Alphabetic register
- 1 Fjaestad, Monica
- 1 Fjalestad, Jakob Nordbø
- 14 Fjalldal, Magnús
- 1 Fjällström, Markus
- 1 Fjärstedt, Biörn
- 1 Fjelberg, Kristin
- 3 Fjeld, Ellen
- 2 Fjeld-Halvorsen, Eyvind
- 1 Fjeldheim, Ola H.
- 1 Fjellander, S.
- 1 Fjelldal, Sissel
- 18 Fjellhammer Seim, Karin
- 1 Fjellheim , Björn
- 1 Fjellman, Berit
- 1 Fjellsträm, Markus
- 6 Fjellström, Markus
- 3 Fjellström, Phebe
- 1 Fjelstad, Ruth Naomi
- 1 Fjetterström, R.
- 1 Fjodorov, Oleg V.
- 5 Fjordholm, Odd
Examples for the search function
Last names starting with letters 'Zg': zg
Last names starting with 'Kucz': kucz
Last names starting with 'Kucz', forename starting with "A": kucz*, a
Last names starting with 'Ku', forename starting with 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Forename 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Variants of 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Variants of 'Mayboom': m__b__m