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Publications »Jeffreys, Michael J.«

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RI opac: 59 Entries

1Collection of Essays  The letters of Psellos: cultural networks and historical realities
Jeffreys, Michael J.Lauxtermann, Marc D. [Publ.]. - Oxford (2017)

2Collection of Essays  Prosopography of the Byzantine World: prosopographical reading of Byzantine sources 1025 - 1150 ; PBW
Jeffreys, Michael J. [Publ.]. - London (2011)

3Monographie  Iacobi Monachi Epistvlae
Jacobus <Monachus>. Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J. [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2009)

4Monographie  Epistulae
Iakovos, Monachos. Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J. [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2009)

5Monographie  Iacobi Monachi Epistulae
Jacobus <Monachus>. Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J. [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2009)

6Collection of Essays  Approaches to Texts in Early Modern Greek: papers from the Conference Neograeca Medii Aevi V, Exeter College, University of Oxford, September 2000
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J. [Publ.]. - Oxford (2005)

7Monographie  The chronicle of John Malalas
Johannes <Malalas>. Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.Scott, Roger D. [Ed.]. - Melbourn (1986)

8Collection of Essays  Byzantine Papers. Proceedings of the First Australian Byzantine Studies Conference, Canberra, 17-19 May 1978
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.Moffat, Ann [Publ.]. - Canberra (1981)

9Monographie  Studies in the language and style of the mediaeval Greek chronicle of the Morea
Jeffreys, Michael J.. - [University of London] (1972)

10Essay  From Hexameters to Fifteen-Syllable Verse
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2019) - In: A companion to Byzantine poetry p. 66-91

11Essay  Piroska-Eirene and the Komnenian Dynasty
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2019) - In: Piroska and the Pantokrator. Dynastic memory, healing and salvation in Komnenian Constantinople p. 97-120

12Essay  Afterword: reading and hearing in Byzantium
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2018) - In: Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond p. 626ff.

13Essay  Michael Psellos and the eleventh century: a double helix of reception
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2017) - In: Byzantium in the eleventh century. Being in between p. 19-31

14Articles  The traditional style of thirteenth-century Greek ‘politikos stichos' poetry and the search for its origins
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2016) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies vol. 40 (2016) p. 69-81

15Essay  Byzantine court culture
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2014) - In: Byzantine Culture. Papers p. 331-341

16Articles  Psellos in 1078
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2014) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift vol. 107 (2014) p. 77-96

17Essay  Written Dekapentasyllables and Their Oral Provenance: A Skeleton History and a Suggested New Line of Research
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2014) - In: Medieval Greek storytelling. Fictionality and narrative in Byzantium p. 203-230

18Articles  Alexios, Bohemond, and Byzantium's Euphrates frontier: a tale of two Cretans
Pryor, John H.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2012) - In: Crusades vol. 11 (2012) p. 31-86

19Essay  Publications of Michael John Jeffreys and Elizabeth Mary Jeffreys
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. Moffat, Ann [Ed.]. (2011) - In: Essays E. M. and M. J. Jeffreys p. 5-14

20Essay  Versified Press-releases on the Role of the Komnenian Emperor: The Public Poems of Manganeios Pródromos
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2011) - In: Essays E. M. and M. J. Jeffreys p. 27-37

21Essay  Psellos and 'his emperors': fact, fiction and genre
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2010) - In: History as literature in Byzantium p. 73-92

22Essay  Language, education, and literacy. Literacy
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2008) - In: The Oxford handbook of byzantine studies p. 796-802

23Essay  A possible on-line future for sigillography
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2008) - In: FS Vasil Charalanov p. 241-247

24Essay  Tools for the study of the discipline. Textual criticism
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2008) - In: The Oxford handbook of byzantine studies p. 86-94

25Essay  PBW: the project and the colloquium
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2007) - In: Byzantine and Crusaders in Non-Greek Sources, 1025-1204 p. 1-4

26Essay  Introduction [Infrastructures]
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2007) - In: Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies (2006) Pt. 1 p. 145-146

27Essay  'Rhetorical' texts
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2003) - In: Rhetoric in Byzantium p. 87-100

28Essay  The "Wild Beast from the West": Immediate Literary Reactions in Byzantium to the Second Crusade.
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2001) - In: The crusades from the perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim world p. 101-116

29Essay  Manuel Komnenos' Macedonian Military Camps: A Glamorous Alternative Court?
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (2000) - In: Byzantine Macedonia. Identity, Image and History p. 184-191

30Articles  Digenis Akritis: The Use of Later Manuscripts to Reconstruct the Escorial Version
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1997) - In: Byzantion vol. 67 (1997) p. 60-69

31Articles  Editorial politics in the medieval Greek War of Troy
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1996) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, vol. 13, 2 (1996) p. 37-49

32Essay  Bury, Malalas and the Nika Riot
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1996) - In: The sixth century. End or beginning? p. 42-51

33Articles  The Decoration of the Sevastokratorissa's Tent
Anderson, Jeffrey C.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1994) - In: Byzantion vol. 64 (1994) p. 8-18

34Articles  Immortality in the Pantokrator?
Jeffreys, Michael J.Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.. (1994) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik vol. 44 (1994) p. 193-202

35Articles  Who was the Sevastokratorissa Eirene?
Jeffreys, Michael J.Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.. (1994) - In: Byzantion vol. 64 (1994) p. 40-68

36Articles  Political verse for Queen Atossa
Jeffreys, Michael J.Smith, Ole Langwitz. (1991) - In: Classica et mediaevalia vol. 42 (1991) p. 301-304

37Essay  The language of Malalas: portraits
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1990) - In: Studies in John Malalas p. 231-244

38Essay  A lacuna in Theophanes' text of Malalas?
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1990) - In: Studies in John Malalas p. 268-276

39Articles  Literary theory and the criticism of Byzantine texts
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1990) - In: Byzantine Studies in Australia. Newsletter vol. 24 (1990) p. 9

40Essay  Language of Malalas: Formulaic phraseology
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1990) - In: Studies in John Malalas p. 225-231

41Articles  Macbyz
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1990) - In: Byzantine Studies in Australia. Newsletter vol. 24 (1990) p. 9

42Articles  The Comnenian Prokypsis.
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1987) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, vol. 5 (1987) p. 38-53

43Articles  The oral background of Byzantine popular poetry
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1986) - In: Oral tradition vol. 1 (1986) p. 504-547

44Articles  Hellenism and the Greek language
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1985) - In: Byzantine Studies in Australia. Newsletter vol. 16 (1985) p. 12

45Essay  The style of Byzantine popular poetry: recent work
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1984) - In: Essays Ihor Sevcenko p. 309-343

46Essay  Art. Digenis akritas
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1984) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Pt. 4 p. 185-186

47Essay  Iakovos Monachos, letter 3
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1984) - In: Studies Robert Browning (1984) p. 241-257

48Essay  Art. Byzantine literature: popular
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Pt. 2 p. 521-523

49Essay  Art. Byzantine poetic forms
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Pt. 2 p. 523-525

50Articles  Cliches of imperial imagery in twelfth-century ceremonial poetry
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1982) - In: Byzantine Studies in Australia. Newsletter vol. 10 (1982) p. 8

51Essay  The vernacular eisitérioi for Agnes of France
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1981) - In: Byzantine Papers. Proceedings of the First Australian Byzantine Studies Conference p. 101-115

52Articles  Literarische Gebrauchsformen. Byzantine metrics: non-literary strata
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1981) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik vol. 31 (1981) p. 313-334

53Articles  The legend of Belisarios
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1980) - In: Byzantine Studies in Australia. Newsletter vol. 6 (1980) p. 10-11

54Articles  The astrological Prologue of Digenis Akritas
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1976) - In: Byzantion vol. 46 (1976) p. 375-397

55Articles  The Chronicle of the Morea: priority of the Greek version.
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1975) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift vol. 68 (1975) p. 304-350

56Articles  The literary emergence of vernacular Greek
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1975) - In: Mosaic vol. 8, 4 (1975) p. 171-193

57Articles  The nature and origins of the political verse
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1974) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers vol. 28 (1974) p. 141-195

58Articles  Formulas in the Chronicle of the Morea
Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1973) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers vol. 27 (1973) p. 163-195

59Articles  Imberios and Margarona: the manuscripts, sources and edition of a Byzantine verse romance
Jeffreys, Elizabeth M.Jeffreys, Michael J.. (1971) - In: Byzantion vol. 41 (1971) p. 122-160

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