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Publications »Muessig, Carolyn A.«

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RI opac: 41 Entries

1Monographie  The stigmata in medieval and early modern Europe
Muessig, Carolyn A.. - Oxford [u.a.] (2020)

2Collection of Essays  A Companion to Catherine of Siena
Ferzoco, George P.Muessig, Carolyn A.Kienzle, Beverly Mayne [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2012)

3Monographie  Expostiones euangeliorum Sanctae Hildegardis / Hildegardis Bingensis Opera Minora
Hildegardis <Bingensis>. Kienzle, Beverly MayneMuessig, Carolyn A. [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2007)

4Collection of Essays  Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.Putter, Ad [Publ.]. - London [u.a.] (2006)

5Collection of Essays  Preacher, sermon and audience in the Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A. [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2002)

6Collection of Essays  Medieval monastic education
Ferzoco, George P.Muessig, Carolyn A. [Publ.]. - London [u.a.] (2000)

7Monographie  The Faces of Women in the Sermons of Jacques de Vitry: Commentary, Editions and Translations
Muessig, Carolyn A.. - Toronto (1999)

8Collection of Essays  Medieval monastic preaching
Muessig, Carolyn A. [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (1998)

9Monographie  The "Sermones Feriales" of Jacques de Vitry: A critical edition
Muessig, Carolyn A.. - [Université de Montréal (Canada)] (1993)

10Essay  The New World of Dominican Observant Preaching: The Sermons of Tommasina Fieschi (c. 1448-1534)
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2020) - In: Preaching and new worlds. Sermons as mirrors of realms near and far p. 120-134

11Essay  "Can't take my eyes off of you": Mutual Gazing Between the Divine and Humanity in Late Medieval Preaching
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2018) - In: Optics, ethics, and art in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries p. 17-28

12Essay  Medieval Reportationes: hearing and listening to sermons through the ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2018) - In: L'éloquence de la chaire entre écriture et oralité, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles p. 77-90

13Essay  The Pedagogical Ideals of Late Medieval Observant Dominican and Franciscan Nuns
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2015) - In: Theologie und Bildung im Mittelalter p. 129-150

14Essay  Bernardino da Siena and Observant Preaching as a Vehicle for Religious Transformation
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2015) - In: A companion to observant reform in the late middle ages and beyond p. 185-203

15Essay  Images and Themes Related to Augustine in Late Medieval Sermons
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2013) - In: Augustine beyond the book. Intermediality, transmediality, and reception p. 131-146

16Articles  Signs of Salvation: The Evolution of Stigmatic Spirituality Before Francis of Assisi
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2013) - In: Church history vol. 82 (2013) p. 40-68

17Essay  L'evoluzione della spiritualità delle stimmate prima di San Francesco d'Assisi
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2013) - In: Discorsi sulle stimmate dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea p. 21-42

18Articles  El sermón de Roberto Caracciolo sobre el milagro de los estigmas de Francisco de Asís
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2012) - In: Anuario de estudios medievales vol. 42 (2012) p. 77-93

19Essay  The Stigmatic Debate in Theology and Art in the Late Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2012) - In: The authority of the word p. 481-504

20Essay  Catherine of Siena in Late Medieval Sermons
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2012) - In: A Companion to Catherine of Siena p. 203-226

21Essay  Introduction
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2012) - In: A Companion to Catherine of Siena p. 1-22

22Essay  Jacques de Vitry
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2010) - In: Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage

23Essay  Communities of Discourse: Religious Authority and the Role of Holy Women in the Later Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2009) - In: Women and experience in later medieval writing. Reading the book of life p. 65-82

24Essay  The Vernacularization of Late Medieval Sermons: Some French and Italian Examples
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2009) - In: Medieval multilingualism. The francophone world and its neighbours p. 267-284

25Articles  Preaching the beatitudes in the late Middle Ages: some mendicant examples
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2009) - In: Studies in Christian ethics vol. 22 (2009) p. 136-150

26Essay  Performance of the Passion: the enactment of devotion in the later Middle Age
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2008) - In: Visualizing medieval performance perspectives, histories, contexts p. 129-142

27Essay  Envisaging heaven: an introduction
Muessig, Carolyn A.Putter, Ad. (2006) - In: Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages p. 3-12

28Essay  Heaven, earth and the angels: preaching paradise in the sermons of Jacques de Vitry
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2006) - In: Envisaging Heaven in the Middle Ages p. 57-72

29Articles  The Sermones feriales et communes of Jacques de Vitry: a critical edition of sermons 10 and 11 on animals
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2003) - In: Medieval sermon studies vol. 47 (2003) p. 33-49

30Essay  Audience and preacher: "ad status" sermons and social classification
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2002) - In: Preacher, sermon and audience in the Middle Ages p. 255-276

31Articles  Sermon, preacher and society in the Middle Ages
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2002) - In: Journal of Medieval History vol. 28 (2002) p. 73-91

32Essay  Preacher, sermon and audience in the Middle Ages: an introduction
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2002) - In: Preacher, sermon and audience in the Middle Ages p. 3-9

33Essay  Learning and mentoring in the twelfth century: Hildegard of Bingen and Herrard of Landsberg
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2000) - In: Medieval monastic education p. 87-104

34Essay  Art. Jacques de Vitry (Jacobus Vitriaco) (c. 1165-1240)
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages p. 298-299

35Essay  Bibliography
Ferzoco, George P.Muessig, Carolyn A.. (2000) - In: The sermon (Typologie) p. 19-142

36Essay  Audience and sources in Jacques de Vitry's Sermones feriales et communes
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1998) - In: Medieval sermons and society p. 183-202

37Essay  Prophecy and Song: teaching and preaching by medieval women
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1998) - In: Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity p. 146-158

38Essay  What is medieval monastic preaching? An introduction
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1998) - In: Medieval monastic preaching p. 3-16

39Essay  Les sermons de Jacques de Vitry sur les Cathares
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1997) - In: La Prédication en Pays d'Oc p. 69-83

40Essay  Paradigms of sanctity for thirteenth-century women
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1996) - In: Models of holiness in medieval sermons p. 85-102

41Essay  Jacques de Vitry's Sermones feriales et communes: text and context
Muessig, Carolyn A.. (1993) - In: De l'homélie au sermon p. 61-82

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