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Publications »Harvey, Steven«

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RI opac: 61 Entries

1Collection of Essays  The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
Harvey, StevenAbram, MariekeMuehlethaler, Lukas [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2022)

2Collection of Essays  The origin and nature of language and logic: perspectives in medieval islamic, jewish, and christian thought
Germann, NadjaHarvey, Steven [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2020)

3Collection of Essays  The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic. Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought
Germann, NadjaHarvey, Steven [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2020)

4Collection of Essays  The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy. Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan University Conference
Harvey, Steven [Publ.]. - Dordrecht (2000)

5Collection of Essays  The medieval Hebrew encyclopedias of science and philosophy: proceedings of the Bar-Ilan University Conference
Harvey, Steven [Publ.]. - Amsterdam (2000)

6Essay  Was al-Gazali an Avicennist? Some Provocative Reflections on Jewish Averroism
Harvey, Steven. (2024) - In: Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought p. 3-27

7Essay  Averroes and Sforno on God's Knowledge of Particulars
Harvey, Steven. (2023) - In: The literary and philosophical canon of Obadiah Sforno p. 141-156

8Essay  General Introduction
Harvey, StevenAbram, Marieke. (2022) - In: The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity p. 9-35

9Essay  Popularization of Philosophy via Encyclopaedias of Philosophy and Science: Introduction
Harvey, Steven. (2022) - In: The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity p. 93-107

10Articles  Disgraceful! Maimonides' Use of Qabih in the Guide
Harvey, Steven. (2022) - In: Oriens vol. 50 (2022) p. 280-320

11Articles  Averroes ex Averroe: Uncovering Todros Todrosi's Method of Commenting on the Commentator
Harvey, StevenHorezky, Oded. (2021) - In: Aleph vol. 21 (2021) p. 7-78

12Articles  Did Maimonides Recommend Reading Averroes' Commentaries on Aristotle?
Harvey, Steven. (2021) - In: Jewish studies quarterly vol. 28 (2021) p. 159-190

13Articles  Oded Horezky From Translator to Commentator: ?odros ?odrosi's Presentation of Aristotle's Organon,
Harvey, Steven. (2021) - In: Studia graeco-arabica vol. 11, 2 (2021) p. 141-156

14Essay  Bibliography of the Writings of Steven Harvey
Harvey, Steven. (2021) - In: Studies Steven Harvey p. 407-416

15Essay  The Supercommentaries of Gersonides and His Students on Averroes's Epitomes of the Physics and the Meteorology
Harvey, StevenFontaine, Resianne. (2020) - In: Gersonides' afterlife. Studies on the reception p. 47-78

16Essay  Introduction
Germann, NadjaHarvey, Steven. (2020) - In: Origin and nature of language and logic p. VII-XIII

17Essay  The Noble Vita activa: The Philosopher's Relation to the Many
Harvey, Steven. (2020) - In: Homo - natura - mundus. Human beings and their relationships p. 127-146

18Essay  The Author's Haqdamah as a Literary Form in Jewish Thought
Harvey, Steven. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 133-160

19Essay  Rationalizing the Divine: Greek Philosophy in the Islamic World
Harvey, Steven. (2018) - In: Romance and reason. Islamic transformations of the classical past p. 104-119

20Essay  The Changing Image of al-Ghazali in Medieval Jewish Thought
Harvey, Steven. (2016) - In: Islam and rationality. The impact of al-Ghazali Pt. 1 p. 288-302

21Articles  Some Notes on 'Avicenna Among the Medieval Jews
Harvey, Steven. (2015) - In: Arabic sciences and philosophy vol. 25 (2015) p. 249-277

22Articles  Averroes' Middle Commentary on Book I of the Nicomachean Ethics
Harvey, StevenWoerther, Frédérique. (2014) - In: Oriens vol. 42 (2014) p. 254-287

23Articles  The influence of the Nicomachean Ethics on medieval Jewish thought
Harvey, Steven. (2013 - 2014) - In: Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph vol. 65 (2013/14) p. 119-142

24Essay  Alfarabi, Averroes, and the Medieval Islamic Understanding of Phronesis
Harvey, Steven. (2012) - In: Phronesis - die Tugend der Geisteswissenschaften p. 177-194

25Articles  Commission VII: Jewish Philosophy (2008-2012)
Harvey, StevenFontaine, Resianne. (2012) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale vol. 54 (2012) p. 23-46

26Essay  Are the Medieval Hebrew Translations of Averroes' Commentaries on Aristotle Still of Value and Worth Editing?
Harvey, Steven. (2012) - In: The Letter before the Spirit. The Importance of Text Editions p. 195-210

27Articles  Reflections on Ruth Glasner's Averroes' Physics
Harvey, Steven. (2012) - In: Aleph vol. 12 (2012) p. 403-412

28Essay  Creating a New Literary Genre: Steinschneider's Leiden Catalogue
Harvey, StevenFontaine, Resianne. (2012) - In: Studies on Steinschneider p. 277-300

29Essay  Jewish Philosophy in Hebrew
Harvey, Steven. (2012) - In: The Oxford handbook of medieval philosophy p. 148-165

30Essay  The Introductions of Thirteenth-Century Arabic-to-Hebrew Translators of Philosophic and Scientific Texts
Harvey, Steven. (2011) - In: Vehicles of transmission, translation, and transformation in medieval textual culture p. 223-234

31Essay  Similarities and differences among Averroes' three commentaries on Aristotle's Physics
Harvey, Steven. (2011) - In: La lumière de l'intellect. La pensée scientifique et philosophique p. 81-98

32Essay  Jewish Philosophy on the Eve of the Age of Averroism: Ibn Daud's Necessary Existent and His Use of Avicennian Science
Fontaine, ResianneHarvey, Steven. (2011) - In: In the age of Averroes. Arabic philosophy p. 215-228

33Essay  When Did Jews Begin to Consider Averroes the Commentator?
Harvey, Steven. (2009) - In: Etudes Jacqueline Hamesse p. 279-296

34Essay  Avicenna's Influence on Jewish Thought: Some Reflections
Harvey, Steven. (2009) - In: Avicenna and his legacy. A golden age of science philosophy p. 327-340

35Essay  Authors' introductions as a gauge for monitoring philosophic influence: the case of Alghazali.
Harvey, Steven. (2009) - In: Studies Michael Schwarz p. 53-66

36Essay  Logic, Theology and the Beginning of Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Harvey, Steven. (2009) - In: The word in medieval logic, theology and psychology. Acts p. 233-244

37Essay  The Value of Julius Guttmanns Die Philosophie des Judentums or Understanding Medieval Jewish Philosophy Today
Harvey, Steven. (2007) - In: Studies Albert van der Heide p. 297-308

38Essay  Art. Averroes (Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Rushd)
Pines, ShlomoSuler, BernardMuntner, SuessmannHarvey, Steven. (2007) - In: Encyclopaedia Judaica (2007) Pt. 2 p. 723-726

39Articles  Commission VII: Jewish Philosophy
Harvey, StevenFontaine, Resianne. (2007) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale vol. 49 (2007) p. 27-44

40Essay  The Creek Library of the Medieval Jewish Philosophers
Harvey, Steven. (2007) - In: The libraries of the Neoplatonists. Proceedings p. 493-506

41Essay  Logistical and Other Otherworldly Problems in Saadya
Harvey, Steven. (2006) - In: Esoteric and exoteric aspects in Judeo-Arabic culture p. 55-84

42Essay  The Curious Segullat melakhim by Abraham Avigdor
Harvey, StevenManekin, Charles H.. (2006) - In: Hommage Colette Sirat p. 215-252

43Essay  The Place of the De anima in the Orderly Study of Philosophy
Harvey, Steven. (2006) - In: Intellect et imagination dans la philosophie médiévale Pt. 1 p. 677-688

44Essay  Alghazali and Maimonides and their Books of Knowledge
Harvey, Steven. (2005) - In: Studies Isadore Twersky (2005) p. 99-118

45Essay  The impact of Philoponus' "Commentary on the Physics" on Averroes' three commentaries on the "Physics"
Harvey, Steven. (2004) - In: Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries p. 89-105

46Essay  Arabic into Hebrew; the Hebrew translation movement and the influence of Averroes upon medieval Jewish thought
Harvey, Steven. (2003) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy p. 258-280

47Articles  Did Alfarabi read Plato's "Laws"?
Harvey, Steven. (2003) - In: Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale vol. 28 (2003) p. 51-68

48Articles  Falaquera's Alfarabi: an example of the Judaization of the Islamic falâsifah
Harvey, Steven. (2002) - In: Trumah vol. 12 (2002) p. 97-112

49Articles  Why did fourteenth-century Jews turn to Alghazali's account of natural science?
Harvey, Steven. (2001) - In: The Jewish quarterly review vol. 91 (2001) p. 359-376

50Essay  De Maimónides a Crescas
Harvey, Steven. (2001) - In: Pensamiento y mística hispanojudía y sefardí p. 125-144

51Essay  Shem-Tov ibn Falaquera's "De'ot ha-Filosofim"; its sources and use of sources
Harvey, Steven. (2000) - In: The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy p. 211-247

52Articles  On the Nature and Extent of Jewish Averroism: Renan's Averroès et l'averroïsme Revisited
Harvey, Steven. (2000) - In: Jewish studies quarterly vol. 7 (2000) p. 100-119

53Essay  Conspicuous by his absence: Averroes' place today as an interpreter of Aristotle
Harvey, Steven. (1999) - In: Averroes and the Aristotelian Tradition p. 32-49

54Essay  The Quiddity of Philosophy according to Averroes and Falaquera, a Muslim Philosopher and his Jewish Interpreter.
Harvey, Steven. (1998) - In: Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? p. 904-913

55Essay  The meaning of terms designating love in Judaeo-Arabic thought and some remarks on the Judaeo-Arabic interpretation of Maimonides
Harvey, Steven. (1997) - In: Judaeo-Arabic Studies. Proceedings p. 175-196

56Articles  Averroes' Use of Examples in his Middle Commentary on the Prior Analystics and Some Remarks on his role as Commentator
Harvey, Steven. (1997) - In: Arabic sciences and philosophy vol. 7 (1997) p. 91-113

57Articles  A new Islamic source of the "Guide of the Perplexed"
Harvey, Steven. (1992) - In: Maimonidean studies vol. 2 (1992) p. 31-60

58Articles  Did Maimonides' letter to Samuel Ibn Tibbon determine which philosophers would be studied by later Jewish thinkers?
Harvey, Steven. (1992) - In: The Jewish quarterly review vol. 83 (1992) p. 51-70

59Essay  Maimonides in the Sultan's palace
Harvey, Steven. (1991) - In: Perspectives on Maimonides. Philosophical and Historical Studies p. 47-75

60Articles  The Hebrew translation of Averroes' Proœmium to his Long Commentary on Aristotle's Physics
Harvey, Steven. (1985) - In: American Academy for Jewish Research. Proceedings vol. 52 (1985) p. 55-84

61Articles  A unique Averroes MS in the British Museum
Harvey, Steven. (1982) - In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies vol. 45 (1982) p. 571-574

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