RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 72934 |
Deskriptoren: Sprachgeschichte
1 | Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze linguistiche tra Medioevo e prima età moderna Martignoni, Alice • Pierno, Franco [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Some notes on the history of crociata in the Italian language D'Aguanno, Daniele. |
3 | Medieval French interlocutions: shifting perspectives on a language in contact O'Donnell, Thomas • Gilbert, Jane • Reilly, Brian J. [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Medieval French Interlocutions: Shifting Perspectives on a Language in Contact O'Donnell, Thomas. |
5 | The Subject Vanishes: Jews, Heretics, and Martyrs after the Linguistic Turn Fredriksen, Paula. |
7 | The life course in Old English poetry Soper, Harriet. |
8 | The Carolingian cocio: on the vocabulary of the early medieval petty merchant Bobrycki, Shane. |
10 | Advertising grammars and dictionaries in the Venetian printing market: A linguistic analysis of title pages Serra, Eleonora. |
13 | Latin linguistics: an introduction De Melo, Wolfgang David Cirilo. |
15 | Die romanische Bauplastik Breuninger, Hannah Lea. |
17 | Literary History and Avant-Garde Poetics in the Antipodes: Languages of Invention Carruthers, A. J.. |
18 | ‘L'arte in prattica': Reconstructing Orazio Toscanella's language ideology Crocco, Claudia • Serra, Eleonora. |
19 | ‘Bi þat watz Gryngolet grayth and gurde with a sadel': Characterizing Gringolet in Old French and Middle English Mills, Marisa. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/924596 |
RI-Opac Suche | Treffer: 72934 |