RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,9 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 29


Titelstichwörter: GPR

1Artikel  Une prospection GPR au nord de l'église de Compesières (canton de Genève, Suisse)
Plan, Isabelle. (2023) - In: Bulletin du Centre d'Études Médievales d'Auxerre Bd. 27, 1 (2023)

2Buchbeitrag  Investigating remains of an early modern manor in Noer (Schleswig-Holstein) using 3D ERT and GPR - first results
Erkul, ErcanWunderlich, TinaGräber, MichaelRabbel, WolfgangGrüneberg-Wehner, Katja. (2023) - In: Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection S. 349-353

3Artikel  Geomorphological and non-destructive GPR survey for the conservation of frescos in the rupestrian churches of Matera (Basilicata, southern Italy)
De Giorgi, LaraLazzari, MaurizioLeucci, GiovanniPersico, Raffaele. (2023) - In: Archaeological prospection Bd. 30 (2023) S. 47-55

4Artikel  New Insights into a Romanesque Basilica Church in the Deserted Town of Corvey, Germany, Based on a High-Resolution GPR Survey
Coolen, JorisWallner, MarioTrausmuth, TanjaKönig, Andreas. (2021) - In: ArcheoSciences. Revue d'archéométrie Bd. 45 (2021) S. 35-38

5Buchbeitrag  Estructura de la ocupación rural romana en las campiñas hastenses y gaditanas: problemática y aportación de la exploración GPR a su conocimiento
Lagôstena Barrios, Làzaro Gabriel. (2021) - In: Arqueología y sociedad de los espacios agrarios. En busca de la gente invisible a través de la materialidad del paisaje S. 109-117

6Monographie  Detecting graves in GPR data: assessing the viability of machine learning for the interpretation of graves in B-scan data using medieval Irish case studies
Green, Ashely. - [University of Bournemouth] (2020)

7Buchbeitrag  Novel volume visualisation of GPR data inspired by medical applications
Neubauer, WolfgangBornik, AlexanderWallner, MarioVerhoeven, Geert. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 309-312

8Buchbeitrag  Comparison of excavation results with GPR and magnetic gradiometer surveys at a workshop area in Šapinuwa, Central Anatolia/Turkey
Drahor, Mahmut GöktugÖztürk, Caneret al.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 232-235

9Buchbeitrag  Multiple processing and interpretation methods of a complex 3-D GPR dataset: An example from northern Australia
Conyers, Lawrence. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 242-246

10Buchbeitrag  GPR Investigations in Earthlodges of the Northern Plains, USA
Kvamme, Kenneth L.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 264-266

11Buchbeitrag  Rise of the Machines: Improving the identification of possible graves in GPR data with interactive survey guidance and machine learning
Green, AshleyCheetham, Paul. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 300-304

12Buchbeitrag  When the Norsemen return: Complementary GPR surveys at the Viking Age site of Woodstown, County Waterford, IrelandE-Text
Schneidhofer, PetraTonning, Christeret al.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 91-95

13Buchbeitrag  Interpreting GPR data from Jaffna Fort, Northern Sri Lanka, using historic maps and new excavations
Schmidt, ArminGunawardhana, Prishantaet al.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 224-227

14Buchbeitrag  Outlining the karst: ERT and GPR surveys to detect karstic morphologies in the Sierra de Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain
Bermejo Albarrán, LucíaOrtega, Ana Isabelet al.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 136-138

15Buchbeitrag  Ground-Penetrating radar (GPR) for non-destructive testing of monument walls
Tsokas, GregoryDiamanti, NectariaAngelis, DimitriosTsourlos, PanagiotisVargemezis, George. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 69-72

16Buchbeitrag  Archaeological feedback of a GPR survey at Labeagako Santa Maria (Navarre): confirmation of survey interpretation and few more surprises
Garcia-Garcia, EkhineSala, Rogeret al.. (2019) - In: New global perspectives on archaeological prospection S. 139-142

17Artikel  Medieval Architecture and Technology: Using GPR to Reconstruct the Choir Screen at Santa Chiara in Naples
Giles, Lucas. (2018) - In: Peregrinations. Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture Bd. 6, 4 (2018) S. 123-160

18Artikel  Delineating an Unmarked Graveyard by High-Resolution GPR and pXRF Prospection: The Medieval Church Site of Furulund in Norway
Cannell, Rebecca J. S.Gustavsen, LarsKristiansen, MonicaNau, Erich. (2018) - In: Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology Bd. 1 (2018) S. 1-18

19Buchbeitrag  L'eco delle pietre: history, modeling, and GPR as tools in reconstructing the choir screen at Sta. Chiara in Naples.
Bruzelius, Caroline Astrid. (2018) - In: Progetti digitali per la storia dell'arte medievale S. 81-103

20Buchbeitrag  La prospección geofísica con GPR
Gómez Martín, Rafael Antoniou.a.. (2015) - In: La Madraza de Yusuf I y la ciudad de Granada S. 79-87

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 29