RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 72934


Deskriptoren: Sprachgeschichte

1Sammelwerk  Convergenze plurilingui. Incroci e convivenze linguistiche tra Medioevo e prima età moderna
Martignoni, AlicePierno, Franco [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2024)

2Buchbeitrag  Some notes on the history of crociata in the Italian language
D'Aguanno, Daniele. (2024) - In: Crusade. The Uses of a Word from the Middle Ages to the Present S. 28-41

3Sammelwerk  Medieval French interlocutions: shifting perspectives on a language in contact
O'Donnell, ThomasGilbert, JaneReilly, Brian J. [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2024)

4Monographie  Medieval French Interlocutions: Shifting Perspectives on a Language in Contact
O'Donnell, Thomas. - Woodbridge (2024)

5Artikel  The Subject Vanishes: Jews, Heretics, and Martyrs after the Linguistic Turn
Fredriksen, Paula. (2024) - In: Journal of early Christian studies Bd. 32 (2024) S. 151-169

6Artikel  Emotional Language in Alcipron's Letters Closing a Letter with a Threat
Thomas, Marianna. (2024) - In: Classica et mediaevalia Bd. 73 (2024) S. 295-314

7Monographie  The life course in Old English poetry
Soper, Harriet. - Cambridge (2024)

8Artikel  The Carolingian cocio: on the vocabulary of the early medieval petty merchant
Bobrycki, Shane. (2024) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 32 (2024) S. 57-81

9Sammelwerk  Dictionnaire des régionalismes médiévaux: la Galloromania nord-orientale (DRM): une analyse à partir des Documents linguistiques galloromans (XIIe-XVe siècles)
Gleßgen, Martin-DietrichRoques, Gilles [Hrsg.]. - Strasbourg (2024)

10Artikel  Advertising grammars and dictionaries in the Venetian printing market: A linguistic analysis of title pages
Serra, Eleonora. (2024) - In: Renaissance studies Bd. 38 (2024) S. 23-55

11Artikel  “However Many Priests Instructed in Latin and Arabic of Good Reputation and Letters You May Find": Dominican Traditions About Language Acquisition and Missionary Preaching, c. 1190-1250
Boland, Amy C.Lincoln, Kyle C.. (2024) - In: Al-Masaq Bd. 36 (2024) S. 105-124

12Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Shaping Letters, Shaping Communities: Multilingualism and Linguistic Practice in the Late Antique Near East and Egypt
Minets, Yuliya. (2024) - In: Shaping letters, shaping communities. Multilingualism and linguistic practice in the late antique Near East and Egypt S. 1-23

13Monographie  Latin linguistics: an introduction
De Melo, Wolfgang David Cirilo. - Berlin [u.a.] (2024)

14Buchbeitrag  Der Gebrauch der Volkssprachen in den Kanzleien der wichtigsten Zentren Italiens und der Romania zur Zeit des Italienzugs Kaiser Ludwigs IV. (1327-1330)
Eufe, Rembert. (2024) - In: Die Kanzleisprache Ludwigs des Bayern im europäischen Kontext S. 197-240

15Buchbeitrag  Die romanische Bauplastik
Breuninger, Hannah Lea. (2024) - In: Von St. Maria Magdalena zur Erkenbert-Ruine S. 72-103

16Artikel  La semántica del término comunidad, el cambio institucional en las ciudades y las interpretaciones del conflicto comunero
Oliva Herrer, Hipólito Rafael. (2024) - In: E-Spania Bd. 47 (2024)

17Monographie  Literary History and Avant-Garde Poetics in the Antipodes: Languages of Invention
Carruthers, A. J.. - Edinburgh (2024)

18Artikel  ‘L'arte in prattica': Reconstructing Orazio Toscanella's language ideology
Crocco, ClaudiaSerra, Eleonora. (2024) - In: Renaissance studies Bd. 38 (2024) S. 56-88

19Artikel  ‘Bi þat watz Gryngolet grayth and gurde with a sadel': Characterizing Gringolet in Old French and Middle English
Mills, Marisa. (2024) - In: Arthuriana Bd. 34, 1 (2024) S. 3-20

20Monographie  Il lessico delle arti e il volgare a Siena fra Tre e Cinquecento: studi linguistici sui Documenti per la storia dell'arte senese (1854-1856) di Gaetano Milanesi
Aresti, Alessandro. - Alessandria (2024)

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 72934