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Publications »Luttrell, Anthony T.«

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RI opac: 355 Entries

1Monographie  The countryside of Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1423: original texts and English summaries
Luttrell, Anthony T.O'Malley, Gregory. - London [u.a.] (2019)

2Monographie  Documents concerning Cyprus: from the Hospital's Rhodian archives: 1409 - 1459
Borchardt, KarlLuttrell, Anthony T.Schöffler, Ekhard. - Nicosia (2011)

3Collection of Essays  Prier et combattre: dictionnaire européen des ordres militaires au Moyen Âge.
Chartrain, FrédéricLuttrell, Anthony T.Demurger, Alain [Ed.]. Bériou, NicoleJosserand, Philippe [Publ.]. - Paris (2009)

4Collection of Essays  Religiones Militares: contributi alla storia degli ordini religioso-militari nel Medioevo
Luttrell, Anthony T.Tommasi, Francesco [Publ.]. - Città di Castello (2008)

5Monographie  Sources for Turkish history in the Hospitallers' Rhodian Archive: 1389 - 1422
Luttrell, Anthony T.Zachariadou, Elizabeth A.. - Athens (2008)

6Collection of Essays  Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306. Rhodes and the West
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - Aldershot [u.a.] (2007)

7Collection of Essays  Hospitaller Women in the Middle Ages
Luttrell, Anthony T.Nicholson, Helen J. [Publ.]. - Aldershot (2006)

8Collection of Essays  Ritterorden im Mittelalter
Luttrell, Anthony T. [Ed.]. Novoa Portela, Feliciano [Publ.]. - Darmstadt (2006)

9Collection of Essays  Las órdenes militares en la Europa medieval.
Novoa Portela, FelicianoAyala Martínez, Carlos deLuttrell, Anthony T. [Publ.]. - Barcelona (2005)

10Collection of Essays  Le Glaive et la Croix: Templiers, Hospitaliers, Chevaliers Teutoniques et autres ordres militaires au Moyen Âge.
Novoa Portela, FelicianoAyala Martínez, Carlos deLuttrell, Anthony T. [Publ.]. - Paris (2005)

11Monographie  The town of Rhodes: 1306-1356
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - Rhodes (2003)

12Collection of Essays  La commanderie. Institution des ordres militaires dans l'Occident médiéval. Actes du premier colloque internationale du Conservatoire Larzac templier et hospitalier ... tenu à Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon (Aveyron), du 13 au 15 octobre 2000 ...
Pressouyre, LéonLuttrell, Anthony T. [Publ.]. - Paris (2002)

13Collection of Essays  The making of Christian Malta. From the early middle ages to 1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - Aldershot [u.a.] (2002)

14Collection of Essays  The Hospitaller state on Rhodes and its Western Provinces, 1306-1462
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - Ashgate (1999)

15Collection of Essays  The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - Aldershot [u.a.] (1992)

16Collection of Essays  Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades, 1291-1440
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - London (1982)

17Collection of Essays  The hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West 1291-1440. Collected studies
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - London (1978)

18Collection of Essays  The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West 1291-1440. Collected studies
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - London (1978)

19Collection of Essays  Medieval Malta. Studies on Malta before the Knights
Luttrell, Anthony T. [Publ.]. - London (1975)

20Monographie  Juan Fernández de Heredia, Castellan of Amposta, 1347-1377, Grand Master of the Order of St. John at Rhodes, 1377-1396
Luttrell, Anthony T.. - [University of Oxford] (1959)

21Essay  Pilgrim trafficking on hospitaller rhodes after 1309
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2024) - In: FS Hubert Houben (2) p. 493-504

22Essay  Pilgrim trafficking on hospitaller rhodes after 1309
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2024) - In: Liber amicorum Hubert Houben p. 493-504

23Articles  A Hospitaller crusade treatise reviewed
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2023) - In: Crusades vol. 22 (2023) p. 62-66

24Articles  Philibert de Naillac, Master of Rhodes: 1396-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2023) - In: Ordines militares vol. 28 (2023) p. 177-196

25Articles  A Hospitaller despropriamentum: Dubrovnik 1396
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2021) - In: Ordines militares vol. 26 (2021) p. 341-347

26Articles  The Hospitaller Background of the Teutonic Order
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2021) - In: Ordines militares vol. 26 (2021) p. 351-375

27Articles  Linguistic Encounters: Hospitaller Rhodes after 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2021) - In: Medioevo romanzo vol. 45 (2021) p. 241-252

28Essay  Liquid' Frontiers: Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2021) - In: Ordens militares, identidade e mudança Pt. 1 p. 209-214

29Essay  Hospitaller pugnacity: 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: The Military Orders 7 p. 322-328

30Essay  Shared Worship at Filerimos on Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: Essays Alan J. Forey p. [1-11]

31Essay  Timur's capture of Hospitaller Smyrna (1402)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: FS Jürgen Sarnowsky p. 337-348

32Articles  L'hospice Sainte-Catherine: Rhodes 1445
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 43 (2020) p. 15-24

33Essay  Les origines diverses des ordres militaires syriens
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: Mélanges Jean Richard (2020) p. 489-495

34Articles  Confusion in the Hospital's pre-1291 statutes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2020) - In: Crusades vol. 19 (2020) p. 109-114

35Essay  The Latin will of a Jewish Burgensis of Rhodes, 1448
Borchardt, KarlLuttrell, Anthony T.. (2019) - In: Studies David Jacoby (2019) p. 161-172

36Articles  Les murailles de Rhodes 1306-1467
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2019) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 41 (2019) p. 35-41

37Articles  I Giovanniti nel sud del Priorato di Pisa (sec. XII-XV)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2019) - In: Studi melitensi vol. 27 (2019) p. 41-78

38Essay  Progressive memory: the hospitallers' chronicle of the deceased masters
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2018) - In: Entre Deus e o Rei. O mundo das Ordens Militares p. 89-96

39Essay  The Templars' archives in Syria and Cyprus
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2017) - In: The templars and their sources p. 38-45

40Essay  The Developments of Rhodes Town After 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2016) - In: Crusader landscapes in the medieval Levant p. 131-141

41Essay  The Hospital's privilege of 1113: texts and contexts
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2016) - In: The Military Orders 6 Pt. 1 p. 3-9

42Articles  La synagogue de Rhodes, 1381
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2015) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 33 (2015) p. 4-6

43Essay  Mixed Identities on Hospitaller Rhodes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2015) - In: Union in separation. Diasporic groups and identitites in the Eastern Mediterranean p. 381-386

44Essay  Observations on the Fall of the Temple
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2015) - In: Élites et ordres militaires au Moyen Âge p. 365-372

45Essay  Introduction: History and Archaeology
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2014) - In: Archaeology and architecture of the military orders. New studies p. 1-6

46Articles  Martino di Bartolomeo's Frescoes at Cascina
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2014) - In: Iconographica vol. 13 (2014) p. 100-107

47Essay  Afonso of Portugal. Master of the Hospital: 1202/3-1206
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2014) - In: Essays Peter Edbury p. 197-206

48Essay  The Hospitaller castle at Bodrum after 1407
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2014) - In: Castelos das Ordens Militares. Encontro Internacional Pt. 2 p. 155-164

49Essay  The origins of the Templars' Western Economy
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2013) - In: L'économie templière en Occident. Patrimoines, commerce, finances p. 57-64

50Articles  Saint Ubaldesca di Calcinalia
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2013) - In: Ordines militares vol. 18 (2013) p. 265-272

51Articles  Die päpstlichen Enquêten zum Johanniterorden in Lage und Wietersheim (Priorat Alamania) vom Jahre 1373
Borchardt, KarlLuttrell, Anthony T.. (2013) - In: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters vol. 69 (2013) p. 615-638

52Essay  The Island Order State on Rhodes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2013) - In: Islands and Military Orders, c. 1291-c. 1798 p. 19-28

53Essay  Slavery and Slaving in the Portuguese Atlantic (to about 1500)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2013) - In: Spain, Portugal and the Atlantic frontier of medieval Europe p. 293-304

54Articles  Gli ospedalieri di Rodi e l'inchiesta pontificia nella diocesi di Forli (1373)
Tommasi, FrancescoLuttrell, Anthony T.. (2012) - In: Mediterranea ricerche storiche vol. 26 (2012) p. 559-576

55Essay  Smoke and Fire Signals at Rhodes: 1449
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2012) - In: The Military Orders 5 p. 125-130

56Articles  Early drawings of Rhodian Buildings
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2011) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 25 (2011) p. 65-68

57Essay  The Election of the Templar Master Jacques de Molay
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2011) - In: The debate on the Trial of the Templars 1307-1314 p. 21-32

58Articles  Juan Fernàndez de Heredia and the Compilation of the Aragonese Chronicle of the Morea
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2011) - In: Deus vult vol. 1 (2011) p. 69-134

59Essay  Il cavallo nell'ordine dell'ospedale a Rodi dopo il 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2011) - In: Cavalli e cavalieri. Guerra, gioco, finzione p. 205-216

60Essay  A Jerusalem indulgence
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2011) - In: On the Margins of Crusading. The Military Orders, the Papacy and the Christian World p. 5-12

61Articles  La chapelle de Frère Guillaume de Reillanne à Sainte-Eulalie
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2010) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 23 (2010) p. 61-66

62Essay  Los orígenes de la encomienda templaria en el Occidente latino
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2010) - In: Actes de les Jornades Internacionals d'Estudi sobre els Orígens i l'Expansió de l'Orde del Temple a la Corona d'Aragó (1120-120. p. 55-68

63Essay  Prolusione
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2010) - In: Cavalieri di San Giovanni in Liguria e nell'Italia settentrionale p. 13-22

64Articles  Juan Fernández de Heredia's History of Greece
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2010) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies vol. 34 (2010) p. 30-37

65Essay  The Amalfitan Hospices in Jerusalem
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2010) - In: Amalfi and Byzantium. Acts of the International symposium p. 105-122

66Articles  Licences for Hospitaller sisters at Pamiers and Morlaas: 1371
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2008) - In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire et du patrimoine de l'ordre de Malte vol. 20 (2008) p. 68-69

67Essay  The Hospitalier Background of the Teutonic Order
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2008) - In: Religiones Militares p. 27-42

68Essay  Una falsa donazione per l'Ordine dell'Ospedale (1120)
Luttrell, Anthony T.Tommasi, Francesco. (2008) - In: Religiones Militares p. 265ff.

69Essay  Hospitaller historiography: heritages and heresies
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2008) - In: The military orders. 3. History and heritage p. 3-11

70Essay  Cos After 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 401-404

71Essay  The Hospitaller Commanderies in Roussillon: 1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 1-28

72Essay  Anthony Luttrell bibliography
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: FS Anthony Luttrell p. 285-303

73Essay  The Hospitallers and the Papacy, 1305-1314
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 595-622

74Essay  English Contributions to the Hospitaller Castle at Bodrum in Turkey: 1407-1437
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 163-172

75Essay  The Hospitallers and their Florentine Bankers: 1306-1346
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 17-24

76Essay  Le Origini della Precettoria Capitolare di Santo Stefano di Monopoli
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 89-100

77Essay  L'oeuvre religieuse des Hospitaliers à Rhodes: 1309-1439
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 105-119

78Essay  The Hospitaller Commandery of the Morea: 1366
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 291-300

79Essay  Gli Ospedalieri a Siena dopo il 1312
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 103-120

80Essay  Change and Conflict within the Hospitaller Province of Italy after 1291
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 185-199

81Essay  Iconography and Historiography: the Italian Hospitallers before 1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 19-46

82Essay  The Finances of the Commander in the Hospital after 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 1-7

83Essay  A Hospitaller "Soror" at Rhodes, 1347
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 129-143

84Essay  The Hospitallers in Hungary before 1418: Problems and Sources
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 269-281

85Essay  Die späteren Kreuzzüge
Luttrell, Anthony T.. Sternthal, Barbara [Publ.]. (2007) - In: Kreuzritter. Pilger, Krieger, Abenteurer. Katalog p. 106-113

86Essay  Préface
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 5-20

87Essay  Gli Ospedalieri nell'Italia Settentrionale dopo il 1312
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 171-188

88Essay  Las Órdenes Militares de San Juan de Jerusalén y del Temple
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Las órdenes militares en la Europa medieval p. 45-76

89Essay  The Island of Rhodes and the Hospitallers of Catalunya in the Fourteenth Century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 155-165

90Essay  Preface
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. ix-x

91Essay  The Contribution to Rhodes of the Hospitaller Priory of Venice: 1410-1415
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 65-78

92Essay  The Hospitallers' Early Written Records
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 135-154

93Essay  Margarida d'Erill Hospitaller of Alguaire: 1415-1456
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 219-249

94Essay  The Military Orders: Some Definitions
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 77-88

95Essay  The Military Orders: Further Definitions
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 5-10

96Essay  Earthquakes in the Dodecanese: 1303-1513
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 145-151

97Essay  Gli Ospedalieri a Genova dall'Inchiesta Papale del 1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2007) - In: Luttrell, Studies on the Hospitallers after 1306 p. 219-233

98Essay  Les femmes hospitalières en France méridionale
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2006) - In: Les ordres religieux militaires dans le Midi (XIIe-XIVe siècle) p. 101-114

99Essay  Der Johanniter- und der Templerorden
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2006) - In: Ritterorden im Mittelalter p. 45-76

100Essay  Introduction:A Survey of Hospitaller Women in the Middle Ages
Luttrell, Anthony T.Nicholson, Helen J.. (2006) - In: Hospitaller Women in the Middle Ages p. 1-42

101Articles  Ermengol de Aspa, Provisor of the Hospital: 1188
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2005) - In: Crusades vol. 4 (2005) p. 15-20

102Essay  Conclusioni
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2005) - In: Gli archivi per la storia del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta p. 529ff.

103Essay  Epilog: Die späteren Kreuzzüge
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2005) - In: Saladin und die Kreuzfahrer. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung p. 127-138

104Essay  L'ordnine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, Rodi e Malta
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2004) - In: Monaci in armi. Gli ordini religioso-militari dai templari alla battaglia di Lepanto p. 53-62

105Essay  The administration of Gozo: 1335.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 61-64

106Essay  Malta before 870: some Libyan connections
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 127-133

107Essay  Christian slaves at Malta: 1271
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 381-383

108Articles  The hospitallers' early statutes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Revue Mabillon Ser. NS, vol. 14 (2003) p. 9-22

109Essay  Medieval Malta: approaches and reproaches.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 1-17

110Essay  An introduction to Hal Millieri.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 19-35

111Essay  The christianization of Malta.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 415-421

112Essay  The Hospitaller Commandery of the Morea: 1366
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Essays Julian Chrysostomides p. 291-300

113Essay  Hal Millieri: historical and architectural postscript
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 103-131

114Essay  L'effritement de l'islam, 1091-1282
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 49-61

115Essay  Mdina hoard of Muslim coin: 1698
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 19-25

116Essay  The earliest documents transcribed in the cathedral archives, Mdina: 1316-1372.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 29-51

117Essay  The roots of medieval Gozo.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 51-57

118Essay  The cappella of Birkirkara, 1402.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 156-160

119Essay  Giliberto Abbate's report on Malta, circa 1241.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 1-29

120Articles  Hospitaller Birgu: 1530-1536
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Crusades vol. 2 (2003) p. 121-150

121Essay  Malta e Gozo: 1222-1268
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 589-603

122Essay  The Hospitallers in twelfth-century Constantinople
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: The Experience of Crusading 1 p. 225-232

123Essay  The Benedictines and Malta: 1363-1371.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 146-165

124Essay  Le origini della parrocchia a Malta.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 187-198

125Essay  The island of Rhodes and the hospitallers of Catalunya in the fourteenth century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Els Catalans a la Mediterrània oriental a l'Edat Mitjana p. 155-165

126Essay  Approaches to medieval Malta.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 1-70

127Essay  The Augustinians at Malta: 1413.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 297-301

128Essay  The sale of Gumerin on Malta: 1318
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 167-177

129Essay  Slaves and captives on Malta: 1053/4 and 1091
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 97-104

130Essay  Frederick II and Paolino de Malta: 1235
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2003) - In: Luttrell, The making of Christian Malta p. 405-409

131Essay  The Contribution to Rhodes of the Hospitaller Priory of Venice: 1410-1415
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: Bisanzio, Venezia e il mondo franco-greco (XIII-XV secolo) p. 65-78

132Essay  Ospedale e Santo Sepolcro in Puglia dopo il 1099
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: Il cammino di Gerusalemme. Convegno internazionale di Studi p. 477-484

133Essay  The Finances of the Commander in the Hospital after 1306
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: La commanderie. Institution des ordres militaires dans l'Occident médiéval p. 277-284

134Essay  Gli Ospedalieri nel Mezzogiorno
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: Il Mezzogiorno normanno-svevo e le crociate p. 289-300

135Articles  Iconography and Historiography: The Italian Hospitallers before 1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: Sacra militia vol. 3 (2002) p. 1-28

136Essay  La Orden de San Juan en la Corona de Aragón: siglo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2002) - In: La Orden Militar de San Juan en la Península Ibérica durante la Edad Media p. 11-21

137Essay  The Hospitaller Commanderies in Roussillon: 1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2001) - In: L'orde de Malta, el regne de Mallorca i la Mediterrània p. 87-108

138Essay  Gli ospedalieri nell'Italia settentrionale dopo il 1312
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2001) - In: Riviera di Levante tra Emilia e Toscana p. 171-188

139Essay  A Hospitaller soror at Rhodes, 1347
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2001) - In: Études Jean Richard p. 129-143

140Essay  The Hospitallers in Hungary before 1418: problems and sources
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2001) - In: The Crusades and the Military Orders p. 267-281

141Essay  L'oeuvre religieuse des Hospitaliers à Rhodes: 1309-1439.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2000) - In: Occident et Orient IXe - XVe siècles. Histoire et archéologie p. 93-103

142Articles  The Military Orders: Furthers Definitions.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (2000) - In: Sacra militia vol. 1 (2000) p. 7-12

143Articles  Cypriot Villages from the Byzantine to the British Period: Observations on a Recent Book
Arbel, BenjaminLuttrell, Anthony T.. (2000) - In: Epetèrida vol. 26 (2000) p. 439-456

144Essay  The Hospitallers of Rhodes between Tuscany and Jerusalem: 1310-1431
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 117-138

145Essay  The structure of the Aragonese hospital: 1349-1352
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 315-328

146Essay  The spiritual life of the Hospitallers of Rhodes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 75-96

147Essay  The earliest documents on the Hospitaller "Corso" at Rhodes: 1413 and 1416
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 177-188

148Essay  The Hospitaller priory of Venice in 1331
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 101-115

149Essay  Gli Ospitalieri di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme dal continente alle isole
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 75-91

150Essay  The Hospitallers' western accounts, 1373/4 and 1374/5
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 1-21

151Essay  The Genoese at Rhodes: 1306-1312
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 737-761

152Essay  The Italian Hospitallers at Rhodes: 1437-1462
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 209-231

153Essay  Gli Ospedalieri e un progetto per la Sardegna: 1370-1374
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 503-508

154Essay  Rhodes: base militaire, colonie, métropole de 1306 à 1440
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 235-245

155Essay  The economy of the fourteenth-century Aragonese hospital
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 759-766

156Essay  The Greeks at Rhodes under Hospitaller rule: 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 193-223

157Essay  Art. Crusade
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Pt. 2 p. 112-114

158Essay  The Hospitaller priory of Catalunya in the fourteenth century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 1-10

159Essay  The Hospitaller province of "Alamania" to 1428
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 21-41

160Essay  The Hospitaller's medical tradition: 1291-1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 64-81

161Essay  The Hospitallers in Cyprus after 1386
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 1-20

162Essay  Suger and schism: the Hospitallers in Cyprus from 1378 to 1386
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 157-166

163Essay  Change and Conflict within the Hospitaller Province of Italy after 1291
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Mendicants, military orders and regionalism in medieval Europe p. 185-200

164Essay  The building of the castle of the Hospitallers at Bodrum
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1999) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitaller state on Rhodes p. 143-161

165Essay  English contributions to the Hospitaller Castle at Bodrum in Turkey: 1407-1437
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: The military orders. 2. Welfare and warfare p. 163-172

166Articles  Margarida d'Erill, Hospitalier of Alguaire: 1415-1456
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 28 (1998) p. 219-250

167Essay  The Hospitallers' earliest written records
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: Essays Bernard Hamilton p. 135-154

168Articles  Gli Ospedalieri Italiani: storia e storiografia
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: Studi melitensi vol. 6 (1998) p. 73-88

169Essay  La funzione di un ordine militare: gli ospedalieri a Rodi (1306-1421)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: I Cavalieri di San Giovanni e il Mediterraneo p. 9-22

170Essay  The Hospitallers and the Papacy, 1305-1314
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: FS Peter Herde (Reich) Pt. 2 p. 595-622

171Essay  The Latin East
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: The new Cambridge medieval history 7 p. 796-811

172Essay  The military orders: Some definitions
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1998) - In: Militia Sancti Sepulchri p. 77-88

173Essay  The Earliest Hospitallers
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1997) - In: FS Hans Eberhard Mayer p. 37-54

174Essay  Art. Ospedalieri
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1997) - In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale Pt. 8

175Essay  The Genoese at Rhodes: 1306-1312
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1997) - In: Studi Geo Pistarino Pt. 2 p. 737-761

176Articles  El final de la dominació catalana d'Atenes: la Companya navarresa i els Hospitales
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1997) - In: L'avenç. Història dels països catalans (1997) p. 30-34

177Essay  Gli Ospitalieri di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme dal continente alle isole
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: Acri 1291 p. 75-91

178Essay  The sugar industry and its importance for the economy of Cyprus during the Frankish period
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: The development of the Cypriot economy p. 163-173

179Articles  The Italian Hospitallers at Rhodes: 1437-1462
Fiorini, StanleyLuttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: Revue Mabillon Ser. NS, vol. 7 (1996) p. 209-233

180Articles  Plundering Ancient Treasures at Bodrum (Halicarnassus): A Commercial Letter written on Cyprus, January 1507
Arbel, BenjaminLuttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: Mediterranean historical review vol. 11 (1996) p. 79-86

181Essay  The Farliest Documents on the Hospitaller Corso at Rhodes: 1413 and 1416
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: Studies David Jacoby p. 177-188

182Essay  The earliest Templars
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1996) - In: Autour de la première croisade p. 193-202

183Essay  The military orders, 1312-1798
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1995) - In: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades p. 326-364

184Essay  The Hospitaller Province of Alamania to 1428
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1995) - In: Ritterorden und Region p. 21-41

185Essay  Rhodes: Base militaire, colonie, métropole de 1306-1440
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1995) - In: Coloniser au Moyen Âge p. 235-240

186Articles  The earliest documents on the Hospitaller corso at Rhodes: 1413 and 1416
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1995) - In: Mediterranean historical review vol. 10 (1995) p. 177-188

187Essay  The Hospitallers in Cyprus after 1386
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1995) - In: He Kypros kai hoi Staurophories = Cyprus and the Crusades p. 125-141

188Articles  The economy of the fourteenth-century Aragonese Hospital
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994 - 1995) - In: Estudis castellonencs vol. 6 (1994/95) p. 757-766

189Articles  L'effritement de l'Islam (1091-1282)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée vol. 71 (1994) p. 49-61

190Articles  El priorat de Catalunya el segle XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: L'avenç. Història dels països catalans vol. 179 (1994) p. 28-33

191Essay  The Hospitallers' medical tradition: 1291-1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: The Military Orders. Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick p. 64-81

192Essay  Gli ospedalieri e un progetto per la Sardegna: 1370-1374
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: Società, istituzioni, spiritualità Pt. 1 p. 503-508

193Essay  The Hospitaller Priory of Venice in 1331
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: Militia sacra p. 101-143

194Essay  The structure of the Aragonese Hospital, 1349-1352
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1994) - In: Actes de les Primeres Jornades sobre els Ordes Religiosos-Militars als Països Catalans p. 315-328

195Essay  Sugar and schism: the Hospitallers in Cyprus from 1378 to 1386
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1993) - In: "The Sweet Land of Cyprus" p. 157-166

196Essay  Hospitaller life in Aragon: 1319-1370
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 97-115

197Articles  Mdina hoard of Muslim coins: 1698
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 11 (1992) p. 19-26

198Essay  The fourteenth-century "Capitula Rodi"
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 204-211

199Articles  The Hospitallers of Rhodes between Tuscany and Jerusalem: 1310-1431
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Revue Mabillon Ser. NS, vol. 3 (1992) p. 117-138

200Essay  The Hospitallers of Rhodes confront the Turks: 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 80-116

201Essay  Notes on Foulques de Villaret, master of the Hospital
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 87-90

202Essay  Rhodes and Jerusalem: 1291-1411
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 189-207

203Essay  The Rhodian background of the Order of Saint John on Malta
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 3-14

204Essay  Templari e Ospitalieri in Italia
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 1-11

205Essay  Gli Ospitalieri e l'eredità dei Templari: 1305-1378
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 67-86

206Essay  Settlement on Rhodes, 1306-1366
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 273-281

207Articles  Derek W. Lomax. In memoriam
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 22 (1992) p. 912-921

208Essay  Lindos and the defence of Rhodes: 1306-1522
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 317-332

209Essay  The military and naval organization of the Hospitallers at Rhodes: 1310-1444
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 133-153

210Essay  Les exploitations rurales des hospitaliers en Italie au XIVe siècle
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 107-120

211Essay  Le schisme dans les prieurés de l'Hôpital en Catalunya et Aragon
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 107-113

212Essay  The Hospitallers in Cyprus: 1310-1378
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 155-184

213Essay  Las órdenes militares en la sociedad hispánica. Los Hospitalarios aragoneses: 1340-1360
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 591-596

214Essay  Juan Fernández de Heredia and education in Aragón: 1349-1369
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 327-344

215Essay  The Hospitallers of Rhodes at Treviso: 1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 755-775

216Essay  The Hospitallers around Narni and Terni: 1333-1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 5-22

217Essay  Appunti sulle compagnie navarresi in Grecia: 1376-1404
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Luttrell, The hospitallers of Rhodes and their Mediterranean world p. 113-127

218Essay  Emphyteutic grants in Rhodes town, 1347-1348
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1992) - In: Papers in European Legal History p. 1409-1416

219Essay  The Military and Naval Organization of the Hospitallers at Rhodes (1310-1444)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1991) - In: Das Kriegswesen der Ritterorden im Mittelalter p. 133-154

220Articles  The papal palace and other fourteenth-century buildings at Sorgues near Avignon
Blagg, Thomas F. C.Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1991) - In: Archaeologia or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity vol. 109 (1991) p. 161-192

221Articles  The roots of medieval Gozo
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1991) - In: Al-Masaq vol. 4 (1991) p. 51-57

222Articles  Faithful unto death: the tomb slab of Sir William Neville and Sir John Clanvowe, Constantinople, 1391
Düll, SiegridLuttrell, Anthony T.Keen, Maurice Hugh. (1991) - In: The antiquaries journal vol. 71 (1991) p. 174-190

223Essay  Englishwomen as pilgrims to Jerusalem: Isolda Parewastell, 1365
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1990) - In: Equally in God's Image. Women in the Middle Ages p. 184-197

224Essay  The Hospitallers' Western Accounts, 1373-1374 and 1374-1375
Luttrell, Anthony T. [Publ.]. (1990) - In: Camden miscellany 30 p. 1-22, 499-500

225Articles  The Latins and life in the smaller Aegean Islands, 1204-1453
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1989) - In: Mediterranean historical review vol. 4 (1989) p. 146-157

226Essay  Hospitaller life in Aragon: 1319-1370
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1989) - In: Essays J. R. L. Highfield p. 97-115

227Essay  Gli Ospitalieri e l'eredità dei Templari: 1305-1378
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1989) - In: I Templari. Mito e storia. Atti del Convegno p. 67-86

228Essay  The hospitallers of Rhodes at Trevìso: 1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1989) - In: Scritti Francesco Giunta p. 753ff.

229Essay  The Latins and life in the smaller Aegean Islands, 1204-1453
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1989) - In: Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204 p. 146-157

230Articles  English Levantine crusaders, 1363-1367
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1988) - In: Renaissance studies vol. 2 (1988) p. 143-153

231Articles  Juan Fernandez de Heredia and education in Aragon: 1349-1369
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 17 (1987) p. 237-244

232Essay  Art. Da Verona, Giberto
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Dizionario biografico degli italiani Pt. 33

233Articles  The hospitallers' accounts for 1373/4 and 1374/5: an Aragonese text
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Medievalia (Barcelona) vol. 7 (1987) p. 85-108

234Articles  Christian Slaves at Malta; 1271
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 9 (1987) p. 381-384

235Articles  Rhodes and Jerusalem: 1291-1411
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Byzantinische Forschungen vol. 12 (1987) p. 189-210

236Articles  Greeks Latins and Turks on Late-Medieval Rhodes
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Byzantinische Forschungen vol. 11 (1987) p. 357-374

237Essay  Art. Da Verona, Bonifacio
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1987) - In: Dizionario biografico degli italiani Pt. 33

238Essay  The Hospitallers at Rhodes and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1986) - In: The meeting of two worlds p. 161-165

239Articles  John V's daughters: a Palaiologan puzzle
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1986) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers vol. 40 (1986) p. 103-112

240Essay  Les exploitations rurales des Hospitaliers en Italie au XIVe siècle
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1986) - In: Les ordres militaires, la vie rurale et le peuplement en Europe occidentale p. 107-120

241Essay  Le Schisme dans les prieurés de L'Hôpital en Catalunya et Aragon
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1986) - In: Jornades sobre el cisma d'Occident a Catalunya 1 p. 107-113

242Articles  The Hospitallers around Narni and Terni: 1333-1373
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1985) - In: Bollettino per l'Umbria vol. 82 (1985) p. 5-22

243Articles  Lindos and the defence of Rhodes: 1306-1522
Luttrell, Anthony T.Falkenhausen, Vera von. (1985 - 1986) - In: Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici Ser. NS, vol. 22/23 (1985/86) p. 317-332

244Essay  Notes on Foulques de Villaret, Master of the Hospital, 1305-1319
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1985) - In: Des Hospitaliers de Saint Jean de Jérusalem de Chypre et de Rhodes p. 73-90

245Essay  Settlement on Rhodes, 1306-1366
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1985) - In: Crusade and settlement p. 273-281

246Essay  Malta e Gozo: 1268-1282
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1984) - In: La società mediterranea all'epoca del Vespro Pt. 3 p. 301-304

247Articles  Appunti sulle compagnia navarresi in Grecia: 1376-1404
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1983) - In: Rivista di studi bizantini e slavi vol. 3 (1983) p. 111-128

248Essay  Introduction
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 4 p. 1-6

249Essay  Corrigenda et addenda
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades p. 1-2

250Articles  The fourteenth-century Capitula Rodi
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Thesaurismata vol. 19 (1982) p. 204-211

251Essay  The crusade in the fourteenth century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 16 p. 122-154

252Essay  Venezia e il principato di Acacia: secolo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 10 p. 407-414

253Essay  Popes and crusades: 1362-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 14 p. 575-585

254Essay  The Hospitallers of Rhodes: prospectives, problems, possibilities
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 1 p. 243-266

255Essay  John Cantacuzenus and the Catalans at Constantinople: 1352-1354
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 9 p. 265-277

256Essay  La Corona de Aragón y la Grecia catalana: 1379-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 11 p. 219-252

257Essay  The hospitallers' historical activities: 1400-1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 2 p. 145-150

258Essay  Vonitza in Epirus and its lords: 1306-1377
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 7 p. 131-141

259Essay  Aldobrando Baroncelli in Greece: 1378-1382
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 12 p. 273-300

260Essay  Slavery at Rhodes: 1306-1440
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 6 p. 81-100

261Essay  The Hospitallers' interventions in Cilician Armenia: 1291-1375
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 5 p. 116-144

262Essay  Gregory XI and the Turks: 1370-1378
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 15 p. 391-417

263Articles  The Benedictines and Malta: 1363-1371.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 50 (1982) p. 146-165

264Essay  The Latins of Argos and Nacuplia: 1311-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 8 p. 34-55

265Essay  Guglielmo de Tocco, captain of Corfu: 1330-1331
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1982) - In: Luttrell, Latin Greece, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Pt. 13 p. 45-56

266Articles  Las Órdenes militares en la sociedad hispánica. Los hospitalarios aragoneses: 1340-1360
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1981) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 11 (1981) p. 591-596

267Essay  Late-medieval Galley Oarsmen
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1981) - In: Le genti del mare mediterraneo Pt. 1 p. 87-102

268Articles  The 'Cappella' of Birkirkara: 1402
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1981) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 8 (1981) p. 156-160

269Essay  Popes and crusades: 1362-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1980) - In: Genèse et débuts du Grand Schisme d'occident p. 575-585

270Articles  Gregory XI and the Turks: 1370-1378
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1980) - In: Orientalia christiana periodica vol. 46 (1980) p. 391-417

271Essay  The Hospitallers of Rhodos: Prospectives, problems, possibilities
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1980) - In: Die geistlichen Ritterorden Europas p. 243-266

272Essay  Malta e Gozo: 1222-1268
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1979) - In: Jaime I y su época 1-2 Pt. 2 p. 589-603

273Essay  The Hospitallers' Hospice of Santa Caterina at Venice: 1358-1451
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 9 p. 369-383

274Essay  Actividades económicas de los Hospitalarios de Rhodas en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante el siglo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 7 p. 175-183

275Essay  Los Hospitalarios en Aragón y la Peste Negra
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 14 p. 499-514

276Essay  Jean and Simon de Hesdin: Hospitallers, theologians, classicists
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 18 p. 137-140

277Essay  The Principality of Achaea in 1377
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 p. 340-345

278Essay  Two Templar-Hospitaller preceptories north of Tuscania
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 10 p. 90-124

279Essay  Fourteenth-century Hospitaller Lawyers
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 16 p. 449-456

280Essay  Coloccio Salutati's letter to Juan Fernández de Heredia
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 21 p. 235-243

281Essay  The sale of Gumerin on Malta: 1318
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Miscelanea Josep Maria Madurell i Marimon Pt. 2 p. 167-178

282Essay  Interessi fiorentini nell'economia e nella politica dei Cavalieri Ospedalieri di Rodi nel Trecento
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 8 p. 317-326

283Essay  Notes on the Chancery of the Hospitallers of Rhodes: 1314-1332
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 15 p. 408-420

284Articles  Les Hospitaliers autour de Gap: une enquête de 1330
Luttrell, Anthony T.Legras, Anne-Marie. (1978) - In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen Âge, temps modernes vol. 90 (1978) p. 627-642

285Essay  The Aragonese Crown and the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes: 1291-1350
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 11 p. 1-19

286Essay  Intrigue, schism, and violence among the Hospitallers of Rhodes: 1377-1384
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 23 p. 30-48

287Essay  The Hospitallers in Cyprus after 1291
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 2 p. 161-171

288Essay  Crete and Rhodes: 1340-1360
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 p. 167-175

289Essay  The Hospitallers' historical activities: 1291-1400
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 17 p. 1-10

290Essay  Corrigenda et addenda
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 p. 1-4

291Essay  Emmanuele Piloti and criticism of the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes: 1306-1444
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 14 p. 1-20

292Essay  Aragoneses y Catalanes en Rodas: 1350-1430
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 13 p. 383-390

293Essay  Venice and the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes in the fourteenth century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 5 p. 195-212

294Essay  La Corona de Aragón y las órdenes militares durante el siglo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 12 p. 67-77

295Essay  Feudal tenure and Latin colonization at Rhodes: 1306-1415
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 2 p. 755-775

296Articles  The sale of Gumerin on Malta: 1318
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Estudis històrics i documents dels arxius de protocols vol. 6 (1978) p. 167-178

297Essay  Juan Fernández de Heredia at Avignon: 1351-1367
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 19 p. 289-316

298Essay  The Hospitallers' interventions in Cilician Armenia: 1291-1375
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia p. 118-144

299Essay  The Servitudo Marina at Rhodes: 1306 - 1462
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 4 p. 50-56

300Essay  Greek histories translated and compiled for Juan Fernández de Heredia, Master of Rhodes: 1377-1396
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 10 p. 401-407

301Essay  The Hospitallers at Rhodes: 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1978) - In: Luttrell, The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West, 1291-1440 Pt. 1 p. 278-313

302Articles  Late-Medieval Mediterranean Empires: the Catalan Example
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1977) - In: Journal of the Faculty of Arts. Royal Malta University vol. 4 (1977) p. 109-115

303Articles  Guglielmo de Tocco, captain of Corfu: 1330-1331
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1977) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies vol. 3 (1977) p. 45-56

304Essay  The Earliest Documents Transcribed in the Cathedral Archives, Molina: 1316-1872
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1977) - In: Archives of the cathedral of Malta. Misc. 32A p. 29-51

305Articles  Girolamo Manduca and Gian Francesco Abela: Tradition and Invention in Maltese Historiography
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1977) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 7 (1977) p. 105-132

306Essay  Capranica before 1337: Petrarch as topographer
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1976) - In: Essays Paul Oskar Kristeller (1976) p. 9-21

307Articles  Slavery at Rhodes: 1306-1440
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1976 - 1977) - In: Bulletin de l'Institut historique Belge de Rome vol. 46/47 (1976/77) p. 81-100

308Articles  Frederick II and Paolino de Malta: 1235
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1976) - In: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken vol. 55/56 (1976) p. 405-409

309Articles  The administration of Gozo: 1335
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1976) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 7 (1976) p. 61-64

310Essay  The Hospitallers at Rhodes, 1306-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1975) - In: A History of the Crusades 3 p. 278-313

311Essay  Approaches to medieval Malta
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1975) - In: Medieval Malta. Studies on Malta before the Knights p. 1-70

312Articles  The Augustinians at Malta: 1413
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1975) - In: Analecta Augustiniana vol. 38 (1975) p. 295-302

313Articles  An Umbrian abbey: San Paolo di Valdiponte
Blagg, Thomas F. C.Blake, HugoLuttrell, Anthony T.. (1974) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 42 (1974) p. 98-178

314Articles  A Maltese Casale: 1436
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1974) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 6 (1974) p. 322-324

315Essay  Malta nel periodo normanno
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1973) - In: Atti del Congresso internazionale di studi sulla Sicilia normanna p. 467-476

316Articles  Late medieval Tuscania: the notarial registers
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1973) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 41 (1973) p. 178-179

317Articles  A Hospitaller in a Florentine fresco: 1366/8
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1972) - In: The Burlington magazine vol. 114 (1972) p. 362-366

318Essay  Juan Fernández de Heredia at Avignon: 1351-1367
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1972) - In: El Cardenal Albornoz y el Colegio de España 1 p. 287-316

319Articles  An Umbrian abbey: San Paolo di Valdiponte
Adams, I.Luttrell, Anthony T.Toker, Franklin K. B.. (1972) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 40 (1972) p. 146-195

320Articles  Two Templar-Hospitaller preceptories north of Tuscania
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1971) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 39 (1971) p. 90-124

321Articles  Coluccio Salutati's letter to Juan Fernández de Heredia
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: Italia medioevale e umanistica vol. 13 (1970) p. 235-243

322Essay  La Corona de Aragón y las órdenes militares durante el siglo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: VIII Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragón 2 Pt. 2 p. 67-77

323Articles  The House of Aragon and Malta: 1382-1421
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: Journal of the Faculty of Arts. Royal Malta University vol. 4 (1970) p. 156-168

324Articles  The Hospitallers' hospice of Santa Caterina at Venice 1358-1451
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: Studi veneziani vol. 12 (1970) p. 369-384

325Articles  Aldobrando Baroncelli in Greece: 1378-1382
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: Orientalia christiana periodica vol. 36 (1970) p. 273-300

326Articles  Feudal tenture and Latin colonization at Rhodes: 1306-1415
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: The English Historical Review vol. 85 (1970) p. 755-775

327Articles  Notes on the Chancery of the Hospitallers of Rhodes: 1314-1332
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1970) - In: Byzantion vol. 40 (1970) p. 408-420

328Articles  La Corona de Aragón y la Grecia catalana: 1379-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1969) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 6 (1969) p. 219-252

329Articles  Malta and Dubrovnik towards the year 1380
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1969) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 5 (1969) p. 158-164

330Articles  La casa de Catalunya-Aragó i Malta: 1282-1410
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1969) - In: Estudis d'història medieval vol. 1 (1969) p. 19-30

331Articles  The Decas loyca of Leonini de Padua
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1968) - In: Scriptorium vol. 22 (1968) p. 272-273

332Articles  Venezia e il principato di Acaia: secolo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1968) - In: Studi veneziani vol. 10 (1968) p. 407-414

333Articles  The Hospitallers' Historical Activities: 1530-1630
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1968) - In: Annales de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte vol. 26 (1968) p. 57-69

334Essay  John Cantacuzenus and the Catalans at Constantinople: 1352-1354
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1968) - In: Martinez Ferrando archivero, miscelanea de estudios p. 265-277

335Articles  The Hospitallers' Historical Activities: 1400-15
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1967) - In: Annales de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte vol. 25 (1967) p. 145-150

336Articles  Los Hospitalarios en Aragón y la peste negra
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1966) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 3 (1966) p. 499-514

337Articles  The Latins of Argos and Nauplia: 1311-1394
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1966) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 34 (1966) p. 34-55

338Articles  Intrigue, Schism and Violence among the Hospitallers of Rhodes 1377-1384
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1966) - In: Speculum vol. 41 (1966) p. 30-48

339Articles  Giovanni Contarini, a Venetian at Oxford: 1392-1399
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1966) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes vol. 29 (1966) p. 424-431

340Essay  Slavery and Slaving in the Portuguese Atlantic (to about 1500)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1965) - In: The Transatlantic Slave Trade from West Africa p. 61-79

341Articles  Fourteenth-Century Hospitaller Lawyers.
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1965) - In: Traditio vol. 21 (1965) p. 449-456

342Articles  Malta and the Aragonese Crown: 1282-1530
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1965) - In: Journal of the Faculty of Arts. Royal Malta University vol. 3 (1965) p. 1-9

343Essay  The Crusade in the Fourteenth Century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1965) - In: Europe in the late Middle Ages p. 122-154

344Articles  Jean and Simon de Hesdin: Hospitaliers, Theologians, Classicists
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1964) - In: Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale vol. 31 (1964) p. 137-140

345Articles  The Principality of Achaea in 1377
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1964) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift vol. 57 (1964) p. 340-345

346Articles  Federigo da Venezia's commentary on the apocalypse: 1393/94
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1964 - 1965) - In: The journal of the Walters Art Gallery vol. 27/28 (1964/65) p. 57-65

347Essay  Aragoneses y catalanes en Rodas: 1350-1430
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1964) - In: VII Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragón Pt. 2 p. 383-390

348Articles  The Aragonese Crown and the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes, 1291-1350
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1961) - In: The English Historical Review vol. 76 (1961) p. 1-19

349Articles  Venetians at Medieval Malta
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1960) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 3 (1960) p. 74-80

350Articles  Greek Histories Translated and Compiled for Juan Fernández de Heredia, Master of Rhodes, 1377-1396
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1960) - In: Speculum vol. 35 (1960) p. 401-407

351Articles  Interessi fiorentini nell'economia e nella politica dei Cavalieri Ospedalieri di Rodi nel trecento
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1959) - In: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia vol. 28 (1959) p. 317-326

352Essay  Actividades económicas de los Hospitalarios de Rodas en el Mediterráneo occidental durante el siglo XIV
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1959) - In: VI Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragón p. 175-183

353Articles  A Note on the Archives of the Order in Spain
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1958) - In: Melita historica Ser. NS, vol. 2 (1958) p. 182-185

354Articles  A Fourteenth Century List of the Barons of Achaea (1377?)
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1958) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift vol. 51 (1958) p. 355-356

355Articles  Venice and the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes in the Fourteenth Century
Luttrell, Anthony T.. (1958) - In: Papers of the British School at Rome vol. 26 (1958) p. 195ff.

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