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Titelstichwörter: iyya

1Artikel  An act of appointment to the leadership of the Wafa'iyya sufi order from the Ottoman court records of Aleppo (1099/1687)
Salati, Marco. (2013) - In: Eurasian studies Bd. 11 (2013) S. 79-84

2Buchbeitrag  L'abrégé de la chronique ecclésiastique Muhtasar al-ahbâr al-bf iyya et la chronique de Séert. Quelques sondages
Teule, Herman G. B.. (2009) - In: L'historiographie syriaque S. 161-178

3Buchbeitrag  Dir'iyya (al-Dir'iyya)
Rentz, G.. (2007) - In: Historic cities of the Islamic world S. 134-136

4Buchbeitrag  The Antithesis of "Urjuza" and "Badi iyya": Two Forms of Arabic Versified Stylistics
Gelder, Geert Jan van. (2007) - In: Calliope's classroom studies in didactic poetry from Antiquity to the Renaissance S. 153-172

5Monographie  Die Geschichte der Musa sa iyya-Dynastie
Hoveyes, Abdolah. - Hamburg (2006)

6Artikel  The Wafa'i tariqa (Wafa'iyya) during and after the period of the Seljuks of Turkey: a new approach to the history of popular mysticism in Turkey
Ocak, Ahmet Yasar. (2005) - In: Mésogeios. Méditerranée Bd. 25/26 (2005) S. 209-248

7Buchbeitrag  The Calendar of Agricultural Tasks According to Al-Fala-h.a al-Nabat.iyya
Fahd, Toufic. (2001) - In: Production and the exploitation of resources S. 183-204

8Artikel  Notes on Avicenna's Concept of Thingness (Shay'iyya)
Wisnovsky, Robert. (2000) - In: Arabic sciences and philosophy Bd. 10 (2000) S. 181-221

9Buchbeitrag  A bâ>iyya of al-Ahtal in Praise of al-Walid b. 'Abd al-Malik
Mattock, John N.. (1994) - In: FS Ewald Wagner S. 120-130

10Artikel  La Rifa'iyya en Égypte
Bannerth, E.. (1970) - In: Mideo Bd. 10 (1970) S. 1-35

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