RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,8 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 928


Deskriptoren: Wissenschaftliche QuellenTheologie

1Artikel  Byzantine Figures. A New Edition and Translation of the Two-Part Anonymous Iconophile Treatise against John the Grammarian
MacDougall, Byron David. (2023) - In: Revue des études byzantines Bd. 81 (2023) S. 5-48

2Artikel  Hablar de Dios trino desde la lógica del amor. El tratado sobre la Trinidad de Ricardo San Víctor (1110-1173)
Arfuch, Diego Elías. (2022) - In: Mayéutica Bd. 48 (2022) S. 25-40

3Monographie  Friendship as Ecclesial Binding: A Reading of St Augustine's Theology of Friendship in His In Iohannis evangelium tractatus
Brown, Phillip J.. - Turnhout (2022)

4Buchbeitrag  Latin Christian Neopythagorean Theology: A Speculative Summa
Albertson, David C.. (2022) - In: Brill's companion to the reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 373-415

5Buchbeitrag  The Summa dictorum: A Theological-Philosophical Encyclopaedia for Monks
Guldentops, Guy. (2022) - In: The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity S. 135-149

6Monographie  Der Homerische Mythos und die Grundlagen neuplatonischer Theologie: Proklos' Traktat über die Dichtung Homers [in R. I 69-205]: Übersetzung und Kommentar
Muhsal, Daniel. - Berlin [u.a.] (2022)

7Artikel  An Anti-Catholic Georgian Treatise by Patriarch Bessarion: Polemical Pathos and Theological Arguments
Tinikashvili, David. (2022) - In: Orientalia christiana periodica Bd. 88 (2022) S. 169-191

8Buchbeitrag  Physical Virginity against the Background of Creation and Christology: A Comparison of the Virginity Treatises by Ambrose and Gregory of Nyssa
Hokke, Metha. (2022) - In: Early Christian mystagogy and the body S. 317-340

9Buchbeitrag  Utrum haeretici sint tolerandi: The Debate in the Sixteenth-Century Iberian Commentary Tradition on Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae, II-II, q. 11
Lanza, Lidia. (2022) - In: Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy S. 103-126

10Sammelwerk  A reader in early Franciscan theology: the Summa Halensis
Schumacher, LydiaBychkov, Oleg V. [Bearb.]. - New York (2022)

11Buchbeitrag  Metaphysics of the Incarnation in the Summa Halensis and its Place in the Later History of Christology
Cross, Richard. (2021) - In: The Legacy of Early Franciscan Thought S. 221-238

12Buchbeitrag  Statues as Theological Treatises: Porphyry’s Approach in Peri agalmaton in Context
Tanaseanu-Döbler, Ilinca. (2021) - In: Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World S. 241-282

13Artikel  Redeeming Chenu? A Reconsideration of the Neoplatonic Influence on Aquinas's Summa Theologiae
Sammon, Brendan Thomas. (2021) - In: Heythrop journal Bd. 62 (2021) S. 971-987

14Artikel  The Table of Contents of a Copybook of Letters and Treatises by the Coptic Patriarch, John XIII (1484 1524): The Arabic Ms. 301 Theology,Coptic Patriarchal Library, al-Azbakiyyah, Cairo
Bcheiry, Iskandar. (2021) - In: Oriens christianus Bd. 104 (2021) S. 187-208

15Artikel  On the Many Senses of Scripture: Romans 1:19-20 in the Summa theologiae
Ebert, Aaron. (2021) - In: New blackfriars Bd. 102 (2021) S. 503-516

16Buchbeitrag  Remarks on the Debate on 'Summa Theologiae' I, q. 2, art. 2 in 17th-Century Dominican Theology
Agostini, Igor. (2021) - In: Summistae. The commentary tradition on Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologiae from the 15th to the 17th centuries S. 187-210

17Buchbeitrag  The Challenge of Augustine's Biblical Christology: Re-reading the In Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus
Cruess, Gregory M.. (2021) - In: Studia patristica 119 S. 43-50

18Buchbeitrag  Scholarios' Inserta thomistica in his Compendium of Demetrios Kydones' translation of Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologiae, Ia: a re-edition and its textual setting
Demetracopoulos, John A.. (2021) - In: Le monde Byzantin du XIIIe au XVe siècle. Anciennes ou nouvelles formes d'Impérialité S. 803-826

19Artikel  Creating a Theology of Icons in Umayyad Palestine: John of Damascus' "Three Treatises on the Divine Images"
Chrysostomides, Anna. (2021) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Bd. 72 (2021) S. 1-17

20Buchbeitrag  Saint Thomas d'Aquin et les Peres de l'Eglise. Le cas de l'angélologie dans la prima pars de la Summa theologiae.
Bonino, Serge-Thomas. (2021) - In: Reading the Church Fathers with St. Thomas Aquinas. Historical and systematical perspectives S. 131-154

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 928