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Deskriptoren: SozialgeschichteCrick, Julia C. (1963-)

1Sammelwerk  A social history of England: 900 - 1200
Crick, Julia C.Houts, Elisabeth Maria Cornelia van [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2011)

2Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Crick, Julia C.Houts, Elisabeth Maria Cornelia van. (2011) - In: A social history of England 900 - 1200 S. 1-14

3Buchbeitrag  Learning and training
Crick, Julia C.. (2011) - In: A social history of England 900 - 1200 S. 352-372

4Buchbeitrag  Nobility
Crick, Julia C.. (2009) - In: A companion to the Early Middle Ages. Britain and Ireland c. 500 - 1100 S. 414-431

5Artikel  Pristina Libertas: Liberty and the Anglo-Saxons Revisited
Crick, Julia C.. (2004) - In: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Ser. 6, Bd. 14 (2004) S. 47-72

6Buchbeitrag  St. Albans, Westminster and some twelfth-century views of the Anglo-Saxon past.
Crick, Julia C.. (2002) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 25 S. 65-83

7Buchbeitrag  Women, wills and moveable wealth in pre-Conquest England
Crick, Julia C.. (2000) - In: Gender and material culture in historical perspective S. 17-37

8Buchbeitrag  Posthumous obligation and family identity
Crick, Julia C.. (2000) - In: Social identity in early medieval Britain S. 193-208

9Artikel  Women, posthumous benefaction, and family strategy in pre-Conquest England
Crick, Julia C.. (1999) - In: Journal of British Studies Bd. 38 (1999) S. 399-422

10Artikel  The Wealth, Patronage, and Connections of Women's Houses in Late Anglo-Saxon England
Crick, Julia C.. (1999) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 109 (1999) S. 154-185

11Artikel  Church, Land and Local Nobility in Early Ninth-Century Kent: The Case of Ealdorman Oswulf
Crick, Julia C.. (1988) - In: Historical Research Bd. 61 (1988) S. 251-269

12Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon fragment of Justinus's Epitome
Crick, Julia C.. (1987) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 16 (1987) S. 181-196

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 12