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Deskriptoren: Vadstena

1Monographie  Music in the devotional lives of the Birgittine brothers and sisters at Vadstena Abbey (c. 1373 - 1545)
Urberg, Michelle Ann. - [University of Chicago] (2016)

2Buchbeitrag  Step by Step: The Process of Writing a Manuscript in the Female Convent of Vadstena
Dverstorp, Nils. (2015) - In: Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe (2015) S. 109-122

3Artikel  Magister Mathias och predikan i Vadstena kloster
Andersson, Roger. (2015) - In: Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift (2015) S. 174-190

4Buchbeitrag  Book Illumination in the Bridgettine Abbey of Vadstena
Lindqvist Sandgren, Eva. (2014) - In: Mulieres religiosae. Shaping female spiritual authority in the medieval and early modern periods S. 219-242

5Buchbeitrag  Evidence for Commercial Book Production in Vadstena Abbey?
Dverstorp, Nils. (2013) - In: The Birgittine experience S. 323-331

6Buchbeitrag  Vadstena Abbey and Female Literacy in Late Medieval Sweden
Hedström, Ingela. (2013) - In: Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe S. 253-274

7Artikel  Questions and Answers on the Birgittine Rule: A Letter from Vadstena to Syon Abbey 1421
Andersson, Elin. (2013) - In: Journal of medieval monastic studies Bd. 2 (2013) S. 151-172

8Buchbeitrag  Mastering Desires: Images of love, lust and want in Vadstena
Åkestam, Mia. (2013) - In: Pangs of Love and Longing. Configurations of Desire in Premodern Literature S. 235-252

9Buchbeitrag  Nuns and Larin, with Special Reference to the Birgittines of Vadstena
Hedlund, Monica. (2013) - In: Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe S. 97-118

10Buchbeitrag  The Birgittine Sisters at Vadstena Abbey: Their Learning and Literacy, with Particular Reference to Table Reading
Carlquist, Jonas. (2013) - In: Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe S. 239-252

11Buchbeitrag  The Vadstena Library: Making New Discoveries
Wolodarski, Anna. (2013) - In: The Birgittine experience S. 30-53

12Monographie  Aplagardar och klosterliljor: 800 ar kring Vadstena klosters historia
Sigurdson, Julia M.Zachrisson, Sune. - Skellefteå (2012)

13Buchbeitrag  The punishment of death. Concerning an archaeological excavation of an execution site in Vadstena (Sweden)
Karlsson, EmmaArcini, CarolineSandén, Annika. (2012) - In: Richtstättenarchäologie 3 S. 140-159

14Artikel  A Vadstena Preacher Using 'Cut and Paste'
Hedlund, Monica. (2011) - In: Medieval sermon studies Bd. 55 (2011) S. 55-83

15Monographie  Responsiones Vadstenenses: perspectives on the Birgittine Rule in two texts from Vadstena and Syon Abbey ; a critical edition with translation and introduction
Andersson, Elin. - Stockholm (2011)

16Buchbeitrag  Da Vadstena al Gargano. S. Brigida di Svezia pellegrina in Puglia
Lozzi Gallo, Lorenzo. (2011) - In: Il vento del Nord. Scandinavia ed Europa tra Medioevo ed età moderna S. 39-74

17Artikel  A Vadstena Preacher Using 'Cut and Paste'
Hedlund, Monica. (2011) - In: Medieval sermon studies Bd. 55 (2011) S. 45-54

18Artikel  'Liberasti me Domine a perdicione': A Sermon for Katarina of Vadstena from 1521
Andersson, Roger. (2010) - In: Medieval sermon studies Bd. 54 (2010) S. 27-37

19Buchbeitrag  Late Medieval Liturgical Embroideries from Uppsala and from the Bridgettine Convent in Vadstena: A Comparison
Estham, Inger. (2010) - In: Iconography of liturgical textiles in the Middle Ages S. 163-170

20Artikel  A newly discovered manuscript of a twelfth-century bury St. Edmunds Litany of the Saints, and its reuse in Vadstena Abbey, Sweden, in the Late Middle Ages
Bolton, TimothyHedström, Ingela. (2010) - In: Scriptorium Bd. 64 (2010) S. 287-300

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 232