian stave church sculpture
Andås, Margrete Syrstad. (2023) - In: The medieval Scandinavian art Reader S. 331-350

6Buchbeitrag  Zins und Wucher in Schweden bis 1734
Strauch, Dieter. (2023) - In: Germanisches Altertum und Europäisches Mittelalter. Gedenkband für Heinrich Beck S. 427-458

7Buchbeitrag  Bears and humans in Sweden - 10,000 years of interactions from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages
Magnell, Ola. (2023) - In: Bear and human. Facets of a multi-layered relationship from past to recent times, with emphasis on Northern Europe S. 209-234

8Buchbeitrag  Ecclesiastical textiles from late medieval Scandinavia
Nødseth, Ingrid Lunnan. (2023) - In: The medieval Scandinavian art Reader S. 307-324

9Artikel  At løbe fastelavn Fastelavnstraditioner i Danmark i senmiddelalderen
Søndergaard, Leif. (2023) - In: Skalk , 1 (2023) S. 18-22

10Artikel  Late Iron Age Whaling in Scandinavia
Hennius, AndreasLjungkvist, JohnMaldre, Liina. (2023) - In: Journal of maritime archaeology Bd. 18 (2023) S. 1-22

11Buchbeitrag  The history of the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project - a formidable success story
Swenson, Jon E.Brunberg, Sven. (2023) - In: Bear and human. Facets of a multi-layered relationship from past to recent times, with emphasis on Northern Europe S. 63-76

12Buchbeitrag  Sustainability and best practices for linked data heritage resources: some case studies from Sweden
Backman, AgnieszkaSmith, Marcus A. J.. (2023) - In: Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies S. 159-183

13Buchbeitrag  A Scandinavian Saint in Norwich: early urban development and the church
Ayers, Brian S.. (2023) - In: FS Manfred Schneider (2023) S. 13-22

14Buchbeitrag  The Sigurdsson Hypothesis: Negotiating Silver and Money between the Rhine and Scandinavia, c. 975 to c. 1050
Gullbekk, Svein H.. (2023) - In: Studies Jón Viðar Sigurðsson S. 137-164

15Buchbeitrag  Continental Germanic and Scandinavian Glossaries
Seiler Rübekeil, AnninaBenati, ChiaraPons-Sanz, Sara María. (2023) - In: Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe. Tradition and innovation S. 373-584

16Artikel  Gilt-leather Embroideries from Medieval Sweden and Finland
Sundström, AmicaNeijman, Maria. (2023) - In: Medieval clothing and textiles Bd. 17 (2023) S. 116-143

17Artikel  Fragments Re-Connected Identifications of leaves stemming from the same twelfth-century or early thirteenth-century missals now divided between the collections of the National Library of Finland and the National Archives of Sweden
Tahkokallio, Jaakko. (2023) - In: Mirator Bd. 23 (2023) S. 1-29

18Buchbeitrag  ‘Brúðir berserkja barðak í hlés eyju': A Material-Ecocritical Consideration of the Role of the Sea in Myths and Rituals of Premodern Scandinavia
Koesling, Jonas. (2023) - In: Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies. Nature and the Environment in Old Norse Literature and Culture S. 87-116

19Buchbeitrag  Latin versus the Vernacular in Seventeenth-Century Uppsala. Johannes Schefferus' Latin Attack on Olof Rudbeck's Swedish Dissection Programme
Dahlberg, Elena. (2023) - In: True Warriors? Negotiating Dissent in the Intellectual Debate (c. 1100-1700) S. 367-392

20Buchbeitrag  Why Did a Viking King Meet a Pope?: Cnut's Imperial Politics, Scandinavian Commercial Networks, and the Journey to Rome in 1027
Ozawa, Minoru. (2023) - In: Communicating Papal authority in the Middle Ages S. 131-144

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 21240