Collection of Essays
The Church and Northern English Society in the Fourteenth Century: the Archbishops of York and their Records Dryburgh, Paul • Jones, Sarah Rees [Publ.]. |
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Search for authors: Dryburgh, Paul • Jones, Sarah Rees |
Introduction |
The Administrative Records of the Archbishops of York, 1304-1405 |
The Archbishops of York and the Government of Fourteenth-Century England |
Support or Scourge? Archbishop William Melton and the Tradition of Loyal Opposition to the English Crown, 1317-1340 |
Beyond the Border: The Influence of York Clerks in the Two Edwards' Scottish Administrations, 1332-1357 |
Responding to Royal Requirements: Clerical Taxation in the Province of York, 1304-1405 |
Ad insolenciam ipsius rebellis salubrius reprimendam: William Thorntoft, the Abbey of Rufford and Significations of Excommunication in the Northern Province |
Blood, Sex and Holy Water: Reconciling Churches and Churchyards in the Medieval Diocese of York |
Structuring Episcopal Authority: Palaces and Residences of the Archbishop of York |
Medieval Parks of the Archbishops of York |
Northern Ways? Pilgrimage, Politics and Piety in the Fourteenth-Century Administrative Records of the Archdiocese of York |
Underexplored Sources for Gender History: New Approaches to the Fourteenth-Century York Archbishops' Registers |
Joan of Leeds and other Apostate Nuns in the Province of York, 1300-1350 |
Bibliography of Records of the Archbishops of York, 1304-1405 • p. 309-312 |