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Publications »Kienzle, Beverly Mayne«

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RI opac: 68 Entries

1Monographie  Hildegard of Bingen, Gospel Interpreter
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. - Lanham (2020)

2Collection of Essays  A companion to Hildegard of Bingen
Kienzle, Beverly MayneStoudt, Debra L.Ferzoco, George P. [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2014)

3Collection of Essays  A Companion to Catherine of Siena
Ferzoco, George P.Muessig, Carolyn A.Kienzle, Beverly Mayne [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2012)

4Monographie  Homilies on the Gospels / Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegardis <Bingensis>. Kienzle, Beverly Mayne [Publ.]. - Trappist (2011)

5Monographie  Hildegard of Bingen and her gospel homilies: speaking new mysteries
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. - Turnhout [u.a.] (2009)

6Monographie  Expostiones euangeliorum Sanctae Hildegardis / Hildegardis Bingensis Opera Minora
Hildegardis <Bingensis>. Kienzle, Beverly MayneMuessig, Carolyn A. [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2007)

7Monographie  Cistercians, heresy and crusade in Occitania: 1145 - 1229 ; preaching in the Lord's vineyard
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. - York (2001)

8Collection of Essays  The sermon
Kienzle, Beverly MayneNoël, René [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2000)

9Collection of Essays  Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity
Kienzle, Beverly MayneWalker, Pamela J. [Publ.]. - Berkeley, Calif. (1998)

10Collection of Essays  Medieval sermons and society. Cloister, city, university
Hamesse, JacquelineKienzle, Beverly MayneStoudt, Debra L.Thayer, Anne T. [Publ.]. - Louvain-la-Neuve (1998)

11Collection of Essays  Models of holiness in medieval sermons: Proceedings of the International Symposium (Kalamazoo, 4-7 May 1995)
Kienzle, Beverly MayneWilks Dolnikowski, EdithDrage Hale, RosemaryPryds, Darleen N.Thayer, Anne T. [Publ.]. - Louvain-la-Neuve (1996)

12Collection of Essays  De ore Domini: Preacher and word in the Middle Ages
Amos, Thomas LeslieGreen, Eugene A.Kienzle, Beverly Mayne [Publ.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (1989)

13Monographie  The flowering of satire in medieval Picardy
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. - [Boston College] (1978)

14Essay  Monastic Preaching and the Sermon in Medieval Latin Christendom to the Twelfth Century
Baker, TimothyKienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2020) - In: The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West 2 p. 710-728

15Essay  Hildegard of Bingen
Kienzle, Beverly MayneBledsoe, Jenny C.. (2018) - In: The history of evil in the Medieval Age 450-1450 CE p. 135-151

16Essay  Words, deeds, and the hagiography of italian women penitents
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2016) - In: Mendicant cultures in the medieval and early modern world p. 107-142

17Essay  Hildegard of Bingen and the Public Voices of Women in Medieval Society
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2015) - In: Unversehrt und unverletzt. Hildegards von Bingen Menschenbild und Kirchenverständnis heute p. 309-322

18Essay  Introduction
Kienzle, Beverly MayneStoudt, Debra L.. (2014) - In: A companion to Hildegard of Bingen p. 1-14

19Essay  Intertextuality in Hildegard's Works: Ezekiel and the Claim to Prophetic Authority
Kienzle, Beverly MayneStevens, Travis. (2014) - In: A companion to Hildegard of Bingen p. 137-162

20Essay  Preaching
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2013) - In: The Cambridge companion to the Cistercian order p. 245-257

21Essay  Preaching the Cross: Liturgy and Crusade Propaganda
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2013) - In: Preaching and political society p. 11-46

22Essay  Catherine of Siena, Preaching, and Hagiography in Renaissance Tuscany
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2012) - In: A Companion to Catherine of Siena p. 127-154

23Articles  La prédication des derniers cathares d'après les registres d'Inquisition de Geoffroy d'Ablis et de Jacques Fournier
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2010) - In: Archives Ariégeoises vol. 2 (2010) p. 9-24

24Articles  Margherita of Cortona: Women, Preaching, and the Writing of Hagiography
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2010) - In: Medieval sermon studies vol. 54 (2010) p. 38-50

25Essay  Crisis and charismatic authority in Hildegard of Bingen's preaching against the Cathars
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2010) - In: Charisma and religious authority. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim preaching p. 73-91

26Articles  Preaching the Cross: Liturgy and Crusade Propaganda
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2009) - In: Medieval sermon studies vol. 53 (2009) p. 11-32

27Essay  Religious poverty and the search for perfection
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2009) - In: Christianity in Western Europe c.1100-c.1500 p. 39-53

28Essay  Performing the Gospel stories: Hildegard of Bingen's dramatic exegesis in the "Expositiones euangeliorum"
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2008) - In: Visualizing medieval performance perspectives, histories, contexts p. 107-128

29Essay  The Clash Between Catholics and Cathars over Veneration of the Cross
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2007) - In: Iconoclasm and iconoclash. Struggle for religious identity p. 263-278

30Essay  Constructing heaven in Hildegard of Bingen's "Expositiones" euangeliorum"
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2006) - In: Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages p. 34-43

31Essay  La représentation de l'hérétique par l'imagerie animale
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2005) - In: Mélanges Jean Duvernoy p. 181-195

32Essay  Hildegard of Bingen's exegesis of Luke
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2003) - In: Essays François Bovon p. 227-237

33Essay  Medieval sermons and their performance: theory and record
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2002) - In: Preacher, sermon and audience in the Middle Ages p. 89-124

34Essay  Hildegard of Bingen's gospel homilies and her exegesis of the parable of the prodigal son
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2001) - In: "Im Angesicht Gottes suche der Mensch sich selbst" p. 299-324

35Essay  Penitents and preachers: the figure of Saint Peter and his relationship to Saint Mary Magdalene
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2001) - In: La figura di San Pietro nelle fonti del medioevo p. 248-272

36Essay  "Inimici crucis": la théologie de la Croix et la persécution du catharisme
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2001) - In: Autour de Montaillou. Un village occitan p. 279-299

37Articles  Battered women and the construction of sanctity
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2001) - In: Journal of feminist studies in religion vol. 17 (2001) p. 33-61

38Essay  The Tract on the Conversion of Pons of Leras and the True Account of the Beginning of the Monastery at Silvanes
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2000) - In: Medieval hagiography. An anthology p. 495-514

39Essay  The twelfth-century monastic sermon
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2000) - In: The sermon (Typologie) p. 271-323

40Essay  Conclusion
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2000) - In: The sermon (Typologie) p. 963-983

41Essay  Hildegard of Bingen's teaching in her "Expositiones evangeliorum" and "Ordo virtutum"
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2000) - In: Medieval monastic education p. 72-86

42Essay  Introduction
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (2000) - In: The sermon (Typologie) p. 143-174

43Articles  Innocent III's Papacy and the Crusade Years, 1198-1229: Arnauld Amaury, Gui of Vaux-de-Cernay, Foulque of Toulouse
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1999) - In: Heresis vol. 29 (1999) p. 49-81

44Articles  La prédication: pierre de touche de la dissidence et de l'orthodoxie.
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1999) - In: Heresis vol. 30 (1999) p. 11-151

45Essay  The prostitute-preacher: patterns of polemic against medieval Waldensian women preachers
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1998) - In: Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity p. 99-113

46Essay  Cistercian views of the city in the sermons of Helinand of Froidmont
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1998) - In: Medieval sermons and society p. 165-182

47Essay  Holiness and obedience: denouncement of twelfth-century Waldensian Lay preaching
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1998) - In: Essays Jeffrey B. Russell p. 259-278

48Essay  Defending the Lord's Vineyard: Hildegard of Bingen's preaching against the Cathars
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1998) - In: Medieval monastic preaching p. 163-181

49Articles  Henry of Clairvaux and the 1178 and 1181 missions
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1997) - In: Heresis vol. 28 (1997) p. 63-87

50Essay  Hélinand de Froidmont et la prédication cistercienne dans le Midi (1145-1229)
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1997) - In: La Prédication en Pays d'Oc p. 37-67

51Essay  Sermons
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1996) - In: Medieval Latin. An introduction and bibliographical guide p. 659-669

52Articles  "Operatrix in vinea Domini": Hildegard of Bingen's preaching and polemics against the Cathars
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1996) - In: Heresis vol. 26-27 (1996) p. 43-56

53Articles  Tending the Lord's vineyard: Cistercians, rhetoric and heresy, 1143-1229. 1: Bernard of Clairvaux, the 1143 sermons and the 1145 preaching mission
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1995) - In: Heresis vol. 25 (1995) p. 29-61

54Articles  The conversion of Pons of Léras and The True Account of the Beginning of the Monastery at Silvanès: analysis and translation of the Latin text in Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, MS. 611
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1995) - In: Cistercian studies quarterly vol. 30 (1995) p. 219-243

55Articles  Recherches sur les femmes vaudoises mediévales: La prédication comme phenomène laïque et hérétique
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1994) - In: Heresis vol. 22 (1994) p. 150-151

56Articles  The works of Hugo Francigena: Tractatus de conversione Pontii de Laracio et exordii Salvaniensis monasterii vera narratio; epistolae (Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale Ms. 611)
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1994) - In: Sacris erudiri vol. 34 (1994) p. 273-311

57Essay  The typology of the medieval sermon and its development in the Middle Ages: report on work in progress
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1993) - In: De l'homélie au sermon p. 83-101

58Essay  Verbum Dei et verba Bernardi: the function of language in Bernard's Second Sermon for Peter and Paul
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1992) - In: Bernardus Magister p. 149-159

59Articles  Mary speaks against heresy: an unedited sermon of Hélinand for the Purification, Paris, B.N. ms. lat. 14591
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1991) - In: Sacris erudiri vol. 32 (1991) p. 291-308

60Essay  Education in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries: the witness of Hélinand of Froidmont
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1991) - In: Faith Seeking Understanding. Learning and the Catholic Tradition p. 77-88

61Articles  Cistercians and heresy: doctrinal consultation in some twelfth century correspondence from southern France
Kienzle, Beverly MayneShroff, Susan Asha. (1990) - In: Citeaux vol. 41 (1990) p. 159-166

62Articles  Pons of Leras, A Twelfth-Century Cistercian
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1989) - In: Citeaux vol. 40 (1989) p. 215-225

63Essay  Maternal imagery in the sermons of Hélinand of Froidmont
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1989) - In: De Ore Domini p. 93-103

64Articles  Cistercian Preaching against the Cathars: Helinand's Unedited Sermon for Rogation, B.N. MS. Lat. 14591
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1988) - In: Citeaux vol. 39 (1988) p. 297-314

65Essay  Erudition at God's service: Helinand's Toulouse sermons
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1987) - In: Erudition at God's Service. Studies in Medieval Cistercian History 11 p. 277-290

66Essay  Deed and word: Helinand's Toulouse sermons, I
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1987) - In: Erudition at God's Service. Studies in Medieval Cistercian History 11 p. 267-276

67Essay  The house of the Lord: Hélinand on superfluous monastic construction
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1986) - In: Proceedings of the PMR Conference 11 p. 135-141

68Essay  The sermon as goad and nail: preaching in Hélinand of Froidmont
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne. (1985) - In: Goad and Nail. Studies in Medieval Cistercian History p. 228-240

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