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Publications »Hughes, Aaron William«

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RI opac: 32 Entries

1Monographie  An Anxious Inheritance: Religious Others and the Shaping of Sunni Orthodoxy
Hughes, Aaron William. - Oxford (2022)

2Collection of Essays  Deconstructing Islamic Studies
Daneshgar, MajidHughes, Aaron William [Publ.]. - Boston [u.a.] (2020)

3Collection of Essays  Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms
Hughes, Aaron WilliamRobinson, James T. [Publ.]. - Bloomington, Ind. (2019)

4Monographie  Shared identities: medieval and modern imaginings of Judeo-Islam
Hughes, Aaron William. - Oxford (2017)

5Collection of Essays  Encountering the medieval in modern Jewish thought
Diamond, James ArthurHughes, Aaron William [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2012)

6Collection of Essays  New Directions in Jewish Philosophy
Hughes, Aaron WilliamWolfson, Elliot Reuben [Publ.]. - Bloomington, Ind. (2010)

7Monographie  The texture of the divine: imagination in medieval Islamic and Jewish thought
Hughes, Aaron William. - Bloomington, Ind. [u.a.] (2004)

8Monographie  Philosophy's mythos: Aesthetics, the imagination, and the philosophical novel in medieval Jewish and Islamic thought
Hughes, Aaron William. - [Indiana University] (2000)

9Essay  Arabian Judaism at the Advent of Islam: A Forgotten Chapter in the History of Judaism
Hughes, Aaron William. (2020) - In: A companion to late ancient Jews and Judaism p. 291-304

10Essay  Introduction
Hughes, Aaron WilliamRobinson, James T.. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 1-7

11Essay  Dialogues
Hughes, Aaron William. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 185-212

12Essay  Poetry
Hughes, Aaron William. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 213-237

13Essay  Translation and the Invention of Renaissance Jewish Culture: The Case of Judah Messer Leon and Judah Abravanel
Hughes, Aaron William. (2012) - In: The Hebrew Bible in fifteenth-century Spain p. 245-266

14Essay  Judah Abravanel
Hughes, Aaron William. (2012) - In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

15Essay  Introduction . Encountering the Medieval in Modern Jewish Thought
Diamond, James ArthurHughes, Aaron William. (2012) - In: Encountering the medieval in modern Jewish thought p. 1-16

16Essay  "Medieval" and the Politics of Nostalgia: Ideology, Scholarship, and the Creation of the Rational Jew
Hughes, Aaron William. (2012) - In: Encountering the medieval in modern Jewish thought p. 17-40

17Articles  The philosophical thought of Ibn Ezra
Hughes, Aaron William. (2012) - In: Iberia judaica vol. 4 (2012) p. 127-140

18Essay  Philosophy, Jewish
Hughes, Aaron William. (2011) - In: Encyclopedia of medieval philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500 p. 1003-1010

19Articles  Maimonides and the pre-Maimonidean Jewish philosophical tradition according to Hermann Cohen.
Hughes, Aaron William. (2010) - In: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy vol. 18 (2010) p. 1-26

20Essay  Introduction: charting an alternative course for the study of Jewish philosophy
Hughes, Aaron William. (2010) - In: New Directions in Jewish Philosophy p. 1-16

21Essay  Mi'raj and the Language of Legitimation in the Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophical Traditions: A Case Study of Avicenna and Abraham ibn Ezra
Hughes, Aaron William. (2010) - In: The Prophet's ascension. Cross-cultural encounters with the Islamic Miraj tales p. 172-191

22Essay  The Soul in Jewish Neoplatonism: A Case Study of Abraham Ibn Ezra and Judah Halevi
Hughes, Aaron William. (2009) - In: The Afterlife of the Soul. Platonist Theories of the Soul in Christianity, Judaism and Islam p. 143-162

23Articles  A Note on the Reception History of the Dialoghi d'Amore: The Case of Abraham Cohen de Herrera
Hughes, Aaron William. (2008) - In: Zutot vol. 5 (2008) p. 103-109

24Essay  Intelligible Beauty and Artistic Creation: The Renaissance Platonism of Judah Abravanel
Hughes, Aaron William. (2008) - In: Platonism and Forms of Intelligence p. 293-308

25Articles  The Reception of Yehudah Abravanel among Conversos in the 17th Century: A Case Study of Abraham Kohen de Herrera
Hughes, Aaron William. (2008) - In: Bruniana e Campanelliana vol. 14 (2008) p. 461-475

26Articles  The art of philosophy: the use of dialogue in Halevi's "Kuzari" and Abravanel's "Dialoghi d'amore"
Hughes, Aaron William. (2007) - In: Medieval encounters vol. 13 (2007) p. 470-498

27Articles  Epigone, Innovator, or Apologist? Judah Abravanel and His Dialoghi d'amore
Hughes, Aaron William. (2007) - In: Studia Rosenthaliana vol. 40 (2007) p. 109-125

28Essay  "The Torah speaks in the language of humans": on some uses of Plato's theory of myth in medieval Jewish philosophy
Hughes, Aaron William. (2005) - In: History of Platonism. Plato redivivus

29Articles  A Case of Twelfth-Century Plagiarism? Abraham Ibn Ezra's 'Hay Ben Meqitz' and Avicenna's 'Hayy Ibn Yaqzân.
Hughes, Aaron William. (2004) - In: The journal of Jewish studies vol. 55 (2004) p. 306-331

30Articles  Transforming the Maimonidean Imagination: Aesthetics in the Renaissance Thought of Judah Abravanel
Hughes, Aaron William. (2004) - In: The Harvard theological review vol. 97 (2004) p. 461-484

31Articles  The stranger at the sea: Mythopoesis in the Qur'ân and early tafsîr
Hughes, Aaron William. (2003) - In: Studies in religion vol. 32 (2003) p. 261-280

32Articles  Two approaches to the love of God in medieval Jewish thought: the concept of devequt in the works of Ibn Ezra and Judah Halevi
Hughes, Aaron William. (1999) - In: Studies in religion vol. 28 (1999) p. 139-151

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