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Publications »Halper, Yehuda«

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RI opac: 29 Entries

1Collection of Essays  The pursuit of happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic thought: studies dedicated to Steven Harvey
Halper, Yehuda [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2021)

2Monographie  Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato. Permitting and Forbidding Open Inquiry in 12-15th Century Europe and North Africa
Halper, Yehuda. - Leiden [u.a.] (2021)

3Collection of Essays  Philosophy and the Jewish tradition
Halper, Yehuda [Publ.]. - Leiden (2012)

4Monographie  Philosophy and the Jewish tradition: lectures and essays
Motzkin, Aryeh Leo. Halper, Yehuda [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2011)

5Essay  Choking on Water, the Stratification of Society, and the Death of Socrates in the Hebrew Averroes
Halper, Yehuda. (2024) - In: Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought p. 383-396

6Essay  The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Philosophers: The Ladder of Knowledge in Immanuel of Rome's Hell and Heaven
Halper, Yehuda. (2022) - In: The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity p. 351-362

7Essay  Expelling dialectics from the ideal state: making the world safe for philosophy in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's Republic
Halper, Yehuda. (2022) - In: Plato's Republic in the Islamic Context. New Perspectives on Averroes's Commentary p. 69-86

8Essay  Introduction
Halper, YehudaFontaine, Resianne. (2021) - In: Studies Steven Harvey p. 9-15

9Articles  Debate by the Book, about the Book, in a Book: Shem Tob Falaquera's Epistle of the Debate, al-Farabi's Book of Dialectic, and Aristotle's Topics on Philosophy and the Holy Writ
Halper, Yehuda. (2021) - In: Studia graeco-arabica vol. 11, 2 (2021) p. 93-106

10Essay  Happiness, Eros, and the Active Intellect: Understanding Erotic Desire in Averroes's Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics A in light of the Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics
Halper, Yehuda. (2021) - In: Studies Steven Harvey p. 195-214

11Essay  Abraham Bibago on the Logic of Divine Science: Metaphysics a and the Legend of the Pardes
Halper, Yehuda. (2020) - In: Origin and nature of language and logic p. 323-345

12Articles  In One Sense Easy, in Another Difficult. Reverberations of the Opening of Aristotle's Metaphysics a in "ellaton" Medieval and Renaissance Hebrew Literature
Halper, Yehuda. (2020) - In: Revue des études juives vol. 179 (2020) p. 133-160

13Essay  Philosophical Commentary and Supercommentary: The Hebrew Aristotelian Commentaries of the Fourteenth through Sixteenth Centuries
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 104-132

14Articles  King Solomon's Phaedran Madness: Johanan Alemanno on Platonic Eros in Hebrew Philosophical Sources
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Jewish studies quarterly vol. 26 (2019) p. 309-337

15Articles  Are there Second Intentions in De Interpretatione 16 a 3-8? The Hebrew Aristotelian Commentary Tradition in the 13th-15th Centuries
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Studia graeco-arabica vol. 9 (2019) p. 243-260

16Articles  Averroes' Rewrite of Aristotle's Metaphysics ? Establishing the Plain Meaning of the Text in the Middle Commentary
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales vol. 86 (2019) p. 259-281

17Articles  The Only Extant, Complete, and Original Hebrew Commentary on the Entire Metaphysics of Aristotle: Eli Habilio and the Influence of Scotism
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Vivarium vol. 57 (2019) p. 182-205

18Essay  Jewish Ritual as Trial in the Guide of the Perplexed
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Interpreting Maimonides. Critical essays p. 114-132

19Essay  "For the Earth Shall Be Filled with de'ah': Terminological Ambiguity and the Connection between Knowledge and Action in Maimonides's commentary on the Mishnah and Mishneh Torah
Halper, Yehuda. (2019) - In: Studies in the formation of medieval Hebrew philosophical terminology p. 76-103

20Articles  Does Maimonides's Mishneh Torah forbid reading the guide of the perplexed?: on platonic punishments for freethinkers
Halper, Yehuda. (2018) - In: AJS review vol. 42 (2018) p. 351-379

21Essay  The Sex Life of a Metaphysical Sceptic: Platonic Themes in Gersonides' Commentary on Song of Songs
Halper, Yehuda. (2018) - In: Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought p. 146-166

22Articles  Dialectians and Dialectics in Averroes' Long Commentary on Gamma 2 of Aristotle's Metaphysics
Halper, Yehuda. (2016) - In: Arabic sciences and philosophy vol. 26 (2016) p. 161-184

23Essay  Averroes on intentionality and the human experience of the natural world
Halper, Yehuda. (2015) - In: Aristotle and the Arabic tradition p. 164-176

24Articles  Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness. Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th Century Jewish Averroist
Halper, Yehuda. (2015) - In: Quaestio vol. 15 (2015) p. 309-320

25Articles  Revision and Standardization of Hebrew Philosophical Terminology in the Fourteenth Century: The Example of Averroes's Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics ?
Halper, Yehuda. (2013) - In: Aleph vol. 13 (2013) p. 95-137

26Articles  Bibago's Introduction to his Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics
Halper, Yehuda. (2013) - In: Zutot vol. 10 (2013) p. 1-15

27Essay  Introduction
Halper, Yehuda. (2012) - In: Philosophy and the Jewish tradition p. XI-XXI

28Articles  The Convergence of Religious and Metaphysical Concepts: Mofet and Devequt in the Hebrew Translation of Averroës' Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics
Halper, Yehuda. (2011) - In: Studia Neoaristotelica vol. 8 (2011) p. 163-177

29Articles  Prayers to the God of Aristotle's Metaphysics: Tefillot Siyyum for Chapters of Book D of Aristotle's Metaphysics
Halper, Yehuda. (2011) - In: Zutot vol. 8 (2011) p. 15-29

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