RI OPAC: Die Literaturdatenbank zum Mittelalter - Über 2,9 Millionen verzeichnete Werke

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 35


Titelstichwörter: Xth

1Artikel  [Rogvolod's Polity and formation of an ethnopolitical organization on the territory of the Middle Dvina in the Xth century]
Kezha, Yury Nikolaevich. (2021) - In: Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana , 2 (2021) S. 116-132

2Buchbeitrag  The Gestures of the Royal Figure According to the Literary Texts in the IXth-Xth Century in Bulgaria
Grigorov, Grigor. (2021) - In: Langages du pouvoir au Moyen Âge et au début de la modernité S. 263-269

3Sammelwerk  European Association for Jewish Studies Xth Congress, Paris, 20-24 July 2014
- s.l. (2014)

4Artikel  X. sjezd ceských historiku [Xth Congress of Czech Historians]
Knotková, VeronikaPower, Martina. (2013) - In: Documenta Pragensia Bd. 32, 2 (2013) S. 579-586

5Artikel  Consideration on the Necropolis from Gîmbas, (Xth Century)
Pinter, Zeno-KarlDrâmbârean, MateiRustoiu, Gabriel TiberiuDragota, Aurel. (2010) - In: Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series historica Bd. 7 (2010) S. 65-77

6Sammelwerk  Xth International Cretological Congress (Khania, october 2006)
- Khania (2010)

7Artikel  Bratari din sârme torsionate si împletite, latite la capete (secolele X-XV) [The Torsioned and Knitted Bracelets (the Xth - XVth centuries)]
Ota, SilviuDragota, AurelRustoiu, Gabriel Tiberiu. (2010) - In: Materiale si cercetari arheologice Ser. NS, Bd. 6 (2010) S. 155-171

8Buchbeitrag  Irrigated Agriculture, Risk and Population. The Andalusi Hydraulic Systems of the Balearic Islands as a Case Study (Xth-XIIIth Century)
Retamero Serralvo, Félix. (2008) - In: Marqueurs des paysages et systèmes socio-économiques S. 135-148

9Buchbeitrag  A problem of Byzantine philology and history:the Latin words at the Byzantine authors from Vth-Xth centuries
Tanasoca, Nicolae-Serban. (2008) - In: FS Alexandru Elian S. ??

10Artikel  Forme ceramice rare din secolele VII-X, descoperite în Depresiunea Silvaniei [Rare ceramic vessels from the VIIth-Xth centuries A. D., discovered in Sylvania Basin]
Bacuet-Crisan, Dan. (2007) - In: Arheologia medievala Bd. 6 (2007) S. 173-190

11Artikel  Bordeie, cuptoare si gropi de bucate din asezarea medieval-timpurie de la Vladeni - Popina Blagodeasca (jud. Ialomita) (sec. IX-prima jumatate a sec. XI). Campaniile 2000-2004 [Huts, domestic furnaces and food pits on the early-medieval settlements from Vladeni - Popina Blagodeasca (Ialomita County) IXth-Xth centuries.]
Corbu, Emilia. (2005) - In: Arheologia medievala Bd. 5 (2005) S. 5-20

12Buchbeitrag  The social structure of the Byzantine countryside in the first half of the Xth century
Oikonomidès, Nicolas A.. (2004) - In: Oikonomidès, Social and economic life in Byzantium S. 105-125

13Sammelwerk  Höfische Literatur & Klerikerkultur: Wissen -Bildung -Gesellschaft. Xth Triennial Conference der Internationalen Gesellschaft für höfische Literatur (ICLS) vom 28. Juli bis 3. August 2001 in Tübingen.
Sieber, Andrea [Bearb.]. - Berlin (2002)

14Buchbeitrag  Elements for a cultural history of wood in southern France (Xth-XVIth centuries)
Durand, Aline. (2002) - In: Charcoal Analysis. Methodological Approaches, Palaeoecological Results and Wood Use S. 261-266

15Artikel  "Spies of Towns". Some Remarks on Espionage in the Context of Arab-Byzantine Relations (VII-Xth Centuries)
Koutrakou, Nike. (2000) - In: Graeco-Arabica Bd. 7/8 (2000) S. 243-266

16Buchbeitrag  Spanish Gothic consciousness among the Mozarabs in al-Andalus (VIII-Xth centuries).
García Moreno, Luis Agustín. (1999) - In: The Visigoths. Studies in Culture and Society S. 303-323

17Artikel  Melioration (beltiosis) in Byzantine documents (Xth-XVth cent.)
Dmitriev, Sviatoslav. (1999) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik Bd. 49 (1999) S. 61-88

18Artikel  The Social Structure of the Byzantine Countryside in the First Half of the Xth Century
Oikonomidès, Nicolas A.. (1996) - In: Symmeikta Bd. 10 (1996) S. 105-125

19Artikel  Latin planetary studies in the IXth and Xth centuries
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield. (1995) - In: Physis. Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza Bd. 32 (1995) S. 217-226

20Artikel  The east and the formation of early mediaeval Bulgarian art VIIth to Xth centuries
Minaeva, Oksana. (1995) - In: Bulgarian historical review Bd. 23, 4 (1995) S. 91-105

RI-Opac SucheTreffer: 35