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Publications »Manekin, Charles H.«

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RI opac: 43 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Interpreting Maimonides: critical essays
Manekin, Charles H.Davies, Daniel [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2019)

2Collection of Essays  Moritz Steinschneider: the Hebrew translations of the Middle Ages and the Jews as transmitters
Manekin, Charles H.Langermann, Yitzhak TzviBiesterfeldt, Hans-Hinrich [Publ.]. - Dordrecht [u.a.] (2013)

3Collection of Essays  Philosophers and the Jewish Bible
Manekin, Charles H. [Publ.]. - Bethesda (2008)

4Monographie  The logic of Gersonides
Levi ben Gershon. Manekin, Charles H. [Publ.]. - Dordrecht [u.a.] (1992)

5Essay  Broadening the Audience for Philosophy among Medieval Jews
Manekin, Charles H.. (2022) - In: The popularization of philosophy in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity p. 61-74

6Essay  Maimonides on Joseph Ibn Jabir's Ultimate Happiness
Manekin, Charles H.. (2021) - In: Studies Steven Harvey p. 159-176

7Articles  Porphyry's First Definition of Difference in the Hebrew Logical Tradition
Manekin, Charles H.. (2021) - In: Studia graeco-arabica vol. 11, 2 (2021) p. 107-124

8Essay  "Composition, Not Commentary": Gersonides' Commentary on the Isagoge of Porphyry and Its Afterlife
Manekin, Charles H.. (2020) - In: Gersonides' afterlife. Studies on the reception p. 3-46

9Essay  Logic, Linguistic Custom, and the Quantification of the Predicate in Gersonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (2020) - In: Origin and nature of language and logic p. 387-407

10Essay  Introduction
Manekin, Charles H.Davies, Daniel. (2019) - In: Interpreting Maimonides. Critical essays p. 1-5

11Essay  The Scope of Metaphysics
Davies, DanielManekin, Charles H.. (2019) - In: Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in translation p. 83-101

12Essay  Maimonides on the Divine Authorship of the Law
Manekin, Charles H.. (2019) - In: Interpreting Maimonides. Critical essays p. 133-151

13Essay  The Philosophical Epistle as a Genre of Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Manekin, Charles H.. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 264-287

14Essay  Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism: The Case of Maimonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (2018) - In: Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought p. 86-106

15Essay  The Genesis of 'Die Hebraeischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters'
Manekin, Charles H.. (2012) - In: Studies on Steinschneider p. 489-530

16Essay  Medieval Jewish Philosophy in Arabic
Manekin, Charles H.. (2012) - In: The Oxford handbook of medieval philosophy p. 130-147

17Essay  The Ambiguous Impact of Christian Scholasticism on Jewish Philosophy in the Late Middle Ages
Manekin, Charles H.. (2012) - In: Universalità della ragione. Pluralità delle filosofie nel Medioevo Pt. 1 p. 215-230

18Essay  Maimonides and the Arabic Aristotelian Tradition of Epistemology
Manekin, Charles H.. (2012) - In: Beyond religious borders. Interaction and intellectual exchange p. 78-95

19Essay  Logic in Medieval Jewish Culture
Manekin, Charles H.. (2011) - In: Science in medieval Jewish cultures p. 113-135

20Essay  Logic, Jewish
Manekin, Charles H.. (2011) - In: Encyclopedia of medieval philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500 p. 697-702

21Essay  Moses Maimonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (2009) - In: The history of western philosophy of religion Pt. 2 p. 137-150

22Articles  Divine will in Maimonides' later writings.
Manekin, Charles H.. (2008) - In: Maimonidean studies vol. 5 (2008) p. 189-221

23Essay  Ambiguities of scriptural exegesis: Joseph Ibn Kaspi on God's foreknowledge
Manekin, Charles H.. (2008) - In: Philosophers and the Jewish Bible p. 79-111

24Essay  Possible Sources of Maimonides' Theological Conservatism and His Later Writings
Manekin, Charles H.. (2007) - In: Maimonides after 800 years. Essays on Maimonides and his influence p. 207-230

25Essay  The Curious Segullat melakhim by Abraham Avigdor
Harvey, StevenManekin, Charles H.. (2006) - In: Hommage Colette Sirat p. 215-252

26Essay  Conservative tendencies in Gersonides' religious philosophy
Manekin, Charles H.. (2003) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy p. 304-342

27Articles  Maimonides on Divine Knowledge - Moses of Narbonne's Averroist Reading
Manekin, Charles H.. (2002) - In: American catholic philosophical quarterly vol. 76 (2002) p. 51-74

28Essay  The logic of the Hebrew encyclopedias
Manekin, Charles H.. (2000) - In: The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy p. 277-299

29Articles  Steinschneider's Die hebraeischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters. From Reference Work to Digitalized Database
Manekin, Charles H.. (2000) - In: Jewish studies quarterly vol. 7 (2000) p. 141-159

30Articles  Scholastic logic and the Jews
Manekin, Charles H.. (1999) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale vol. 41 (1999) p. 123-147

31Essay  On the limited-omniscience interpretation of Gersonides' theory of divine knowledge
Manekin, Charles H.. (1998) - In: Perspectives on Jewish thought and mysticism p. 135-170

32Essay  Hebrew philosophy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: an overview
Manekin, Charles H.. (1997) - In: History of Jewish philosophy p. 350-378

33Articles  When the Jews learned logic from the Pope: three medieval Hebrew translations of the "Tractatus" of Peter of Spain
Manekin, Charles H.. (1997) - In: Science in context vol. 10 (1997) p. 395-430

34Essay  Medieval translations: Latin and Hebrew
Manekin, Charles H.. (1996) - In: Medieval Latin. An introduction and bibliographical guide p. 713-717

35Articles  Some aspects of the assertoric syllogism in medieval hebrew logic
Manekin, Charles H.. (1996) - In: History and philosophy of logic vol. 17 (1996) p. 49-71

36Essay  Aspects of human ranking in Halevy and Maimonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (1995) - In: Les philosophies morales et politiques au Moyen Âge Pt. 3 p. 1686-1697

37Essay  Hasdai Crescas (circa 1340-1412?)
Manekin, Charles H.. (1992) - In: Medieval Philosophers (DLB) p. 137-142

38Essay  Logic, science, and philosophy in Gersonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (1992) - In: Studies on Gersonides p. 285-303

39Essay  Logic and its applications in the philosophy of Gersonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (1991) - In: Gersonide et son temps. Science et philosophie médiévales p. 133-149

40Essay  Logic and science in Gersonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (1990) - In: Knowledge and the sciences in medieval philosophy Pt. 2 p. 565-573

41Articles  Belief, certainty and divine attributes in the Guide of the Perplexed
Manekin, Charles H.. (1990) - In: Maimonidean studies vol. 1 (1990) p. 117-141

42Essay  Problems of "plenitude" in Maimonides and Gersonides
Manekin, Charles H.. (1988) - In: Essays Arthur Hyman (1988) p. 183-194

43Articles  Preliminary observations on Gersonides' logical writings
Manekin, Charles H.. (1985) - In: American Academy for Jewish Research. Proceedings vol. 52 (1985) p. 85-113

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