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Publications »Cvetkovic, Branislav«

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RI opac: 28 Entries

1Monographie  Monastery Josanica
Cvetkovic, BranislavStevovic, IvanErdeljan, Jelena. - Beograd (2008)

2Monographie  Crkva Svetog Nikole u Stanicenju [The Church of St Nicholas in Stanicenje]
Popovic, MarkoGabelic, Smiljka D.Cvetkovic, BranislavPopovic, Bojan. - Beograd (2005)

3Essay  The Royal Imagery of Medieval Serbia
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2022) - In: Meanings and functions of the ruler's image in the mediterranean World (11th-15th centuries) p. 172-218

4Essay  Dazzling Intricacy: East and West in the Tersatto Reliquary
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2021) - In: Byzance et ses voisins, XIIIe-XVe siècle. Art, identité, pouvoir p. 153-170

5Articles  Panagiarion of despotissa Barbara Frankopan
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2018) - In: Zograf vol. 42 (2018) p. 119-138

6Essay  In search of legitimacy: ideology and art of the new Serbian dynasts
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2016) - In: Sacral art of the Serbian lands in the middle ages p. 411-421

7Articles  Imperial aspirations: relics and reliquaries of the Byzantine periphery.
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2015) - In: Convivium. Exchanges and interactions vol. 2 (2015) p. 182-201

8Essay  Textiles and Their Usage in the Medieval Balkans. The Royal Context
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2015) - In: Clothing the sacred. Medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor p. 33-52

9Articles  Zaglavlje Dekaloga u Hvalovom zborniku: prilog semantici srednjovjekovne iluminacije [The Header to the Ten Commandments in the Hval Codex: a Contribution to the Semantics of Medieval Illumination ]
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2014) - In: Ars Adriatica vol. 4 (2014) p. 155-172

10Essay  St John the Baptist: on recent discovery in the Monastery St Prohoros of Pcinja.
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2013) - In: Mélanges Jean-Pierre Caillet p. 447-453

11Essay  The portraits in Lapušnja and iconography of joint ktetorship.
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2013) - In: Niš i Vizantija 11 p. 295-308

12Articles  Vision of the heavenly city in Jošanica monastery
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2013) - In: Ikon vol. 6 (2013) p. 115-129

13Essay  The painted programs in thirteenth-century Serbia: structure, themes, and accents.
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2012) - In: Orient et occident méditerranéens au XIIIe siècle p. 157-176

14Essay  [The mantle of the Serbian despots in the 15th century. A contribution to the study]
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2012) - In: Vizantijski Svet na Balkanu 2 p. 551-562

15Essay  Iconography of female regency: an issue of methodology
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2012) - In: Niš i Vizantija 10 p. 405-414

16Articles  Sovereign Portraits at Mark's Monastery Revisited
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2012) - In: Ikon vol. 5 (2012) p. 185-198

17Articles  The Living (and the) Dead: Imagery of Death in Byzantium and the Balkans
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2011) - In: Ikon vol. 4 (2011) p. 27-44

18Essay  [Antique opolia in the castle and fortress walls of Smederevo]
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2011) - In: Pad Srpske despotovine 1459. godine p. 393-407

19Articles  Franciscans and Medieval Serbia: Evidence of Art
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2010) - In: Ikon vol. 3 (2010) p. 247-260

20Articles  'Imago leonis' in despot Stefan's iconography
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2009) - In: Ikon vol. 2 (2009) p. 137-146

21Essay  Some hierotopical aspects of the New Jerusalem programmes in the fifteenth-century Serbia
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2009) - In: Novye Ierusalimy. Ierotopija i ikonografija sakralnych prostranstv p. 607-632

22Articles  Intentional asymmetry in Byzantine imagery: The communion of the apostles in st Sophia of Ohrid and later instances
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2006) - In: Byzantion vol. 76 (2006) p. 74-96

23Articles  A contribution to the understanding of the iconographical programme in the Church of Dormition of the Virgin at Smederevo
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2003) - In: Zbornik Matice srpske za likovne umetnosti vol. 34/35 (2003) p. 251-260

24Articles  Christianity and Royalty: The Touch of the Holy
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (2002) - In: Byzantion vol. 72 (2002) p. 347-364

25Articles  [L'exonarthex de Studenica et le roi Radoslav: contribution à sa datation
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (1998) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta vol. 37 (1998) p. 75-86

26Articles  [Contribution à l'étude du costume aulique Byzantin]
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (1995) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta vol. 34 (1995) p. 143-156

27Articles  The Investiture Relief in Arta, Epiros
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (1994) - In: Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog Instituta vol. 33 (1994) p. 103-114

28Articles  Novi prilozi proucavanju ktitorske kompozicije u Ravanici
Cvetkovic, Branislav. (1994) - In: Saopstenja zavoda za zastitu spomenika kulture SR srbije vol. 26 (1994) p. 37-51

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