RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles


The RI OPAC is a freely accessible literature database for medieval research in the entire European language area, covering all disciplines.

The database serves both the regestae database as source for the cited literature, as well as universal research tool for searching for publications. It is characterized in particular by the indexing of dependent articles from a variety of journals and anthologies of even the most remote provenance. Specialist literature from the 16th century onwards is taken into account, which deals with the period from Late Antiquity to the Reformation.

Contribute to RI OPAC

The database is maintained by RI-Online together with RI staff and numerous professional colleagues. You too can contribute to the RI OPAC!

OPAC Reporting Form

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You can also send us extensive bibliographic data in table form.

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Research data license

CC BY 4.0 The data of the RI OPAC are under a CC BY 4.0 license and can be used freely.

Please note!

The RI OPAC does not offer the possibility to borrow or purchase the listed publications. Owning libraries can be identified by clicking on the "Search title" button under the corresponding entry in the KVK (monographs, collective works) or ZDB (journals).