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Publications »Baert, Barbara«

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RI opac: 198 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Ornamenta sacra: late medieval and early modern liturgical objects in a European context
Dekoninck, RalphClaes, Marie-ChristineBaert, Barbara [Publ.]. - Leuven [u.a.] (2022)

2Monographie  Looking Into the Rain: Magic - Moisture - Medium
Baert, Barbara. - Berlin [u.a.] (2022)

3Monographie  From Kairos to Occasio through Fortuna: text/image/afterlife: on the antique critical moment, a grisaille in Mantua (School of Mantegna, 1495-1510), and the fortunes of Aby Warburg (1866-1929).
Baert, Barbara. - London [u.a.] (2021)

4Collection of Essays  Interruptions and transitions: essays on the senses in medieval and early modern visual culture.
Baert, Barbara. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

5Collection of Essays  Decapitation and sacrifice: Saint John's head in interdisciplinary perspectives: text, object, medium Verfasserangabe edited by Barbara Baert and Sophia Rochmes
Baert, BarbaraRochmes, Sophia [Publ.]. - Leuven [u.a.] (2017)

6Monographie  In response to echo: beyond mimesis or dissolution as scopic regime (with special attention to camouflage)
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

7Collection of Essays  "Noli me tangere" in interdisciplinary perspective: textual, iconographic and contemporary interpretations
Bieringer, ReimundBaert, BarbaraDemasure, Karlijn [Publ.]. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

8Monographie  Kairos or occasion as paradigm in the visual medium. "Nachleben", iconography, hermeneutics
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

9Collection of Essays  "Pneuma" and the visual medium in the Middle Ages and early modernity: essays on wind, "ruach", incarnation, odour, stains, movement, kairos, web and silence
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

10Monographie  Late medieval enclosed gardens of the Low Countries: contributions to gender and artistic expression.
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven (2016)

11Monographie  Locus amoenus and the sleeping nymph: "ekphrasis", silence and "genius loci"
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

12Monographie  Revisiting Salome's dance in medieval and early modern iconology
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2016)

13Monographie  Nymph: motif, phantom, affect ; a contribution to the study of Aby Warburg (1866 - 1929)
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven [u.a.] (2014)

14Collection of Essays  To touch or not to touch? Interdisciplinary perspectives on the Noli me tangere
Bieringer, ReimundDemasure, KarlijnBaert, Barbara [Publ.]. - Leuven (2013)

15Collection of Essays  Disembodied heads in medieval and early modern culture
Santing, Catrien G.Baert, BarbaraTraninger, Anita [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2013)

16Monographie  Kleine iconologie van het weven
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven (2012)

17Monographie  Caput Johannis in disco: essay on a man's head.
Baert, Barbara. - Leiden [u.a.] (2012)

18Collection of Essays  Interspaces between word, gaze and touch: the Bible and the visual medium in the Middle Ages ; collected essays on Noli me tangere, the Woman with the Haemorrhage, the Head of John the Baptist
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven (2011)

19Monographie  To touch with the gaze: noli me tangere and the iconic space.
Baert, Barbara. - Oostakker (2011)

20Collection of Essays  New perspectives in iconology: visual studies and anthropology
Baert, BarbaraLehmann, Ann-SophieVan den Akkerveken, Jenke [Publ.]. - Bruxelles (2011)

21Monographie  Kleine iconologie van de navel
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven (2009)

22Collection of Essays  Onheil, pijn, bloed: voorstellingen van lijden
Baert, BarbaraVerminck, M. [Publ.]. - Gent (2009)

23Collection of Essays  Fluid flesh: the body, religion and the visual arts
Baert, BarbaraGelder, Hilde van [Publ.]. - Leuven (2009)

24Collection of Essays  Weaving, veiling, and dressing: textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages
Rudy, Kathryn M.Baert, Barbara [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2007)

25Collection of Essays  Noli me tangere: Mary Magdalene: one person, many images ; exhibition, Maurits Sabbe Library, 23 february - 30 april 2006, Faculty of Theology, K. U. Leuven
Baert, BarbaraBieringer, ReimundDemasure, KarlijnVan den Eynde, S. [Publ.]. - Leuven (2006)

26Collection of Essays  Het wellende water: De bron in tekst en beeld in de middeleeuwse Nederlanden en het Rijnland
Baert, BarbaraFraeters, Veerle [Ed.]. - Leuven (2005)

27Monographie  A heritage of holy wood: the legend of the true cross in text and image
Baert, Barbara. - Leiden [u.a.] (2004)

28Collection of Essays  Maria Magdalena, Zondares van de Middeleeuwen tot Vandaag. [Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, 7 december 2002 - 6 april 2003]
Baert, Barbara [Publ.]. - Gent (2002)

29Monographie  Een erfenis van heilig hout: de neerslag van het teruggevonden kruis in tekst en beeld tijdens de Middeleeuwen
Baert, Barbara. - Leiden (2001)

30Collection of Essays  Aan de vruchten kent men de boom: de boom in tekst en beeld in de middeleeuwse Nederlanden
Baert, BarbaraFraeters, Veerle [Publ.]. - Leuven (2001)

31Collection of Essays  Crux interpretum: Luc Hoenraet et Documenta Libraria
Sabbe, M.Lamberigts, MathijsGistelinck, FransBaert, Barbara [Publ.]. - Antwerpen (1997)

32Monographie  Het "Boec van den Houte"
Baert, Barbara. - Brussel (1995)

33Monographie  Het Boec van den Houte door Johan Veldener (Culemborg, 1483): een iconografische studie van de kruislegende (Vol. 1-3)
Baert, Barbara. - Leuven (1989)

34Essay  Notes on Galileo's moon
Baert, Barbara. (2024) - In: FS Walter S. Melion p. 464-477

35Essay  Revisiting the Annunciation in the Quattrocento: Wind, Kalros, Snail
Baert, Barbara. (2024) - In: Mary, mother of God. Devotion and doctrine in the visual arts, 1450-1700 p. 172-214

36Articles  The Incipit Miniature of the Morgan Gospel of John
Baert, Barbara. (2023) - In: Journal of Latin cosmopolitanism and european literatures vol. 8 (2023)

37Essay  Kairos and Metanoia: rethinking the right moment in early Christian art.
Baert, Barbara. (2023) - In: Recueil Xavier Barral i Altet p. 455-464

38Essay  The nymph of the grotto: silence and genius loci.
Baert, Barbara. (2021) - In: Imaging Utopia. New perspectives on Northern Renaissance art p. 2-15

39Articles  The New Lamb and the Iconic Gaze
Baert, Barbara. (2021) - In: Iconographica vol. 20 (2021) p. 103-115

40Essay  Trompe-l'OEil und Raum der Intimität. Die Eingefassten Gärten in den Niederlanden neu denken (15. Jahrhundert und später)
Baert, Barbara. (2020) - In: Exzessive Mimesis. Trompe l'OEils und andere Überschreitungen der ästhetischen Grenze p. 163-196

41Essay  Noli me tangere in the Codex Egberti (Reichenau, c. 977-93) and in the Gospel Book of Otto in (Reichenau, 998-1000): Visual Exegesis in Context
Baert, Barbara. (2020) - In: Tributes John Lowden p. 36-51

42Articles  Afterlife Studies and the Occasio Grisaille in Mantua (School of Mantegna, 1495-1510)
Baert, Barbara. (2020) - In: Ikon vol. 13 (2020) p. 95-108

43Essay  "When the daughter came in and danced": revisiting Salome's dance in medieval and Early Modern iconology.
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 169-220

44Essay  The "Johannesschlüssel" as "Andachtsbild"
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 131-168

45Essay  Pentecost and the senses: a hermeneutical contribution to the visual medium and the "Sensorium" in Early Medieval manuscript tradition.
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 11-35

46Essay  An odour, a taste, a touch: impossible to describe: "Noli me tangere" and the senses.
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 36-72

47Essay  "Who touched me and my clothes?": the healing of the woman with the Haemorrhage in Early Medieval visual culture
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 73-130

48Essay  Wild is the wind: "Pathosformel" and the iconology of a Quintessence.
Baert, Barbara. (2019) - In: Baert, Interruptions and transitions p. 221-255

49Essay  Revisiting Seth in the Legend of the Wood of the Cross: Interdisciplinary Perspectives between Text and Image
Baert, Barbara. (2018) - In: Studies Michael E. Stone (2018) p. 132-169

50Essay  The Sleeping Nymph Revisited: Ekphrasis, Genius Loci and Silence
Baert, Barbara. (2018) - In: The figure of the nymph in early modern culture p. 149-176

51Essay  Growing, Making, Meaning, with Special Attention to the "Paperolles"
Baert, Barbara. (2018) - In: Enclosed gardens of Mechelen. Late medieval paradise gardens revealed p. 78-91

52Essay  Art and mysticism as horticulture: late medieval enclosed gardens of the Low Countries in an interdisciplinary perspective.
Baert, Barbara. (2018) - In: Art and mysticism. Interfaces in the medieval and modern periods p. 104-127

53Essay  Groeien, maken, betekenen, met speciale aandacht voor de paperollen
Baert, Barbara. (2018) - In: De Besloten Hofjes van Mechelen p. 78-91

54Essay  Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries: Mixed Media, Remnant Art, Recyclage and Gender in the Low Countries (Sixteenth Century Onwards)
Baert, BarbaraIterbeke, HannahWatteuw, Lieve. (2018) - In: The agency of things in Medieval and early modern art. Materials, power and manipulation p. 33-47

55Articles  Kairos. Nachleben, iconography, hermeneutics
Baert, Barbara. (2017) - In: Iconographica vol. 16 (2017) p. 72-93

56Essay  Vox clamantis in deserto: John's head on the silent platter.
Baert, Barbara. (2017) - In: Decapitation and sacrifice. Saint John's head in interdisciplinary perspectives p. 63-92

57Articles  Revisiting the Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries (Fifteenth Century Onwards). Gender, Textile, and the Intimate Space as Horticulture
Baert, Barbara. (2017) - In: Textile. The journal of cloth and culture vol. 15 (2007) p. 2-33

58Essay  Wandering heads, wandering media: framing the head of Saint John the Baptist between sculpture and painting.
Baert, Barbara. (2017) - In: Decapitation and sacrifice. Saint John's head in interdisciplinary perspectives p. 197-231

59Essay  "Gib mir auf einer Schüssel das Haupt Johannes des Täufers": die Passion des Johannes zwischen Skulptur und Malerei.
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: Blut und Tränen. Albrecht Bouts und das Antlitz der Passion p. 43-54

60Essay  Pentecost and the Senses: A Hermeneutical Contribution to the Visual Medium and the Sensorium in Early Medieval Manuscript Tradition
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: Preaching after Easter. Mid-Pentecost, Ascension and Pentecost in late antiquity p. 346-370

61Articles  Instrumentalities and the late medieval "Enclosed gardens" of the Low Countries
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: Kunst og kultur vol. 99 (2016) p. 132-141

62Essay  La Pentecôte dans le Codex Egberti (v. 980) et le Bénédictional de Robert de Jumièges (fin du Xe siècle): le médium visuel et les sens.
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: Les cinq sens au Moyen Âge p. 521-544

63Essay  The Annunciation and the senses: late medieval devotion and the pictorial gaze.
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: The materiality of devotion in late Medieval Northern Europe p. 121-145

64Essay  The Pact between Space and Gaze: The Narrative and the Iconic in Noli me tangere
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: "Noli me tangere" in interdisciplinary perspective p. 191-216

65Essay  La Fille Dansante au prisme de l'interdisciplinarité: (avec un détour par la Capella Marciana à Venise).
Baert, Barbara. (2016) - In: Études Christian Heck p. 25-36

66Essay  Textile, Tactility, and the Senses. The 13th-century Embroidered Antependium of Wernigerode Revisited
Baert, Barbara. (2015) - In: Clothing the sacred. Medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor p. 89-120

67Essay  The Annunciation and the Senses: Ruach, Pneumat Odour
Baert, Barbara. (2015) - In: Essays Bianca Kühnel p. 197-216

68Essay  The Tree as Narrative, Formal, and Allegorical Index in Representations of the 'Noli me tangere'
Baert, BarbaraKusters, Liesbet. (2014) - In: The tree. Symbol, allegory, and mnemonic device in medieval art and thought p. 159-186

69Essay  The dancing daughter and the head ofjohn the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29) revisited. An interdisciplinary approach
Baert, Barbara. (2014) - In: Memento mori, il genere macabro in Europa dal Medioevo a oggi p. 39-60

70Articles  Le Vent: Pathosformel et iconologie d'une quintessence
Baert, Barbara. (2014) - In: Eikón. Imago vol. 3, 1 (2014) p. 161-178

71Essay  Lavit et venit videns: The Healing of the Blind Man at the Pool of Siloam
Baert, Barbara. (2014) - In: Visual constructs of Jerusalem p. 23-34

72Essay  Cutting the throat. Obscenity and the Case of the Johannesschüssel
Baert, Barbara. (2014) - In: Scenes of the obscene. The non-representable in art and visual culture p. 127-146

73Articles  Vox clamantis in deserto: die Johannesschüssel ; Sinne und Stille.
Baert, Barbara. (2014) - In: Das Münster vol. 67 (2014) p. 194-206

74Essay  An odour, a taste, a touch, impossible to describe: noli me tangere and the senses.
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe p. 111-151

75Essay  "Who touched my clothes?": the healing of the woman with the Haemorrhage (Mark 5:24b-34parr) in Early Mediaeval visual culture
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Die "dunklen Seiten" Gottes p. 259-312

76Essay  La leggenda della vera croce e la sua iconografia (VIII-XV secolo). La disseminazione dei cicli figurativi in prospettiva eur
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Enciclopedia Costantiniana

77Essay  The legend of the True Cross reconsidered: a discovery in the Grotto Church of Andria, Italy (15th century).
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Das Kreuz. Darstellung und Verehrung in der Frühen Neuzeit p. 32-55

78Articles  Wind und Sublimierung in der christlichen Kunst des Mittelalters: die Verkündigung
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Das Münster vol. 66 (2013) p. 109-117

79Articles  When the daughter came in and danced: revisiting Salome's dance in medieval and early modern iconology.
Baert, Barbara. (2013 - 2014) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2013/14) p. 152-192

80Articles  Wind - on a pictorial quintessence.
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Images. Journal for Visual Studies vol. 1 (2013) p. 1-15

81Essay  The Johannesschüssel as Andachtsbild: the gaze, The medium and the senses.
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Disembodied heads in medieval and early modern culture p. 117-160

82Articles  Nymphe (Wind): der Raum zwischen Motiv und Affekt in der frühen Neuzeit
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Ars. Casopis vol. 46, 1 (2013) p. 16-42

83Essay  Introduction
Santing, Catrien G.Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Disembodied heads in medieval and early modern culture p. 1-13

84Essay  The pact between space and gaze: the narrative and the iconic in "Noli me tangere".
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Fiction sacrée. Spiritualité et esthétique durant le premier âge moderne p. 245-270

85Articles  "Gender", visione e sensi: nuova luce sul tabernacolo del Beato Chiarito.
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Ikon vol. 6 (2013) p. 79-96

86Essay  Nourished by inwardness: the Beato Chiarito tabernacle (c. 1340).
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Speaking to the eye. Sight and insight through text and image (1150 - 1650) p. 213-240

87Articles  Wild is the wind: pathosfomel and iconology of a quintessence
Baert, Barbara. (2013) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2000) p. 9-47

88Essay  Adam, Seth and Jerusalem. The Legend of the Wood of the Cross in Medieval Literature and Iconography
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Adam, le premier homme p. 69-100

89Articles  The Legend of the True Cross reconsidered: a discovery in the Grotto Church of Andria, Italy (fifteenth century)
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Artibus et historiae vol. 33, 66 (2012) p. 49-74

90Essay  An issue of blood: the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage (Mark 5.24B-34; Luke 8.42B-48; Matthew 9.19-22) in early medieval visual culture.
Baert, BarbaraKusters, LiesbetSidgwick, Emma. (2012) - In: Blood, sweat, and tears. The changing concepts of physiology p. 307-338

91Articles  The Antependium of Nedstryn and the Exultation of the Cross
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Ikon vol. 5 (2012) p. 65-83

92Essay  Touching the Hem: The Thread between Garment and Blood in the Story of the Woman with the Haemorrhage (Mark 5:24b-34parr)
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Kleider machen Bilder. Vormoderne Strategien vestimentärer Bildsprache p. 159-182

93Articles  Wind und Sublimierung in der christlichen Kunst des Mittelalters: Essay über Pathos und Affekt
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Archaeus. Etudes d'histoire des religions vol. 16 (2012) p. 231-268

94Essay  The gaze in the garden: Mary Magdalene in Noli me tangere.
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Mary Magdalene, iconographic studies from the Middle Ages to the baroque p. 189-221

95Essay  Noli me tangere: narrative and iconic space.
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Jerusalem as narrative space p. 323-350

96Articles  The gaze of death. The head of Saint John the Baptist on a platter between north and south
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 100 (2012) p. 55-64

97Essay  Decapitation and the paradox of the meditative image: Andrea Solario (1507) and the transformation and the transition of the Johannesschüssel from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Ut pictura meditatio. The meditative image in Northern art, 1500 - 1700 p. 277-315

98Articles  Kleine iconologie van de wind
Baert, Barbara. (2012) - In: Esthetica. Tijdschrift voor Kunst en Filosofie (2012) p. 1-37

99Essay  The Waning and the Waxing. 'The Head of St John the Baptist on aTazza' by Andrea Solario (1507, Louvre)
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: "Videre et videri coincidunt". Theorien des Sehens in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts p. 371-394

100Essay  "He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease". On the Spiritual and Pictorial Interwining between the Johannesschüssel and the Vera Icon (John 3:30).
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Baert, Interspaces between word, gaze and touch p. 63-88

101Essay  The Pact between Word and Image.
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Baert, Interspaces between word, gaze and touch p. 1-10

102Articles  The Johannesschüssel as Andachtsbild: the gaze, the medium and the senses
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Archaeus. Etudes d'histoire des religions vol. 15 (2011) p. 225-264

103Essay  "Do not hold on to me" or The Gaze in the Garden. Body and Embodiment in Noli me tangere. (John 20:17)
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Baert, Interspaces between word, gaze and touch p. 11-34

104Essay  A sign of health: new perspectives in iconology.
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: New perspectives in iconology. Visual studies and anthropology p. 7-14

105Essay  "Who Touched My Clothes?" The Healing of the Woman with the Haemorrhage (Marc 5:30).
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Baert, Interspaces between word, gaze and touch p. 35-62

106Articles  The Annunciation revisited: essay on the concept of wind and the senses in late medieval and early modern visual culture
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Critica d'arte vol. 73 (2011) p. 63-74

107Articles  The Head of Saint John the Baptist on a Platter: the Gaze of Death
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Ikon vol. 4 (2011) p. 163-174

108Articles  'Je hebt mijn hart verwond': Hooglied in beeld.
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Ezra vol. 40 (2011) p. 10-21

109Essay  "He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease". On the Spiritual and Pictorial Intertwining between the Johannesschüssel and the Vera Icon (1200-1500)
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Meditatio - Refashioning the self p. 323-366

110Essay  Interspaces between Word, Gaze and Touch.
Baert, Barbara. (2011) - In: Baert, Interspaces between word, gaze and touch p. 89-104

111Articles  "Chi ha toccato i miei vestiti?": la guarigione della donna con l'emorragia fra testo, immagine e tabù nella cultura visiva del primo medioevo.
Baert, Barbara. (2010) - In: Ikon vol. 3 (2010) p. 393-412

112Articles  Wild is the wind: Pathosformel and iconology of a quintessence.
Baert, Barbara. (2010) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2010) p. 9-47

113Articles  Contributions to the origins of the "Noli me tangere" motif
Baert, Barbara. (2010) - In: Iconographica vol. 9 (2010) p. 26-41

114Articles  'Who touched my clothes?': the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage (Mark 5: 24-34; Luke 8: 42-48 and Matthew 9: 19-22) in early medieval visual culture.
Baert, Barbara. (2010) - In: Konsthistorisk tidskrift vol. 79 (2010) p. 65-90

115Articles  "Who touched me and my clothes?": the healing of the woman with the haemorrhage (Mark 5:24b-34parr) in early mediaeval visual culture.
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2009) p. 10-50

116Essay  The glorified body: relics, materiality and the internalized image
Baert, BarbaraDe Greef, L.. (2009) - In: Barklit heaven. Power and devotion in the archdiocese Mechelen p. 130-152

117Essay  Noli me tangere. Narrative and Iconic Space
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Espaces et mondes au Moyen Âge p. 279-300

118Articles  De blik in de tuin: "Noli me tangere" en lichamelijkheid in de middeleeuwse visuele cultuur
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Collationes. Vlaams tijdschrift voor theologie en pastoraal vol. 39 (2009) p. 291-317

119Articles  "Qui a touché mon manteau?" La guérison d'une femme atteinte de flux de sang (Marc 5:24b-34) à la croisée du texte, de l'image et du tabou dans la culture visuelle du haut Moyen Âge.
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Archaeus. Etudes d'histoire des religions vol. 13 (2009) p. 1-30

120Essay  De Johannesschotel: kleine geschiedenis van het lijdende mannenhoofd
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Onheil, pijn, bloed. Voorstellingen van lijden p. 19-35

121Essay  Hierotopy, Jerusalem and the Legend of the Wood of the Cross
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Novye Ierusalimy. Ierotopija i ikonografija sakralnych prostranstv p. 176-201

122Essay  Between technique and symbolism: notes on the meaning of the use of gold in pre-Eyckian panel painting: a contribution to the comparative history of art north and south of the Alps
Baert, Barbara. (2009) - In: Pre-Eyckian panel painting in the Low countries. 2 Essays p. 7-22

123Essay  'The head of St John the Baptist on a Tazza' by Andrea Solario (1507): The transformation and transition of the 'Johannesschüssel' from the middle ages to the Renaissance
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Cultural mediators. Artists and writers at the crossroads of tradition, innovation and reception p. 87-107

124Articles  Nole me tangere of Het onaangeroerde lichaam: vijf oefeningen in de theologische esthetica van het aanrakingsverbod.
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Esthetica. Tijdschrift voor Kunst en Filosofie (2008) p. 1-19

125Essay  De legende van het kruishout in de Nederlanden.
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Hout in boeken, houten boeken en de fraaye konst van houtdraayen p. 63-78

126Essay  "Je hebt mijn hart verwond": Hooglied in beeld
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Hooglied. Bijbelse liefde in beeld, woord en klank p. 59-105

127Essay  The Gaze in the Garden: Body and Embodiment in "Noli me tangere"
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Body and embodiment in Netherlandish art p. 14-39

128Articles  The gaze in the garden: body and embodiment in Noli me tangere
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek vol. 58 (2008) p. 15-39

129Articles  Hierotopy, Jerusalem and the legend of the wood of the cross
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Archaeus. Etudes d'histoire des religions vol. 11/12 (2008) p. 95-116

130Articles  Héraclius, l'Exaltation de la Croix et le Mont-Saint-Michel au XIe siècle: une lecture attentive du ms. 641 de la Pierpont Morgan Library à New York
Baert, Barbara. (2008) - In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale vol. 51 (2008) p. 3-20

131Articles  The healing of the blind man at Siloam, Jerusalem: a contribution to the relationship between holy places and the visual arts in the Middle Ages
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 95 (2007) p. 49-60, 121-130

132Essay  Dressing
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Weaving, veiling, and dressing. Textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages p. 241-243

133Articles  The twilight zone of the "Noli me tangere": contributions to the history of the motif in Western Europe (ca. 400 - ca. 1000)
Baert, BarbaraKusters, Liesbet. (2007) - In: Louvain studies vol. 32 (2007) p. 255-303

134Articles  The embroidered antependium of Wernigerode, Germany: Mary Magdalene and female spirituality in the thirteenth century
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Konsthistorisk tidskrift vol. 76 (2007) p. 147-167

135Articles  Nourished byinwardness: The Beato Chiarito Tabernacle (c. 1340)
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione Storia vol. 4 (2007) p. 27-50

136Articles  Le plateau de Jean-Baptiste: l'image du médiateur et du précurseur
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Graphè vol. 16 (2007) p. 91-125

137Essay  Weaving
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Weaving, veiling, and dressing. Textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages p. 39-40

138Essay  Veiling
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Weaving, veiling, and dressing. Textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages p. 159-160

139Essay  Mantle, fur, pallium: veiling and unveiling in the martyrdom of Agnes of Rome
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Weaving, veiling, and dressing. Textiles and their metaphors in the late Middle Ages p. 215-238

140Articles  The head of St John the Baptist on a tazza by Andrea Solario (1507): the transformation and the transition of the Johannesschüssel from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Critica d'arte vol. 69 (2007) p. 60-82

141Articles  'Noli me tangere' or the untouchable body: five exercises in the prohibition on touching.
Baert, Barbara. (2007) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2007) p. 8-21

142Articles  Pitcher and Comb: Verena of Zurzach and the possibilities and limitations of iconology
Baert, Barbara. (2006) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2006) p. 9-25

143Essay  Woord, huid, sluier: omtrent beeld en monotheïsme
Baert, Barbara. (2006) - In: Mens, verhaal van een wonde p. 100-107

144Essay  De aanraking met de blik: een beeldanalyse met het Noli me tangere
Baert, Barbara. (2006) - In: Noli me tangere. Mary Magdalene. One person, many images p. 43-52

145Articles  De tranen van Maria Magdalena
Baert, Barbara. (2006) - In: Streven vol. 73 (2006) p. 331-341

146Articles  Wasserkrug und Kamm: Verena von Zurzach als Kasus für die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der ikonologischen Methode
Baert, Barbara. (2006) - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde vol. 60 (2006) p. 35-62

147Articles  The Pool of Bethsaida: The Cultural History of a Holy Place in Jerusalem
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Viator vol. 36 (2005) p. 1-22

148Articles  Anna and the annunciation: essays on the meaning of the well and the tree during the early Middle Ages
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2005) p. 8-35

149Articles  De tranen van Maria Magdalena.
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Kunstschrift vol. 6 (2006) p. 30-35

150Essay  More than an image, Agnes of Rome: virginity and visual memory
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: More than a memory. The discourse of martyrdom p. 139-168

151Essay  Het wellende water
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Het wellende water. De bron in tekst en beeld in de middeleeuwse Nederlanden en het Rijnland p. 11-17

152Essay  The Wall Paintings in the Campanile of the Church of S. Nicola in Lanciano (c. 1300-1400): Reading an Unknown Legend of the Cross in the Abruzzi
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Reading images and texts. Medieval images and texts as forms of communication p. 311-366

153Essay  De wassende wonde: Laatmiddeleeuwse denkbeelden omtrent Christus als "Fons pietatis"
Baert, Barbara. (2005) - In: Het wellende water. De bron in tekst en beeld in de middeleeuwse Nederlanden en het Rijnland p. 175-203

154Articles  The washing wound: late medieval ideas concerning Christ as "Fons pietatis"
Baert, Barbara. (2004) - In: Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte vol. 16 (2004) p. 203-241

155Articles  The Image Beyond the Water. Christ and the Samaritan woman in Sant' Angelo in Formis (1072-1087)
Baert, Barbara. (2004) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 92 (2004) p. 237-247

156Essay  El pensamiento petrificado: a propósito de la tercera dimensión en la teoría de la imagen medieval
Baert, Barbara. (2004) - In: El fruto de la fe. El legado artistico de Flandes en la isla de la Palma en el siglo XVI p. 119-127

157Articles  The wood, the water, and the foot or, how the Queen of Sheba met up with the true cross: with special emphasis on Northern European iconography
Baert, Barbara. (2004) - In: Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte vol. 16 (2004) p. 243-304

158Articles  The legend of the True Cross between North and South: suggestions and nuances for the current research.
Baert, Barbara. (2004) - In: Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione Storia vol. 1 (2004) p. 123-150

159Articles  A head on a platter: the Johannesschlüssel or The image of the mediator and the precursor
Baert, Barbara. (2003) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2003) p. 9-41

160Articles  De haren van Maria Magdalena
Baert, Barbara. (2003) - In: Arts, antiques, auctions , 1 (2003) p. 10-13

161Articles  Schaamte en lichamelijkheid in de beeldvorming omtrent Maria Magdalena
Baert, Barbara. (2003) - In: Speling. Tijdschrift voor bezinning vol. 55 (2003) p. 46-60

162Articles  The Wall Paintings in the Campanile of the Church of St. Nicola in Lanciano (ca. 1330 - 1400): reading an Unknown Legend of the Cross in the Abruzzi, Italy
Baert, Barbara. (2003) - In: Iconographica vol. 2 (2003) p. 108-125

163Articles  Iconogenesis or Reflections on the byzantine theory of imagery.
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: A-prior vol. 7 (2002) p. 128-141

164Essay  De Piscina probatica: een bron in het middeleeuws Jeruzalem
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Heilige plaatsen. Jeruzalem, Lourdes en shopping malls p. 29-53

165Essay  Imagining the mystery: the resurrection and the visual medium in the Middle Ages
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: FS J. Lambrecht p. 483-506

166Essay  Maria Magdalena, de geschiedenis van een vrouwbeeld
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Maria Magdalena, Zondares van de Middeleeuwen tot Vandaag p. 11-27

167Essay  Idolatrie en iconografie: het enigma van het beeld
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Van madonna tot Madonna. In de ban van beelden, idolen en afgoden p. 165-189

168Essay  Mary Magdalene, the history of a woman's image
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Maria Magdalena, Zondares van de Middeleeuwen tot Vandaag p. 74-82

169Essay  La Piscine probatique à Jérusalem: une source thérapeutique dans les textes et les images médiévaux
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Liber amicorum Maurits Smeyers p. 91-129

170Articles  Anna and the Annunciation: essay on the meaning of the well and the tree during the early Middle Ages.
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2002) p. 8-35

171Articles  Een huid van ivoor: het Nachleben van Pygmalion's geliefde
Baert, Barbara. (2002) - In: Bijdragen. International journal in philosophy and theology vol. 63 (2002) p. ??

172Articles  Das Antependium von Nedstryn (Norwegen, 1310) und die Kreuzerhöhungslegende
Baert, Barbara. (2001) - In: Das Münster vol. 54 (2001) p. 46-58

173Essay  'Totten paradise soe sult ghi gaen': De verbeelding over de herkomst van het kruishout
Baert, Barbara. (2001) - In: Aan de vruchten kent men de boom p. 19-47

174Articles  Gli affreschi della Cappella farfense a Montegiorgio (ca 1425): una leggenda della vera croce nelle Marche
Baert, Barbara. (2001) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 89 (2001) p. 219-233

175Essay  Inleiding - Aan de vruchten kent men de boom
Baert, BarbaraFraeters, Veerle. (2001) - In: Aan de vruchten kent men de boom p. 13-17

176Articles  De kruisvinding in de maaslandse emailkunst van de 12de eeuw
Baert, Barbara. (2000) - In: Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art vol. 69 (2000) p. 9-59

177Articles  Twilight between tradition and innovation: the iconography of the Cross-legend in the sinopie of Masolino de Panicale at Empoli
Baert, Barbara. (2000) - In: Storia dell'arte vol. 99, 2 (2000) p. 5-16

178Articles  The gendered visage: facets of the Vera icon.
Baert, Barbara. (2000) - In: Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten (2000) p. 10-43

179Articles  Kijken naar het ware gelaat van Christus
Baert, Barbara. (2000) - In: Onze Alma Mater met Leuvense perspectieven vol. 54, 4 (2000) p. 482-520

180Articles  The Retable of the Master of Tressa (Sienna, 1215). Iconography and Function
Baert, Barbara. (1999) - In: Pantheon vol. 57 (1999) p. 14-21

181Articles  New Observations on the Genesis of Girona (1050-1100). The Iconography of the Legend of the True Cross
Baert, Barbara. (1999) - In: Gesta vol. 38 (1999) p. 115-127

182Articles  Exaltatio crucis: de Byzantijnse keizer Heraclius (610-641) en het middeleeuwse Westen
Baert, Barbara. (1999) - In: Bijdragen. International journal in philosophy and theology vol. 60 (1999) p. 147-172

183Essay  Und mal yr auch eyn Gensfuss: the queen of Sheba's goose foot in medieval literature and art
Baert, Barbara. (1999) - In: The Growth of Authority in the Medieval West p. 174-192

184Articles  Exaltio Crucis. De Byzantijnse keizer Heraclius (610-641) en het middeleeuwse Westen
Baert, Barbara. (1999) - In: Bijdragen. International journal in philosophy and theology vol. 60 (1999) p. 147-172

185Articles  Le sacramentaire de Gellone (750 - 790) et l'invention de la Croix: l'image entre le symbole et l'histoire
Baert, Barbara. (1998) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 86 (1998) p. 449-460

186Articles  L'invention de la croix dans le sacramentaire de Gellone (750-780): entre l'histoire et le symbole
Baert, Barbara. (1998) - In: Arte cristiana vol. 86 (1998) p. 449-460

187Essay  Eenduidig dogma, veelzijdig beeld: omtrent de mystieke wijnpers
Baert, Barbara. (1998) - In: Dirk Bouts (ca. 1410-1475) p. 109-125

188Essay  The "Allegory with a Virgin". Contributions to the solution of an iconographic enigma
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Memling Studies p. 195-210

189Articles  The figure of Seth in the vault-paintings in the parish church of Östofte: in search of the iconographical tradition
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Konsthistorisk tidskrift vol. 66, 2/3 (1997) p. 97-111

190Essay  Boec van den Houte, Culemborg, Johan Veldener, 1483: Brussels, Royal library Albert I, INC A 1582
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Crux interpretum. Luc Hoenraet et Documenta Libraria p. 52-54

191Essay  Caliban as a wild-man: an iconographic approach
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Constellation Caliban. Figurations of a character p. 43-59

192Essay  The iconography of the Cross-legend in the Sinopie of Masolino da Panicale at Empoli: twilight between tradition and innovation
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Le Dessin sous-jacent et la technologie dans la peinture. Perspectives p. 193-203

193Articles  Het literaire en iconografische beeld van Maria Magdalena
Baert, Barbara. (1997) - In: Onze Alma Mater met Leuvense perspectieven , 1 (1997) p. 65-81

194Articles  De zwervende geest van Aby Warburg: notities bij een kunsthistorische nostalgie
Baert, Barbara. (1996) - In: Streven vol. 63 (1996) p. 798-803

195Essay  In hoc vinces: iconography of the stone cross in the parish church of Kelloe (Durham, ca 1200)
Baert, Barbara. (1996) - In: Album Amicorum André Van Doorselaer p. 341-362

196Articles  Seth of de terugkeer naar het paradijs: bijdragen tot het kruishoutmotief in de Middeleeuwen
Baert, Barbara. (1995) - In: Bijdragen. International journal in philosophy and theology vol. 56 (1995) p. 313-339

197Essay  Aspects of the Invention of the Cross: iconography around 1400 and its relationship with the genre of the classes and the Adamite peasant
Baert, Barbara. (1995) - In: Flanders in a European Perspective. Manuscript Illumination Around 1400 in Flanders and Abroad p. 309-325

198Essay  Iconographical notes to the Prognosticatio by Johannes Lichtenberger (1488): using a copy printed by Peter Quentel (Cologne, 1526) and preserved in the Library of the Theology faculty in Leuven
Baert, Barbara. (1994) - In: Early sixteenth century printed books, 1501-1540 in the Library of the Leuven Faculty of Theology p. 139-168

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