RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles


Publications »Dunlop, Anne«

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RI opac: 26 Entries

1Collection of Essays  The Mongol empire in global history and art history
Dunlop, Anne [Publ.]. - Milano (2021)

2Collection of Essays  Antipodean early modern: European art in Australian collections, c.1200-1600
Dunlop, Anne [Publ.]. - Amsterdam (2018)

3Monographie  Andrea del Castagno and the limits of painting
Dunlop, Anne. - London (2015)

4Collection of Essays  The matter of art: materials, practices, cultural logics, c. 1250 - 1750
Anderson, ChristyDunlop, AnneSmith, Pamela H. [Publ.]. - Manchester (2014)

5Monographie  Painted Palaces: The Rise of Secular Art in Early Renaissance Italy
Dunlop, Anne. - University Park, Pa. (2009)

6Collection of Essays  Art and the Augustinian Order in early Renaissance Italy
Bourdua, LouiseDunlop, Anne [Publ.]. - Aldershot [u.a.] (2007)

7Monographie  Advocata nostra: Central Italian paintings of Mary as the second Eve, c. 1335-c. 1445
Dunlop, Anne. - [University of Warwick] (1997)

8Essay  On gold and gold-backs in early Italian art
Dunlop, Anne. (2024) - In: Global gold. Aesthetics, material desires, economies in the late Medieval and early modern world p. 22-39

9Essay  Allegory, painted and poetic, and the fictions of Trecento art
Dunlop, Anne. (2020) - In: Parlare dell'arte nel Trecento. Kunstgeschichten und Kunstgespräch im 14. Jahrhundert in Italien p. 195-210

10Articles  Mongol Eurasia in the Trecento Veneto
Dunlop, Anne. (2020) - In: Convivium. Exchanges and interactions vol. 7, 1 (2020) p. 114-135

11Articles  Foreign Bodies: Neighbours, Strangers, Monsters
Dunlop, AnneWarr, Cordelia. (2019) - In: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library vol. 95, 2 (2019) p. 1-18

12Essay  Legacies of early European art in Australian collections
Dunlop, Anne. (2018) - In: Antipodean early modern. European art in Australian collections, c.1200-1600 p. 23-31

13Essay  On the origins of European painting materials, real and imagined
Dunlop, Anne. (2014) - In: The matter of art. Materials, practices, cultural logics, c. 1250 - 1750 p. 68-96

14Essay  On the problem of visions in florentine art
Dunlop, Anne. (2013) - In: Renaissance studies Joseph Connors (2013) Pt. 1 p. 130-135

15Essay  The look of love
Dunlop, Anne. (2012) - In: Studies Julian Gardner p. 154-165

16Essay  Italy, Charles IV, and Court Art
Dunlop, Anne. (2009) - In: Kunst als Herrschaftsinstrument. Böhmen und das Heilige Römische Reich p. 487-494

17Articles  Allegory, painting and Petrarch
Dunlop, Anne. (2008) - In: Word and image vol. 24 (2008) p. 77-91

18Essay  Black Humour: The Cappellone at Tolentino
Dunlop, Anne. (2007) - In: Art and the Augustinian Order in early Renaissance Italy p. 79-98

19Essay  Introduction: the Augustinians, the Mendicant Orders, and Early-Renaissance Art
Dunlop, Anne. (2007) - In: Art and the Augustinian Order in early Renaissance Italy p. 1-16

20Essay  Gli affreschi del Cappellone di San Nicola: un modello mancato?
Dunlop, Anne. (2005) - In: Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte. Corpus iconografico 1 p. 47-64

21Essay  Gli affreschi del Cappellone di San Nicola: un modello mancato
Dunlop, Anne. (2005) - In: San Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte. Corpus iconografico 1 San Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte. Corpus iconografico 1 p. 47-64

22Articles  Flesh and the feminine: Early-Renaissance images of the Madonna with Eve at her feet
Dunlop, Anne. (2002) - In: The Oxford art journal vol. 25 (2002) p. 127-147

23Articles  Masculinity, Crusading and Devotion: Francesco Casali's Fresco in the Trecento Perugian "Contado"
Dunlop, Anne. (2001) - In: Speculum vol. 76 (2001) p. 315-336

24Articles  Once more on the patronage of Ambrogio Lorenzetti's frescoes at S. Galgano, Montesiepi
Dunlop, Anne. (2000) - In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte vol. 63 (2000) p. 387-403

25Essay  A Christian romance: the frescoes of San Galgano at Montesiepi
Dunlop, Anne. (1999) - In: Memory and oblivion p. 643-651

26Articles  "El vostro poeta": the first Florentine printing of Dante's Commedia.
Dunlop, Anne. (1993) - In: Racar vol. 20 (1993) p. 29-42

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