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Publications »Kelly, Christopher«

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RI opac: 25 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Theodosius II: Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity
Kelly, Christopher [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2013)

2Collection of Essays  Unclassical Traditions, 2: Perspectives from East and West in Late Antiquity
Flower, Richard A.Kelly, ChristopherWilliams, Michael Stuart [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2011)

3Monographie  The End of Empire: Attila the Hun & the Fall of Rome
Kelly, Christopher. - New York, NY (2010)

4Collection of Essays  Unclassical Traditions. Alternatives to the Classical Past in Late Antiquity
Flower, Richard A.Kelly, ChristopherWilliams, Michael Stuart [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2010)

5Monographie  Attila the Hun. Barbarian Terror and the Fall of the Roman Empire
Kelly, Christopher. - London (2008)

6Monographie  Ruling the later Roman Empire
Kelly, Christopher. - Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] (2004)

7Essay  Antiquarian Literature
Kelly, Christopher. (2018) - In: A companion to late antique literature p. 539-553

8Essay  Neither Conquest Nor Settlement: Attilas Empire and Its Impact
Kelly, Christopher. (2015) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Age of Attila p. 193-208

9Essay  Mind the Gap: Accidental Conversion and the Hagiographic Imaginary in the First Centuries A.H.
Kelly, ChristopherSizgorich, Thomas N.. (2015) - In: Conversion in late antiquity. Christianity, Islam, and beyond p. 163-174

10Essay  Pliny and pacatus: past and present in imperial panegyric
Kelly, Christopher. (2015) - In: Contested monarchy. Integrating the Roman empire in the fourth century AD p. 215-238

11Essay  Narratives of Violence: Confronting Pagans
Kelly, Christopher. (2015) - In: Conversion in late antiquity. Christianity, Islam, and beyond p. 143-162

12Essay  Stooping to conquer: the power of imperial humility
Kelly, Christopher. (2013) - In: Theodosius II. Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity p. 221-243

13Essay  Introduction: Rethinking Theodosius
Kelly, Christopher. (2013) - In: Theodosius II. Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity p. 3-63

14Essay  Political History
Kelly, Christopher. (2012) - In: A Companion to Augustine p. 9-23

15Articles  The myth of the desert in Western monasticism: Eucherius of Lyon's "In praise of the desert"
Kelly, Christopher. (2011) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly vol. 46 (2011) p. 129-141

16Essay  The shape of the past: Eusebius of Caesarea and Old Testament history
Kelly, Christopher. (2010) - In: Unclassical Traditions. Alternatives to the Classical Past in Late Antiquity p. 13-27

17Essay  Bureaucracy and Government
Kelly, Christopher. (2006) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Age of Constantine p. 183-204

18Articles  John Lydus and the Eastern Praetorian Prefecture in the sixth century AD
Kelly, Christopher. (2005) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift vol. 98 (2005) p. 431-458

19Essay  Empire Building
Kelly, Christopher. (2001) - In: Interpreting late antiquity. Essays on the postclassical world p. 170-195

20Essay  Empire building
Kelly, Christopher. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world p. 170-195

21Essay  Justice
Kelly, Christopher. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world p. 530-531

22Essay  Officials
Kelly, Christopher. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world p. 618-619

23Essay  Patronage
Kelly, Christopher. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world p. 637-638

24Essay  Caesar
Kelly, Christopher. (1999) - In: Late antiquity. A guide to the postclassical world p. 358

25Essay  Emperors, government and bureaucracy
Kelly, Christopher. (1998) - In: The Cambridge Ancient History 13 p. 138-183

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