RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 1804


Deskriptoren: UkraineAngenendt, Arnold (1934-)

1Artikel  [Amulet Featuring the Image a Holy Rider from the South-­Western Crimea]
Khairedinova, Elzara Aiderovna. (2022) - In: Anticnaja drevnost i srednie veka Bd. 50 (2022) S. 96-115

2Artikel  [A Seal of Leo Spelaiotis from the Crimea]
Alekseienko, Nikolai Aleksandrovich. (2022) - In: Anticnaja drevnost i srednie veka Bd. 50 (2022) S. 123-136

3Monographie  Les Conquérants de la steppe: D'Attila au khanat de Crimée, Ve-XVIIIe siècle
Blin, Arnaud. - Paris (2021)

4Artikel  The gothic psalter in Constantinople, between Crimea and Bologna
Lauritzen, Frederick. (2021) - In: Revue des études tardo-antiques Bd. 9 (2021) S. 107-120

5Buchbeitrag  Une métropole entre double appartenance et indépendance: Kiev, Constantinople et Moscou dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle
Tchentsova, Vera. (2021) - In: Autocéphalies. L'exercice de l'indépendance dans les Églises slaves orientales S. 305-370

6Buchbeitrag  La figure de Mgr Isidore de Kiev
Marchadier, Bernard. (2021) - In: Le Concile de Florence (1438-39). Une relecture œcuménique S. 99-108

7Artikel  [Ceramic Fragments with Christian Graffiti from Mediaeval Burials in the Crimea]
Khairedinova, Elzara Aiderovna. (2021) - In: Anticnaja drevnost i srednie veka Bd. 49 (2021) S. 193-218

8Buchbeitrag  Between the Mongols and Byzantium. The incorporation of the Crimean Peninsula into the state of the Golden Horde.
Bocharov, Sergey. (2021) - In: Migration and identity in Eurasia S. 269-284

9Artikel  Armenian Gospel of Surxat' (Crimea) at the Armenian Catholic Parish of Gheorghieni
Sargsyan, Lusine. (2021) - In: Revue des études sud-est européennes Bd. 59 (2021) S. 177-188

10Artikel  [Winegrower's Knives in the Mediaeval Crimea]
Gantsev, Valentin Konstantinovich. (2021) - In: Anticnaja drevnost i srednie veka Bd. 49 (2021) S. 147-163

11Artikel  The cemetery of Frontovoe 3. New data on the culture of the Crimea in the Roman and Early Great Migration periods
Gavrituchin, Igor OlegovicGolofast, L.Mastykova, Anna V.Sukhanov, E.Sviridov, A.Yazikov, S.. (2021) - In: Studijné zvesti Bd. 68 (2021) S. 87-118

12Buchbeitrag  Reception of the Florentine Union in the Metropolitanate of Kyiv 1439-1501: Backgrounds and Interpretations
Zatorskyy, Nazar. (2021) - In: Le Concile de Florence (1438-39). Une relecture œcuménique S. 187-204

13Buchbeitrag  On the Poem by the Hieromonk and Exarch Matthew about the City of Theodoro (Crimea)
Prinzing, Günter. (2021) - In: Byzantine Authors and their Times S. 451-467

14Artikel  Death and burial in Kyivan Rus' according to written sources
Lutsyk, Iryna. (2021) - In: Historia i Swiat Bd. 10 (2021) S. 209-238

15Artikel  Who could be and who could not be judged by Girays: on court and trial in the Khanate of Crimea
Pochekaev, Roman Iulianovich. (2021) - In: Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea Bd. 13 (2021) S. 768-778

16Buchbeitrag  "It was the Poles that gave me most pain": Polish slaves and captives in the Crimea, 1475-1774
Kizilov, Mikhail. (2021) - In: Slavery in the Black Sea Region, c. 900-1900. Forms of Unfreedom at the Intersection between Christianity and Islam S. 145-186

17Artikel  Osteuropäische Geschichte: Ostmitteleuropa, Belarus, Ukraine, Russland, Sowjetunion, Teil 2
Aust, Martin. (2021) - In: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht Bd. 72 (2021) S. 592-604

18Artikel  Hymnographic Complex by Meletios Syrigos Dedicated to the Kyivan Cave Saints and All Russian Saints in the Russian Tradition
Borisova, Tatiana. (2021) - In: Scrinium. Revue de patrologie Bd. 17 (2021) S. 41-67

19Buchbeitrag  Between the Mongols and Byzantium. The Incorporation of the Crimean Peninsula into the State of the Golden Horde
Bocharov, Sergey. (2021) - In: Migration and identity in Eurasia S. 269-284

20Artikel  Who and when brought the relics of St. Clement the Pope to Kiev?
Tolochko, Oleksiy P.. (2021) - In: Byzantinoslavica Bd. 79 (2021) S. 102-118

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 1804