RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 93449


Deskriptoren: WirtschaftsgeschichteCaruana Gómez de Barreda, Jaime (1909-)

1Monographie  Gli acquedotti dell'antica Roma
Ashby, Thomas. - Roma (2991)

2Monographie  Landhandelsrouten: Adern des Waren- und Ideenaustauschs 500 v.–1500 n. Chr.
Sutner, Philipp A.. - Wien (2024)

3Buchbeitrag  The ragpicker's dream: notes on the continuous role of junk dealers in past urban economies from the Roman period onwards
Furlan, Guido. (2024) - In: Economic circularity in the Roman and early medieval worlds. New perspectives on invisible agents and dynamics S. 1-14

4Monographie  Flemish textile-workers in England, 1331-1400: immigration, integration and economic development
Pajic, Milan. - Cambridge (2024)

5Buchbeitrag  Seeking the invisible with legacy data: notes on the use of archives for the study of ancient circular economies
Intagliata, Emanuele E.. (2024) - In: Economic circularity in the Roman and early medieval worlds. New perspectives on invisible agents and dynamics S. 131-142

6Buchbeitrag  Reused columns in an ancient circular economy
Frey, Jon Michael. (2024) - In: Economic circularity in the Roman and early medieval worlds. New perspectives on invisible agents and dynamics S. 163-180

7Monographie  Towns and trade in viking-age Scandinavia
Kalmring, Sven. - Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] (2024)

8Buchbeitrag  Introduction: approaching invisible circular economies through archaeological and historical sources
Bavuso, IreneFurlan, GuidoIntagliata, Emanuele E.Steding, Julia. (2024) - In: Economic circularity in the Roman and early medieval worlds. New perspectives on invisible agents and dynamics S. IXff.

9Monographie  Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia de la Economía.
Martín de Almagro, Ricardo. - Córdoba (2023)

10Sammelwerk  LRCW. Land and sea, pottery routes 6, Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean: archaeology and archaeometry (Vol. 1-2)
Caminneci, ValentinaGiannitrapani, Enrico [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2023)

11Sammelwerk  (Not) all roads lead to Rome: interdisciplinary approaches to mobility in the Ancient World
Devesa, Arnau LarioJiménez, Joan CampmanyPàllas, Marc MarzoSamaniego, Oriol Morillas [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2023)

12Sammelwerk  Politica, economia, società nell'alta valle del Tevere: Sansepolcro, Città di Castello, Sestino, secoli XV-XVI
Czortek, AndreaMartelli, Matteo [Hrsg.]. - Firenze (2023)

13Buchbeitrag  Changes in late-antique Gaul: Gregory of Tours as an exceptional witness of social, economic and political mobility.
Vago, Davide. (2023) - In: (Not) all roads lead to Rome. Interdisciplinary approaches to mobility in the Ancient World S. 156-167

14Artikel  L'Objet du mois: Gang-Chain sur la Saône: trafic du vin et traite des esclaves en Gaule
Laurent, Olivier. (2023) - In: Archeologia (Paris) Bd. 617 (2023) S. 26-27

15Artikel  La fortaleza de Tíscar: la organización del espacio de hábitat, agrícola y ganadero en un asentamiento de montaña en época andalusí
Villar-Mañas, Sonia. (2023) - In: Al-Qantara Bd. 44 (2023) S. [1-22]

16Buchbeitrag  "Away was sons of alle and brede": the decline of the medieval climate anomaly and the myth of the Alexandrian golden age in Scotland
Oram, Richard D.. (2023) - In: Essays Alasdair Ross S. 83-107

17Artikel  Mal drüber mal drunter: Aus der wechselvollen Geschichte der Bensheimer Verkehrswege
Rogalli, Dieter. (2023) - In: Mitteilungen des Museumsvereins Bensheim Bd. 87 (2023) S. 5-23

18Sammelwerk  Spiegel der Natur: Kräuterbücher aus dem 15. und 16. Jahrhundert
Jakob, MichaelRaffel, Eva [Hrsg.]. - Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) (2023)

19Monographie  Il rapporto di Nicola di Bojano (Morea 1361): edizione e studio linguistico
Barbato, Marcello. - Roma (2023)

20Buchbeitrag  Ninfei, peschiere, cisterne e vie di comunicazione: inquadramento tipologico delle grotte costiere di Bacoli e Miseno, tra Marina Grande e Torregaveta.
Formola, Simona. (2023) - In: Le grotte tra Preistoria, età classica e Medioevo S. 465-501

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 93449