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Titelstichwörter: ulama

1Buchbeitrag  Mobility and versatility of the ‘ulama' in the Mamluk period: the case of Ibn Taymiyya
Berriah, Mehdi. (2021) - In: Professional Mobility in Islamic Societies (700-1750). New Concepts and Approaches S. 98-130

2Artikel  Material Culture in Vernacular/Semi-Vernacular Arabic from Medieval Tunisia: A Preliminary Inventory of Lexical Data in the Kitab Riyad al-Nufus fi Tabaqat Ulama' al-Qayrawan wa-Ifriqiya by Abu Bakr al-Qayrawani al-Maliki (dead after 464/1072)
Meouak, Mohamed. (2021) - In: Journal of mediterranean studies Bd. 30 (2021) S. 159-170

3Buchbeitrag  The "Ulama" as Ritual Specialists: Cosmic Knowledge and Political Rituals
Moin, A. Azfar. (2018) - In: The Wiley Blackwell History of Islam S. 377-392

4Buchbeitrag  Transition of the 'Ulama' Families in Sixteenth Century Damascus
Miura, Toru. (2016) - In: The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition. Continuity and Change in Egypt S. 207-220

5Artikel  The Dhimmi's Question on Predetermination and the Ulama's Six Responses: The Dynamics of Composing Polemical Didactic Poems in Mamluk Cairo and Damascus
Holtzman, Livnat. (2012) - In: Mamluk studies review Bd. 16 (2012) S. 1-54

6Buchbeitrag  "There are 'ulama' and there are 'ulama'": Minor Religious Institutions and Minor Religious Functionaries in Medieval Cairo
Berkey, Jonathan Porter. (2011) - In: Studies A. L. Udovitch S. 9-22

7Buchbeitrag  Les 'Ulamâ' et la propriété foncière en Ifrïqiya (Ier-IIIe/VIIe-IXe siècles)
Mansouri, Tahar. (2010) - In: Le monde rural dans l'Occident musulman médiéval S. 173-184

8Artikel  'Ilm, Shafa'ah, and Barakah: the resources of Ayyubid and early Mamluk Ulama
Talmon-Heller, Daniella. (2009) - In: Mamluk studies review Bd. 13, 2 (2009) S. 23-45

9Buchbeitrag  On Greeks and Greek culture in Sudan according to Ibn Dayfallah's Kitab al-Tabaqat fi khusus al-awliya, wa-l-Salihin wa-l-Ulama wa-l-shuara fil-Sudan
Guerasimov, Igor V.. (2009) - In: East and West. Essays on Byzantine and Arab worlds S. 169-175

10Artikel  Symbiotic relations: Ulama and the Mamluk Sultans
Lev, Yaacov. (2009) - In: Mamluk studies review Bd. 13, 1 (2009) S. 1-26

11Monographie  The ulama of al-Andalus: An understanding of Spain's intellectual heritage
Hummel, John Robert. - [Roosevelt University] (2009)

12Buchbeitrag  The Flagellations of Muharram and the Shi'ite 'Ulama'
Ende, Werner. (2006) - In: The development of Islamic ritual S. 331-348

13Monographie  Sunni 'ulama and the reform of religious offices in medieval Egypt, 637-676 A.H./A.D. 1240-1277
Lahmuddin, Lahmuddin. - [University of Arkansas] (2004)

14Artikel  Les 'Ulama' en rupture avec le pouvoir en Ifriqiya d'après le Kitab al-Mihan
Mansouri, Mohamed Tahar. (2003) - In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen Âge Bd. 115 (2003) S. 565-580

15Artikel  Some Remarks on 'Ulama-ye Islam. I. A Zoroastrian polemic
Adhami, Siamak. (1999) - In: Studia Iranica Bd. 28 (1999) S. 205-214

16Buchbeitrag  Art. Ulama
Singer, Hans-Rudolf. (1997) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 8 S. Sp. 1188-1189

17Artikel  The Caliphs, the 'Ulamã', and the Law: Defining the Role and Function of the Caliph in the Early 'Abbãsid Period
Qasim Zaman, Muhammad. (1997) - In: Islamic law and society Bd. 4 (1997) S. 1-36

18Artikel  La societat musulmana en el límit més septentrional d'al-Andalus: L'actividad dels fuqaha i ulama i la transmissió de coneixements
Ballestín Navarro, Xavier. (1996) - In: Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez Bd. 32 (1996) S. 247-262

19Buchbeitrag  Note sur le médecin Zahid al-'Ulama', frère d'Elie de Nisibe
Samir, Samir Khalil. (1996) - In: Samir, Foi et culture en Irak au XIe siècle Tl. V

20Buchbeitrag  Anthroponymy and Society: The Occupational Laqab of Andalusian 'Ulamâ'
Marín, Manuela. (1996) - In: FS Reinhold Kontzi S. 271-279

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