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Publications »Bland, Kalman P.«

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RI opac: 17 Entries

1Monographie  The artless Jew: medieval and modern affirmations and denials of the visual
Bland, Kalman P.. - Princeton, NJ (2000)

2Essay  Artefacts That Desire. Medieval Perspectives
Bland, Kalman P.. (2023) - In: Perception and awareness p. 247-256

3Essay  Animal Fables and Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Bland, Kalman P.. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 8-39

4Essay  Visual images in medieval Jewish culture before the age of art
Bland, Kalman P.. (2019) - In: Figurations and Sensations of the Unseen in Judaism, Christianity and Islam p. 124-131

5Essay  Passover and Thanatos in Medieval Jewish Consciousness
Bland, Kalman P.. (2015) - In: Exodus in the Jewish experience. Echoes and reverberations p. 147-166

6Articles  Liberating Imagination and Other Ends of Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Bland, Kalman P.. (2012) - In: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy vol. 20 (2012) p. 35-53

7Essay  Construction of animals in medieval Jewish philosophy.
Bland, Kalman P.. (2010) - In: New Directions in Jewish Philosophy p. 175-204

8Essay  Cain, Abel, and brutism
Bland, Kalman P.. (2009) - In: Essays Michael Fishbane p. 165-185

9Essay  Art. Bible - Jewish interpretation
Bland, Kalman P.. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Pt. 1 p. 215-217

10Essay  Art. Delmedigo, Elijah
Bland, Kalman P.. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Pt. 2 p. 140-141

11Essay  Delmedigo, Elijah (c.1460-93)
Bland, Kalman P.. (1998) - In: Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy Pt. 2 p. 861-863

12Articles  Beauty, Maimonides, and cultural relativism in medieval Jewish thought
Bland, Kalman P.. (1996) - In: The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies vol. 26 (1996) p. 85-112

13Articles  Elijah del Medigo, unicity, of intellect, and immortality of soul
Bland, Kalman P.. (1995) - In: American Academy for Jewish Research. Proceedings vol. 61 (1995) p. 1-22

14Articles  Medievals are not us
Bland, Kalman P.. (1995) - In: Shofar vol. 14, 1 (1995) p. 35-44

15Articles  Medieval Jewish aesthetics: Maimonides, body and scripture in Profiat Duran
Bland, Kalman P.. (1993) - In: Journal of the history of ideas vol. 54 (1993) p. 533-559

16Articles  Elijah del Medigo's Averroist response to the Kabbalahs of fifteenth-century Jewry and Pico della Mirandola
Bland, Kalman P.. (1991) - In: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy vol. 1 (1991) p. 23-53

17Essay  Moses and the law according to Maimonides
Bland, Kalman P.. (1982) - In: Essays Alexander Altmann (1982) p. 49-66

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