RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles


Publications »Kozodoy, Maud«

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RI opac: 13 Entries

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Kozodoy, Maud. (2016)

2Monographie  The secret faith of Maestre Honoratus Profayt Duran and Jewish identity in late medieval Iberia
Kozodoy, Maud. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2015)

3Monographie  A study of the life and works of Profiat Duran
Kozodoy, Maud. - [Jewish Theological Seminary of America] (2006)

4Essay  Science and Medicine
Ferrario, GabrieleKozodoy, Maud. (2021) - In: The Cambridge history of Judaism 5. Jews in the medieval Islamic world p. 825-863

5Articles  Joseph ben Solomon Taitasaq on the Construction of an Astrolabe: Study, Diplomatic Edition, and Annotated Translation
Rodríguez-Arribas, JosefinaKozodoy, Maud. (2020) - In: Aleph vol. 20 (2020) p. 7-101

6Articles  Late Medieval Jewish Physicians and their Manuscripts
Kozodoy, Maud. (2019) - In: Social history of medicine vol. 32 (2019) p. 734-750

7Essay  Poetic Summaries of Scientific and Philosophical Works
Kozodoy, Maud. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 238-263

8Essay  In the beginning was the poem: Hebrew prefatory verse in Golden Age al-Andalus
Kozodoy, Maud. (2018) - In: Essays Jane S. Gerber p. 9-26

9Essay  Messianic Interpretation of the Song of Songs in Late-Medieval Iberia
Kozodoy, Maud. (2012) - In: The Hebrew Bible in fifteenth-century Spain p. 117-150

10Essay  The Physicians in Medieval Iberia (1100-1500)
Kozodoy, Maud. (2012) - In: The Jew in Medieval Iberia 1100 - 1500 p. 102-137

11Articles  The Hebrew Bible As Weapon of Faith
Kozodoy, Maud. (2011) - In: Jewish studies quarterly vol. 18 (2011) p. 185-201

12Articles  Medieval Hebrew Medical Poetry: Uses and Contexts
Kozodoy, Maud. (2011) - In: Aleph vol. 11 (2011) p. 213-288

13Essay  No perpetual enemies: Maimonideanism at the beginning of the fifteenth century.
Kozodoy, Maud. (2009) - In: The Cultures of Maimonideanism. New Approaches to the History of Jewish Thought p. 149-170

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